
10-letter words containing a, s, l, p, i, n

  • salpingian — a trumpet-shaped tube, as a Fallopian or Eustachian tube.
  • san felipe — a city in NE Venezuela, on the Orinoco River.
  • sapiential — containing, exhibiting, or affording wisdom; characterized by wisdom.
  • scalloping — any of the bivalve mollusks of the genus Argopecten (Pecten) and related genera that swim by rapidly clapping the fluted shell valves together.
  • scallopini — scallops, especially of veal, flattened by pounding and usually dredged in flour or breadcrumbs and sautéed quickly: scaloppine alla Marsala.
  • scaloppine — scallops, especially of veal, flattened by pounding and usually dredged in flour or breadcrumbs and sautéed quickly: scaloppine alla Marsala.
  • seal point — a Siamese cat having a fawn-colored body and dark-brown points.
  • seal-point — a Siamese cat having a fawn-colored body and dark-brown points.
  • septennial — occurring every seven years.
  • ship canal — a canal navigable by ships.
  • slash pine — a pine, Pinus elliotii, found in slashes and swamps in the southeastern U.S., yielding a hard, durable wood.
  • slop basin — a basin or bowl into which the dregs, leaves, and grounds of teacups and coffee cups are emptied at the table.
  • snappingly — involving a snap
  • snappishly — in a sharp or irritable manner
  • spallation — a nuclear reaction in which several nucleons are released from the nucleus of an atom.
  • spaniolize — to cause to become Spanish
  • spankingly — in a spanking manner
  • speakingly — in an eloquent manner
  • sphenoidal — relating to the sphenoid bone
  • spinal tap — procedure to draw fluid from spine
  • spindleage — total number or capacity of spindles in a mill, area, etc.
  • spiralling — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • splanchnic — of or relating to the viscera or entrails; visceral.
  • splenative — relating to the spleen or spleenful
  • split cane — bamboo split into strips of triangular section, tapered, and glued to form a stiff but flexible hexagonal rod: used, esp formerly, for making fishing rods
  • spoil bank — a bank of excavated refuse or waste earth, as of shale from surface coal mining.
  • spoliation — the act or an instance of plundering or despoiling.
  • spondaical — composed of spondees
  • sponsional — relating to, involved in or entering into a sponsion
  • spoon nail — an abnormal condition in which the outer surfaces of the nails are concave; koilonychia.
  • springdale — a city in NW Arkansas.
  • springhalt — stringhalt.
  • springtail — any of numerous minute, wingless primitive insects of the order Collembola, most possessing a special abdominal appendage for jumping that allows for the nearly perpetual springing pattern characteristic of the group.
  • staphyline — having a form resembling a bunch of grapes
  • sun pillar — a halo phenomenon in which a vertical streak of light appears above and below the sun, believed to be caused by the reflection of sunlight by ice crystals with vertical axes.
  • suppliance — appeal; entreaty; plea; supplication: He knelt in an attitude of suppliance.
  • suppliancy — suppliance2 .
  • suppliants — a tragedy (c463 b.c.) by Aeschylus.
  • supplicant — supplicating.
  • synaptical — Also called syndesis. Cell Biology. the pairing of homologous chromosomes, one from each parent, during early meiosis.
  • unplausive — not applauding; disapproving
  • unpleasing — not pleasing
  • unprisable — not able to be prised or released from a grip
  • upflashing — flashing or flaring up
  • wallopings — Plural form of walloping.
  • wild pansy — any uncultivated or wild form of the common pansy, Viola tricolor.
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