
11-letter words containing a, t, r, o

  • steam organ — calliope (def 1).
  • steam radio — radio, seen as old-fashioned in comparison with television
  • steamroller — a heavy steam-powered vehicle having a roller for crushing, compacting, or leveling materials used for a road or the like.
  • stearoptene — the oxygenated solid part of an essential oil (opposed to eleoptene).
  • steatorrhea — the presence of excess fat in the stools, usually caused by disease of the pancreas or intestine, and characterized by chronic diarrhea and weight loss.
  • steganogram — a coded message
  • stegosaurus — any of a suborder (Stegosauria) of large ornithischian dinosaurs of the Upper Jurassic having a small head and heavy bony plates with sharp spikes down the backbone
  • stellarator — an experimental plasma-physics device in which magnetic fields confine the plasma within a tube shaped like a figure eight.
  • stenocardia — angina pectoris, a contraction of the heart or its vessels due to a lack of oxygen, causing severe chest pain
  • stenography — the art of writing in shorthand.
  • stereobatic — relating to or resembling a stereobate
  • stereocilia — any of the long, flexible microvilli that superficially resemble cilia and occur as a brush border or series of tufts on the surface of various epithelial tissues.
  • stereograph — a single or double picture for a stereoscope.
  • stereoimage — the single three-dimensional image perceived in the brain by the coordination of the two slightly different views seen by the eyes.
  • stereotaxia — the electrical destruction of a small area of brain tissue, using stereotactic methods, to relieve disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinsonism
  • stereotaxic — of, relating to, or based on three-dimensional studies of the brain, especially as an adjunct to brain surgery.
  • stereotaxis — movement of an organism in response to contact with a solid.
  • sternutator — a chemical agent causing nose irritation, coughing, etc.
  • stock guard — a barrier for keeping cattle and other animals off the tracks or right of way.
  • stonewaller — to engage in stonewalling.
  • stony coral — a true coral consisting of numerous anthozoan polyps embedded in the calcareous material that they secrete.
  • stoop labor — the physical labor associated with the cultivation or picking of crops in farm fields, especially as performed by poorly paid, unskilled workers.
  • storability — capable of being stored for considerable time without loss of freshness or usability.
  • store brand — an item offered for sale under a store's own label.
  • storm drain — rainwater drainage hole or gutter
  • storm glass — a sealed tube containing a solution supposed to change in appearance according to the weather
  • storm track — the path followed by the center of a cyclonic storm.
  • storm watch — watch (def 20).
  • storm water — standing water produced after a heavy rainfall or snowfall
  • stormstayed — isolated or unable to travel because of adverse weather conditions, esp a snowstorm
  • stramineous — of or resembling straw.
  • strand wolf — brown hyena.
  • strandloper — a member of an extinct tribe of Khoikhoi or Bushmen who lived on seafood gathered on the beaches of southern Africa
  • stratocracy — government by the military.
  • stratopause — the boundary or transition layer between the stratosphere and mesosphere.
  • straw color — a pale yellow similar to the color of straw.
  • strawflower — any of several everlasting flowers, especially an Australian composite plant, Helichrysum bracteatum, having heads of chaffy yellow, orange, red, or white flowers.
  • stringboard — a board or facing covering the ends of the steps in a staircase.
  • stroke play — medal play.
  • stromateoid — resembling or related to the Stromateidae.
  • strombolian — relating to or denoting a type of volcanic eruption characterized by repeated fountaining or jetting of fluid lava into the air
  • strong gale — a wind of 47–54 miles per hour (21–24 m/sec).
  • strong meat — anything arousing fear, anger, repulsion, etc, except among a tolerant or receptive minority
  • stylography — the art of writing, tracing, drawing, etc., with a style.
  • subarration — an ancient way of marrying by giving a ring or gift
  • subcategory — a subordinate category or a division of a category.
  • subcontract — a contract by which one agrees to render services or to provide materials necessary for the performance of another contract.
  • subcontrary — one of two propositions that can both be true but cannot both be false.
  • subcortical — situated beneath the cortex.
  • subfraction — Mathematics. a number usually expressed in the form a/b. a ratio of algebraic quantities similarly expressed.
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