
15-letter words containing a, t, f

  • confrontational — If you describe the way that someone behaves as confrontational, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they are aggressive and likely to cause an argument or dispute.
  • congelifraction — the shattering or splitting of rock or frozen soil due to the action of frost.
  • consonant shift — a change, or a set of connected changes, in the articulation of consonants in any language or family of languages
  • contour feather — any of the feathers that cover the body of an adult bird, apart from the wings and tail, and determine its shape
  • contraflow lane — a traffic lane whose normal direction is reversed temporarily
  • control surface — a movable surface, such as a rudder, elevator, aileron, etc, that controls an aircraft or rocket
  • corporification — an act or the quality of embodying
  • cosignificative — having the same meaning or sense
  • cost of capital — The cost of capital is how much it costs to borrow money with interest or issue securities to raise money.
  • counterfactuals — Plural form of counterfactual.
  • counterfeisance — the act of counterfeiting
  • counterflashing — (construction) Formed metal or elastomeric sheeting secured on or into a wall, curb, pipe or other surface, to cover and protect the upper edge of a base flashing and its associated fasteners.
  • court of appeal — A Court of Appeal is a court which deals with appeals against legal judgments.
  • court of arches — the court of appeal of the Province of Canterbury, formerly held under the arches of Bow Church
  • court of claims — (in the US) a court that hears claims against the federal government
  • craftswomanship — The body of skills, techniques, and expertise of (a) feminine craft(s).
  • cream of tartar — Cream of tartar is a white powder used in baking.
  • credit transfer — A credit transfer is a direct payment of money from one bank account into another.
  • crestfallenness — the state of being crestfallen
  • crisis software — A small UK company producing software for the Acorn Archimedes range of computers.
  • crossfunctional — Spanning several functions.
  • crystalliferous — producing or containing crystals
  • current affairs — If you refer to current affairs, you are referring to political events and problems in society which are discussed in newspapers, and on television and radio.
  • customer-facing — interacting or communicating directly with customers
  • day of judgment — Judgment Day
  • day of the dead — an annual celebration to honor the spirits of the dead, observed in Mexico and other Latin American countries on November 1 and 2, concurrently with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.
  • day of the lord — Also called Day of Yahweh. (in Old Testament eschatology) a day of final judgment. Amos 5:18–21; Ezek. 30.
  • deacidification — a procedure that is carried out to lessen the level of acid present in paper
  • deadman's float — a prone floating position, used especially by beginning swimmers, with face downward, legs extended backward, and arms stretched forward.
  • dean of faculty — the president of the Faculty of Advocates in Scotland
  • debathification — The process of removing former members of the ruling Bath party of Iraq from the military and civil office following the ousting of w Saddam Hussein.
  • decalcification — the act or process of decalcifying.
  • decertification — The act or process of decertifying.
  • dedifferentiate — to undergo the process of dedifferentiation
  • defect analysis — (programming)   Using defects as data for continuous quality improvement. Defect analysis generally seeks to classify defects into categories and identify possible causes in order to direct process improvement efforts.
  • definite clause — (logic)   A Horn clause that has exactly one positive literal.
  • deformalization — to make less formal; reduce the strictness, preciseness, etc., of.
  • defragmentation — (computing) The action of defragmenting, particularly with respect to a computer disk or drive.
  • demassification — to cause (society or a social system) to become less uniform or centralized; diversify or decentralize: to demassify the federal government.
  • democratifiable — able to be made into a democracy
  • demulsification — to break down (an emulsion) into separate substances incapable of re-forming the emulsion that was broken down.
  • demystification — to rid of mystery or obscurity; clarify: to demystify medical procedures.
  • demythification — the act of demythifying
  • denitrification — to remove nitrogen or nitrogen compounds from.
  • desertification — Desertification is the process by which a piece of land becomes dry, empty, and unsuitable for growing trees or crops on.
  • despecification — The act of generalizing, or making less specific.
  • desulfurization — The process of removing sulfur from a substance, such as flue gas or crude.
  • devitrification — The formation of small crystals in a glass as a result of slow cooling from the molten state.
  • dezincification — removal of zinc.
  • differentiating — to form or mark differently from other such things; distinguish.
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