
11-letter words containing a, t, r, o

  • sonata form — a musical form comprising an exposition, in which the main theme or themes are stated, a development section, a recapitulation of the material in the exposition, and, usually, a coda.
  • sorbability — the ability of something to absorb
  • sore throat — a painful or sensitive condition of the throat exaggerated by swallowing or talking, usually caused by bacteria or viruses; laryngitis; pharyngitis; tonsillitis.
  • sorrel salt — potassium binoxalate.
  • sothic year — the fixed year of the ancient Egyptians, determined by the heliacal rising of Sirius, and equivalent to 365 days.
  • south korea — a country in E Asia: formed 1948 after the division of the former country of Korea at 38° N. 36,600 sq. mi. (94,795 sq. km). Capital: Seoul. Compare Korea.
  • southeaster — a wind or storm from the southeast.
  • southlander — a person from the south
  • southwardly — toward the south
  • sparrowfart — the very early morning
  • spatterdock — any of various water lilies of the genus Nuphar, having globular yellow flowers and growing in lakes or sluggish streams, especially N. advena, of the eastern U.S.
  • spatterwork — a method of decorating whereby ink or another fluid is spattered over a medium
  • spectrogram — a representation or photograph of a spectrum.
  • speculatory — a place suitable for observation
  • spermatoxic — (of a substance) toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spermatoxin — a substance toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spermatozoa — one of the minute, usually actively motile gametes in semen, which serve to fertilize the ovum; a mature male reproductive cell.
  • spheroplast — a Gram-negative bacterial cell with a cell wall that has been altered or is partly missing, resulting in a spherical shape.
  • spirochaete — any of various spiral-shaped motile bacteria of the family Spirochaetaceae, certain species, as Treponema, Leptospira, and Borrelia, being pathogenic to humans and other animals, and other species being free-living, saprophytic, or parasitic.
  • sporadicity — (of similar things or occurrences) appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional: sporadic renewals of enthusiasm.
  • sports hall — venue for physical activities
  • sports page — newspaper page carrying sports results
  • sportswoman — a woman who engages in sports.
  • sporulation — to produce spores.
  • sporulative — involving or relating to sporulation
  • spot market — a market in which commodities, as grain, gold, or crude oil, are dealt in for cash and immediate delivery (distinguished from futures market).
  • spotted ray — any of various species of ray with irregular markings on the back
  • square foot — a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one foot on each side; 0.0929 square meters. 2 , sq. ft. Abbreviation: ft.
  • square knot — a common knot in which the ends come out alongside of the standing parts.
  • square root — a quantity of which a given quantity is the square: The quantities +6 and −6 are square roots of 36 since (+6)×(+6)=36 and (−6)×(−6)=36.
  • square-toed — with the toes squared off
  • square-toes — an old-fashioned or strait-laced person.
  • st.-leonard — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada: suburb of Montreal.
  • stable door — a door with an upper and lower leaf that may be opened separately
  • stactometer — stalagmometer.
  • stadiometer — an instrument that measures the length of curves, dashes, etc, by running a toothed wheel along them
  • stadtholder — stadholder.
  • stag's horn — the antlers of a stag used as a material for carved implements
  • stake horse — a horse that is regularly entered in stake races.
  • stakeholder — the holder of the stakes of a wager.
  • staktometer — an instrument for counting drops of liquid, consisting of a glass tube with a hollow bulb in it and one narrow end with a small opening
  • stallholder — A stallholder is a person who sells goods at a stall in a market.
  • start codon — a codon that starts the synthesis of a protein molecule.
  • stary oskol — a city in the SW Russian Federation in Europe, SW of Voronezh.
  • stasimorphy — structural modification by arrested development
  • statehooder — a person who supports or advocates the attainment of statehood for a territory, colony, or the like, especially for Puerto Rico.
  • stationer's — a shop which sells stationery
  • status zero — the condition of young people who are out of school but not in further education or training, permanently or regularly out of work, and dropping out of the mainstream of society
  • statutorily — of, relating to, or of the nature of a statute.
  • stauroscope — an optical instrument for studying the crystal structure of minerals under polarized light
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