
14-letter words containing a, r

  • aerenchymatous — having or consisting of aerenchyma
  • aerial railway — a system of railway cars that move on cables
  • aerial tramway — tramway (def 4).
  • aeroballistics — the ballistics of projectiles dropped, launched, or fired from aircraft
  • aerobiological — Pertaining to aerobiology.
  • aerobiotically — in an aerobiotic manner
  • aerodynamicist — an expert in aerodynamics.
  • aeroelastician — a specialist in the science of aeroelasticity
  • aeroelasticity — the science that studies how inertial, elastic, and aerodynamic forces interact
  • aerohydroplane — a vehicle that can function both as a motorboat and as an aircraft
  • aeronautically — In a aeronautical manner; with respect to aeronautics or aviation.
  • aeroplane rule — (convention)   "Complexity increases the possibility of failure; a twin-engine aeroplane has twice as many engine problems as a single-engine aeroplane." By analogy, in both software and electronics, the implication is that simplicity increases robustness and that the right way to build reliable systems is to put all your eggs in one basket, after making sure that you've built a really *good* basket. While simplicity is a useful design goal, and twin-engine aeroplanes do have twice as many engine problems, the analogy is almost entirely bogus. Commercial passenger aircraft are required to have at least two engines (on different wings or nacelles) so that the aeroplane can land safely if one engine fails. As Albert Einstein said, "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler". See also KISS Principle.
  • aeroplane spin — a wrestling attack in which a wrestler lifts his opponent onto his shoulders and spins around, leaving the opponent dizzy
  • aerosolisation — The process by which a material, usually a solid or liquid, is dispersed into an aerosol form.
  • aerosolization — the production or dispersal of an aerosol
  • affinity group — a group of persons affiliated with the same organization, college, etc., often receiving certain discounts or other privileges.
  • aforementioned — If you refer to the aforementioned person or subject, you mean the person or subject that has already been mentioned.
  • african millet — a grass, Eleusine coracana, of Asia and Africa, having round fruit with a loose husk, grown as a cereal and as an ornamental.
  • african potato — the corm of a southern African plant, Hypoxis hemerocallidea, believed to possess medicinal properties
  • african violet — any of several tropical African plants of the genus Saintpaulia, esp S. ionantha, cultivated as house plants, with violet, white, or pink flowers and hairy leaves: family Gesneriaceae
  • africanization — to replace the European or white staff of (an organization in Africa) with black Africans.
  • africanthropus — a genus of hominids of eastern Africa, assumed from a number of now lost skull fragments to have been a form of archaic Homo : no longer in technical use.
  • afro-caribbean — Afro-Caribbean refers to people from the Caribbean whose ancestors came from Africa.
  • afro-pessimism — the belief that the provision of aid to African countries is futile
  • after the fact — after the commission of the offence
  • after-ripening — the period of internal change that is necessary in some apparently mature seeds before germination can occur
  • aftersensation — an afterimage.
  • aftertreatment — a method or device for reducing harmful emissions from internal-combustion engines before they are released into the atmosphere, for example a filter or a catalytic converter
  • against nature — If you say that something is against nature, you think that it is unnatural.
  • agaric mineral — rock milk.
  • age difference — a disparity in ages between two people
  • agglomerations — Plural form of agglomeration.
  • aggrandisement — an act or instance of aggrandizing, or increasing in size, or intensity: aggrandizement of mercantile trade in the early colonies.
  • aggrandization — The act of aggrandizing, or the state of being aggrandized or exalted in power, rank, honor, or wealth; exaltation; enlargement.
  • aggrandizement — If someone does something for aggrandizement, they do it in order to get power, wealth, and importance for themselves.
  • aggregate type — (programming)   A data type composed of multiple elements. An aggregate can be homogeneous (all elements have the same type) e.g. an array, a list in a functional language, a string of characters, a file; or it can be heterogeneous (elements can have different types) e.g. a structure. In most languages aggregates can contain elements which are themselves aggregates. e.g. a list of lists. See also union.
  • aggressiveness — characterized by or tending toward unprovoked offensives, attacks, invasions, or the like; militantly forward or menacing: aggressive acts against a neighboring country.
  • agribusinesses — Plural form of agribusiness.
  • agriculturally — the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming.
  • agriculturists — Plural form of agriculturist.
  • agrifoodstuffs — the foods produced by agriculture
  • agrippina (ii) — (Julia) a.d. 15?-59; mother of Nero
  • agroindustrial — of or relating to agroindustry
  • agrostological — of or relating to agrostology
  • agrotechnician — a specialist in the science and technology of agriculture, farm production, or the like.
  • agrotechnology — the technology of agriculture, as the methods or machinery needed for efficient production.
  • air cavalryman — a soldier assigned to the air cavalry.
  • air conduction — Medicine/Medical. transmission of sound vibrations to the eardrum through the external auditory meatus (opposed to bone conduction).
  • air controller — a military person assigned to monitor, manage, etc. aircraft within a specified region
  • air equivalent — a measure of the effectiveness of a material in absorbing nuclear radiation, expressed as the thickness of an air layer (at 0° C and 1 atmosphere) causing the same absorption.
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