
15-letter words containing a, t, f

  • fallout shelter — protective bunker
  • false buckthorn — a spiny shrub or small tree, Bumelia lanuginosa, of the sapodilla family, native to the southern U.S., having gummy, milky sap and white, bell-shaped flowers and yielding a hard, light-brown wood.
  • false decretals — the Pseudo-Isidorian documents.
  • false miterwort — foamflower.
  • false pretences — fraud, deception
  • false pretenses — If you do something under false pretenses, you do it when people do not know the truth about you and your intentions.
  • familiar spirit — a supernatural spirit often assuming animal form, supposed to attend and aid a witch, wizard, etc
  • familiarisation — Alternative spelling of familiarization.
  • familiarization — to make (onself or another) well-acquainted or conversant with something.
  • family practice — medical specialization in general practice, requiring training beyond that of general practice and leading to board certification.
  • family skeleton — a closely guarded family secret
  • fantasmagorical — Alternative form of phantasmagorical.
  • fantasticalness — The state or condition of being fantastical.
  • farm gate price — the price for the sale of farm produce direct from the producer
  • farmers' market — a market or group of stalls and booths where farmers and sometimes other vendors sell their products directly to consumers.
  • fast-food chain — a chain of restaurants serving fast food
  • fatal exception — (programming, operating system)   A program execution error which is trapped by the operating system and which results in abrupt termination of the program. It may be possible for the program to catch some such errors, e.g. a floating point underflow; others, such as an invalid memory access (an attempt to write to read-only memory or an attempt to read memory outside of the program's address space), may always cause control to pass to the operating system without allowing the program an opportunity to handle the error. The details depend on the language's run-time system and the operating system. See also: fatal error.
  • fault tolerance — (architecture)   1. The ability of a system or component to continue normal operation despite the presence of hardware or software faults. This often involves some degree of redundancy. 2. The number of faults a system or component can withstand before normal operation is impaired.
  • fauntleroy suit — a formal outfit for a boy composed of a hip-length jacket and knee-length pants, often in black velvet, and a wide, lacy collar and cuffs, usually worn with a broad sash at the waist and sometimes a large, loose bow at the neck, popular in the late 19th century.
  • feast of lights — Hanukkah.
  • feast or famine — characterized by alternating, extremely high and low degrees of prosperity, success, volume of business, etc.: artists who lead a feast-or-famine life.
  • feast-or-famine — characterized by alternating, extremely high and low degrees of prosperity, success, volume of business, etc.: artists who lead a feast-or-famine life.
  • feather banding — decorative banding of veneer or inlay having the grain laid diagonally to the grain of the principal surface.
  • featherstitched — Simple past tense and past participle of featherstitch.
  • feature article — a feature article in a newspaper or magazine deals in depth with a topic or person
  • feel one's oats — a cereal grass, Avena sativa, cultivated for its edible seed.
  • feelgood factor — When journalists refer to the feelgood factor, they mean that people are feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future.
  • fellow creature — a kindred creature, especially a fellow human being.
  • fellow traveler — a person who supports or sympathizes with a political party, especially the Communist Party, but is not an enrolled member.
  • ferranti f100-l — (processor)   A processor, with 16-bit addressing, registers and data paths and a 1-bit serial ALU. The F100-L could only access 32K of memory (one address bit was used for indirection). It was designed by a British company for the British Military. The unique feature of the F100-L was that it had a complete control bus available for a coprocessor. Any instruction the F100-L couldn't decode was sent directly to the coprocessor for processing. Applications for coprocessors at the time were limited, but the design is still used in modern processors, such as the National Semiconductor 32000 series. The disk operating system was written by Alec Cawley.
  • ferroelasticity — (physics) A phenomenon, analogous to ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity, in which spontaneous strain arises within a material.
  • ferrous sulfate — a bluish-green, crystalline, saline-tasting, water-soluble heptahydrated solid, FeSO 4 ⋅7H 2 O, used chiefly in the manufacture of other iron salts, in water purification, fertilizer, inks, pigments, tanning, photography, and in medicine in the treatment of anemia.
  • fetal diagnosis — prenatal determination of genetic or chemical abnormalities in a fetus, esp by amniocentesis
  • fetch and carry — to go and bring back; return with; get: to go up a hill to fetch a pail of water.
  • fetishistically — in a fetishistic manner
  • fibrocartilages — Plural form of fibrocartilage.
  • field artillery — artillery mobile enough to accompany troops in the field.
  • fiesta de toros — a bullfight; corrida.
  • fifth amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, providing chiefly that no person be required to testify against himself or herself in a criminal case and that no person be subjected to a second trial for an offense for which he or she has been duly tried previously.
  • fight city hall — to take up the apparently futile fight against petty or impersonal bureaucratic authority
  • fighter command — a former unit of the Royal Air Force dedicated to the use of fighter aircraft, esp against enemy bombers and their escorts during WWII
  • fighting chance — a possibility of success following a struggle.
  • figurate number — a number having the property that the same number of equally spaced dots can be arranged in the shape of a regular geometrical figure.
  • file management — the work of organizing and arranging files in a computer
  • filling station — service station (def 1).
  • fillister plane — an adjustable plane for cutting rabbets, grooves, etc
  • finger alphabet — a series of shapes made by the fingers that indicate letters of an alphabet and can be used in fingerspelling for the deaf
  • finger painting — a jellylike paint, used chiefly by children in painting, usually with their fingers.
  • finite automata — Finite State Machine
  • fire department — the department of a municipal government charged with the prevention and extinguishing of fire.
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