
14-letter words containing c, b, r, a

  • rictal bristle — a bristlelike feather growing from the base of a bird's bill.
  • rob the cradle — a small bed for an infant, usually on rockers.
  • robusta coffee — a coffee tree, Coffea canephora, native to western tropical Africa and cultivated in warm regions of the Old World.
  • rolled tobacco — loose tobacco that is rolled into cigarettes
  • sabermetrician — (used with a singular verb) the computerized measurement of baseball statistics.
  • sacrifice bunt — a bunt made by the batter so that a base runner is advanced while the batter is put out
  • sakha republic — an administrative division in E Russia, in NE Siberia on the Arctic Ocean: the coldest inhabited region of the world; it has rich mineral resources. Capital: Yakutsk. Pop: 948 100 (2002). Area: 3 103 200 sq km (1 197 760 sq miles)
  • salary bracket — a given range or bracket of salaries within which the amount of pay earned by someone falls
  • sandwich board — two connected posters or signboards that hang in front of and behind a person and usually bear some advertisement, notice, exhortation, or the like.
  • scatterbrained — a person incapable of serious, connected thought.
  • scheme library — (library)   (SLIB) A portable Scheme library providing compatibiliy and utility functions for all standard Scheme implementations. Version 2c5 supports Bigloo, Chez, ELK, GAMBIT, MacScheme, MITScheme, PocketScheme, RScheme, Scheme->C, Scheme48, SCM, SCSH, T3.1, UMB-Scheme, and VSCM.
  • school library — a library within a school where teachers and students have access to books and other resources
  • scrambled eggs — scrambled eggs are eggs that are mixed together and then cooked in butter.
  • scratchbuilder — a person who scratchbuilds
  • screen blanker — screen saver
  • scribbling pad — a notebook or sketchbook
  • second chamber — the parliament of the Netherlands, consisting of an upper chamber (First Chamber) and a lower chamber (Second Chamber)
  • secondary beam — a beam of particles of one kind selected from the group of particles produced when a beam of particles from an accelerator (primary beam) strikes a target.
  • secretary bird — a large, long-legged, raptorial bird, Sagittarius serpentarius, of Africa, that feeds on reptiles.
  • serbo-croatian — a Slavic language spoken in Serbia and Croatia, usually written with Cyrillic letters in Serbia but with Roman letters in Croatia.
  • serviceability — capable of or being of service; useful.
  • sheepback rock — roche moutonnée.
  • sheva brachoth — the seven blessings said during the marriage service and repeated at the celebration thereafter
  • shock absorber — a device for damping sudden and rapid motion, as the recoil of a spring-mounted object from shock.
  • simaroubaceous — belonging to the Simaroubaceae, the quassia family of plants.
  • slave bracelet — a braceletlike, ornamental circlet or chain worn around the ankle.
  • sobriety coach — a person who is employed to help another to refrain from drinking alcohol
  • social climber — a person who attempts to gain admission into a group with a higher social standing.
  • spanish arabic — the Arabic language as used in Spain during the period of Moorish domination and influence, c900–1500. Abbreviation: SpAr.
  • special branch — The Special Branch is the department of the British police that is concerned with political security and deals with things such as terrorism and visits by foreign leaders.
  • spitting cobra — any cobra or cobralike snake, especially the ringhals, that sprays venom at the eyes of approaching animals.
  • spring balance — a device in which an object to be weighed is attached to the end of a helical spring, the extension of which indicates the weight of the object on a calibrated scale
  • square bracket — bracket (def 3).
  • starch blocker — a substance ingested in the belief that it inhibits the body's ability to metabolize starch and thereby promotes weight loss: declared illegal in the U.S. by the FDA.
  • starting block — a device used by runners, especially sprinters, for increasing their speed off the mark, consisting of a metal or wooden frame, usually secured to the ground at both ends, with adjustable, triangular-shaped blocks on each side for bracing the feet.
  • stockbrokerage — a stockbroker's work or business
  • streptobacilli — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
  • stretchability — to draw out or extend (oneself, a body, limbs, wings, etc.) to the full length or extent (often followed by out): to stretch oneself out on the ground.
  • stumble across — to strike the foot against something, as in walking or running, so as to stagger or fall; trip.
  • subarborescent — below or under trees
  • subatmospheric — (of a quantity) having a value lower than that of the atmosphere: subatmospheric temperatures.
  • subcontracting — outsourcing of contract work
  • subcontrariety — the quality or state of being subcontrary
  • subgenerically — in a subgeneric manner; in a way relating to a subgenus
  • subject matter — the substance of a discussion, book, writing, etc., as distinguished from its form or style.
  • submetacentric — referring to chromosomes which have one long arm and one short arm
  • subsecretariat — an administrative department that assists and is subordinate to a secretariat.
  • subtherapeutic — indicating a dosage, as of a drug or vitamin, less than the amount required for a therapeutic effect.
  • superabundance — exceedingly or excessively abundant; more than sufficient; excessive.
  • tall buttercup — a Eurasian buttercup, Ranunculus acris, naturalized in North American fields and meadows, having a tall stem and shiny yellow flowers.
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