
11-letter words containing a, t, e, n

  • altiloquent — (of language) high-flown or pretentious.
  • amaranthine — of a dark reddish-purple colour
  • amativeness — (phrenology) The state or quality of being amative; propensity to love or sexual feelings.
  • amazonstone — A bluish-green variety of microcline feldspar used as a gemstone. The best known occurrences are at Crystal Peak and Pike's Peak in Colorado.
  • amblygonite — a white or greyish mineral consisting of lithium aluminium fluorophosphate in triclinic crystalline form. It is a source of lithium. Formula: (Li,Na)Al(PO4)(F,OH)
  • amenability — ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield; open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable; submissive; tractable: an amenable servant.
  • amenity bed — (in Britain) a hospital bed whose occupant receives free treatment but pays for nonmedical advantages, such as privacy
  • amentaceous — of or like an ament or aments
  • americanist — a person who studies some aspect of America, such as its history or languages
  • amethocaine — The drug tetracaine.
  • amethystine — Like amethyst, especially when referring to colour.
  • aminobutene — a synthetic pain-relieving drug
  • aminoketone — Any chemical compound containing both a ketone group and an amine.
  • aminopterin — a derivative of pterin used in chemotherapy
  • ammonotelic — excreting ammonia as the main nitrogenous waste: characteristic of freshwater fishes and many aquatic invertebrates
  • amniotomies — Plural form of amniotomy.
  • ampere-turn — a unit of magnetomotive force; the magnetomotive force produced by a current of 1 ampere passing through one complete turn of a coil. 1 ampere-turn is equivalent to 4π/10 or 1.257 gilberts
  • amphetamine — Amphetamine is a drug which increases people's energy, makes them excited, and reduces their desire for food.
  • amylopectin — the major component of starch (about 80 per cent), consisting of branched chains of glucose units. It is insoluble and gives a red-brown colour with iodine
  • anacreontic — in the manner of the Greek lyric poet Anacreon (?572–?488 bc), noted for his short songs celebrating love and wine
  • anaerobiont — an organism that can live anaerobically
  • anaesthesia — Anaesthesia is the use of anaesthetics in medicine and surgery.
  • anaesthetic — Anaesthetic is a substance that doctors use to stop you feeling pain during an operation, either in the whole of your body when you are unconscious, or in a part of your body when you are awake.
  • anal erotic — a person who experiences sexual gratification of the anal area
  • analeptics' — restoring; invigorating; giving strength after disease.
  • analphabete — illiterate person
  • anaplerotic — of or relating to anaplerosis
  • anastomosed — Simple past tense and past participle of anastomose.
  • anastomoses — Anatomy. communication between blood vessels by means of collateral channels, especially when usual routes are obstructed.
  • anastrophes — Plural form of anastrophe.
  • anastrozole — an anti-oestrogen drug used in the treatment of breast cancer in post-menopausal women
  • anathematic — loathsome; disgusting; hateful.
  • ancestorial — of, belonging to, or relating to ancestors
  • ancestrally — Pertaining to ancestry.
  • ancientness — The state or quality of being ancient.
  • andre watts — André [ahn-drey] /ˈɑn dreɪ/ (Show IPA), born 1946, U.S. concert pianist, born in Germany.
  • anecdotally — in an anecdotal manner
  • anecdotical — relating to anecdotes
  • anemometers — Plural form of anemometer.
  • anesthesias — Medicine/Medical. general or local insensibility, as to pain and other sensation, induced by certain interventions or drugs to permit the performance of surgery or other painful procedures.
  • anesthesize — Misspelling of anesthetize.
  • anesthetics — Plural form of anesthetic.
  • anesthetist — An anesthetist is a nurse or other person who gives an anaesthetic to a patient.
  • anesthetize — to cause anesthesia in; give an anesthetic to
  • angel light — (in an English Perpendicular window) a compartment, approximately triangular, formed by the arch of the window, an arch of a lower tier of tracery, and a mullion of an upper tier of tracery.
  • angelolatry — the worship of angels
  • angiotensin — a peptide of physiological importance that is capable of causing constriction of blood vessels, which raises blood pressure
  • angle cleat — a short length of angle iron used as a bracket.
  • angle plate — a steel structural plate, esp one in the shape of a right-angled triangle, used to connect structural members and stiffen frameworks
  • anguishment — Anguish.
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