
14-letter words containing e, a, t, u

  • have bought it — to be killed
  • haven't a clue — If you haven't a clue about something, you do not know anything about it or you have no idea what to do about it.
  • health tourism — tourist travel for the purpose of receiving medical treatment or improving health or fitness: The spiraling cost of healthcare has contributed to the growth of medical tourism. Also called health tourism.
  • heart and soul — Anatomy. a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers: a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via the superior and inferior vena cavae, a right ventricle that pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation, a left atrium that receives the oxygenated blood via the pulmonary veins and passes it through the mitral valve, and a left ventricle that pumps the oxygenated blood, via the aorta, throughout the body.
  • heat conductor — a material or device that conducts heat
  • heat of fusion — the heat absorbed by a unit mass of a given solid at its melting point that completely converts the solid to a liquid at the same temperature: equal to the heat of solidification.
  • heavy industry — bulk materials manufacturing
  • hemagglutinate — to cause the clumping of red blood cells in
  • hemimetabolous — incomplete metamorphosis.
  • hepatocellular — pertaining to or affecting liver cells.
  • hermaphroditus — a son of Hermes and Aphrodite who merged with the nymph Salmacis to form one body
  • heterosexually — In a heterosexual way.
  • heterosomatous — (of fish) having an abnormal or asymmetrical body type
  • hippopotamuses — Plural form of hippopotamus.
  • holometabolous — undergoing complete metamorphosis.
  • horse vaulting — gymnastics performed on horseback
  • hospital nurse — a hospital nurse works in a hospital, rather than with a general practitioner, in the army, etc
  • household arts — activities such as sewing, cooking, etc, that are conducted in the running of a household
  • housing estate — housing development.
  • housing market — property trade
  • human interest — a quality of a story or report, as in a newspaper or on a newscast, that engages attention and sympathy by enabling one to identify readily with the people, problems, and situations described.
  • humane society — (often initial capital letter) an organization devoted to promoting humane ideals, especially with reference to the treatment of animals.
  • humane studies — educational subjects or courses, or texts, that are, or were historically, considered to have a civilizing influence on those who read or studied them
  • hunter's sauce — chasseur (def 4).
  • hunting season — annual period when hunting is permitted
  • hydropneumatic — relating to both liquid and gas substances
  • hyperacuteness — the state of being extremely acute or aware
  • hypersexuality — unusually or excessively active in or concerned with sexual matters.
  • hyperstimulate — to stimulate excessively
  • hypotrachelium — (on a classical column) any member, as a necking, between the capital and the shaft.
  • ice-cream suit — a man's lightweight summer suit of white or a finely striped or solid pastel color.
  • ichthyocentaur — a sea creature with a human head and torso, the legs of a horse, and the tail of a fish.
  • idolatrousness — The quality of being idolatrous.
  • illustratively — In an illustrative manner.
  • immaculateness — The characteristic of being immaculate; spotlessness.
  • immelmann turn — a maneuver in which an airplane makes a half loop, then resumes its normal, level position by making a half roll: used to gain altitude while turning to fly in the opposite direction.
  • immunoreaction — Immune reaction.
  • immunoreactive — Of, pertaining to, or causing an immune reaction.
  • imperturbation — freedom from perturbation; tranquillity; calmness.
  • in countenance — calm; composed
  • in league with — along with, plotting with
  • inaccurateness — The quality of being inaccurate.
  • inadequateness — Inadequacy.
  • inarticulately — lacking the ability to express oneself, especially in clear and effective speech: an inarticulate public speaker.
  • inauthenticity — not authentic: inauthentic Indian jewelry mass-produced in a factory.
  • incautiousness — The quality of being incautious.
  • income account — an account maintained for a particular item of revenue or income.
  • incommensurate — not commensurate; disproportionate; inadequate: Our income is incommensurate to our wants.
  • inconsequentia — Trivia; items or facts of little or no importance.
  • indestructable — Misspelling of indestructible.
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