
14-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • flat back four — a set of four fullbacks in line formation
  • flowering crab — any of several species and varieties of crab apple trees with small fruits and abundant spring flowers ranging from white to reddish purple
  • fluoboric acid — a clear, colorless liquid, HBF 4 , that ionizes abundantly in solution, used chiefly in the synthesis of fluoborates.
  • force of habit — behavior occurring without thought and by virtue of constant repetition; habit.
  • freeboard deck — (on a cargo vessel) the uppermost deck officially considered to be watertight: used as the level from which the Plimsoll marks are measured.
  • frequency band — band2 (def 9).
  • gabriel marcel — Gabriel [ga-bree-el] /ga briˈɛl/ (Show IPA), 1887–1973, French philosopher, dramatist, and critic.
  • garbologically — From the perspective of garbology.
  • gastric bypass — a surgical procedure by which all or part of the stomach is circumvented by anastomosis to the small intestine, performed to overcome obstruction or in the treatment of morbid obesity.
  • general public — people in general
  • global product — a commercial product that is marketed throughout the world under the same brand name
  • goose barnacle — any marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia, usually having a calcareous shell, being either stalked (goose barnacle) and attaching itself to ship bottoms and floating timber, or stalkless (rock barnacle or acorn barnacle) and attaching itself to rocks, especially in the intertidal zone.
  • hamilcar barca — c270–228 b.c, Carthaginian general and statesman (father of Hannibal).
  • hebrew-aramaic — a mixture of Hebrew and Jewish Aramaic
  • herbaceousness — The state or quality of being herbaceous.
  • hornyhead chub — a small N American fish, Nocomis biguttatus
  • hors de combat — disabled or injured
  • horseshoe back — a bow back having a slight outward splay at its bottom.
  • horseshoe crab — a large marine arthropod, Limulus polyphemus, of shallow coastal waters of eastern North America and eastern Asia, having both compound and simple eyes, book gills, a stiff tail, and a brown carapace curved like a horseshoe: a living fossil related to the woodlouse.
  • hyperbarically — in a hyperbaric manner
  • hyperbatically — in a hyperbatic manner
  • hyperbolically — having the nature of hyperbole; exaggerated.
  • hyperexcitable — an excessive reaction to stimuli.
  • hypermetabolic — of, relating to, or affected by metabolism.
  • imparisyllabic — (of a noun) not composed of the same number of syllables in all of its inflected forms, as Latin corpus, corporis.
  • imperial beach — a city in SW California, near San Diego.
  • inapproachable — not approachable.
  • incense bearer — a person who carries the censer at religious ceremonies
  • income bracket — a group or category of people whose income falls within defined upper and lower levels
  • inconsiderable — small, as in value, amount, or size.
  • inconsiderably — To an inconsiderable degree.
  • incontrollable — uncontrollable.
  • indecipherable — not decipherable; illegible.
  • indecipherably — not decipherable; illegible.
  • indestructable — Misspelling of indestructible.
  • indirect labor — labor performed, as by maintenance and clerical workers, that is not considered in computing costs per unit of production.
  • indiscoverable — not discoverable.
  • inscrutability — incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable.
  • interblock gap — the area or space separating consecutive blocks of data or consecutive physical records on an external storage medium.
  • interchangable — Misspelling of interchangeable.
  • intractability — not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable; stubborn; obstinate: an intractable disposition.
  • irreconcilable — incapable of being brought into harmony or adjustment; incompatible: irreconcilable differences.
  • irreconcilably — incapable of being brought into harmony or adjustment; incompatible: irreconcilable differences.
  • irreproachable — free from blame; not able to be reproached or censured.
  • irreproachably — In an irreproachable manner; blamelessly.
  • irresuscitable — incapable of being resuscitated
  • irresuscitably — in an irresuscitable manner
  • irrevocability — not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable: an irrevocable decree.
  • jacob's ladder — any of various plants belonging to the genus Polemonium, of the phlox family, especially P. caeruleum (or P. van-bruntiae), having blue, cup-shaped flowers and paired leaflets in a ladderlike arrangement.
  • java black rot — a disease of stored sweet potatoes, characterized by dry rot of and black protuberances on the tubers, caused by a fungus, Diplodia tubericola.
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