
14-letter words containing a, r

  • account holder — the person whose name is on a bank account
  • account number — the unique number given to an individual account with a bank, supplier, department store, service provider etc
  • accreditations — Plural form of accreditation.
  • accretion disc — the disc formed around a celestial body by the process of accretion
  • accretion disk — the rapidly spinning disk of gas that forms around the more compact component of a close binary star system as mass is transferred to the compact companion from the primary star.
  • accrued income — money which has been earned but has not yet been received
  • accusatorially — By way of accusation; in an accusatorial manner; by means of a formal accuser.
  • achondroplasia — a skeletal disorder, characterized by failure of normal conversion of cartilage into bone, that begins during fetal life and results in dwarfism
  • achromatically — In an achromatic manner.
  • acid anhydride — a compound formed by removing water from a more complex compound: an oxide of a nonmetal (acid anhydride) or a metal (basic anhydride) that forms an acid or a base, respectively, when united with water.
  • acleistocardia — a failure of the foramen ovale of the heart to close.
  • acorn barnacle — any of various barnacles, such as Balanus balanoides, that live attached to rocks and have a volcano-shaped shell from the top of which protrude feathery food-catching appendages (cirri)
  • acoustic nerve — either one of the eighth pair of cranial nerves, consisting of sensory fibers that conduct impulses from the organs of hearing and from the semicircular canals to the brain.
  • acquired drive — a drive, like the desire for money, that has not been inherited but is learned, presumably because it leads to the satisfaction of innate drives
  • acquired taste — If you describe something as an acquired taste, you mean that a lot of people do not like it when they first experience it, but often start to like it more when they get to know it better.
  • across country — If you travel across country, you travel through country areas, avoiding major roads and towns.
  • across the way — If something is across the way, it is nearby on the opposite side of a road or area.
  • acta sanctorum — a collection of lives of the saints edited by Jesuit scholars and first published in Antwerp in 1643
  • active monitor — (networking)   A process in an IBM token ring network which ensures a token is present on the ring, removes circulating frames with unknown or invalid destinations, and performs introductions between machines on the ring.
  • active partner — a partner who has supplied some of the capital of a business and who takes an active role in managing that business
  • active service — Someone who is on active service is taking part in a war as a member of the armed forces.
  • active shooter — a person who is presently using a gun to shoot people in a confined and populated area.
  • activity chart — a chart showing the operations or tasks that make up a process, plotted against time
  • acute triangle — a triangle that has three acute angles
  • ad valorem tax — a tax calculated in proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed
  • adder's-tongue — any of several terrestrial ferns of the genus Ophioglossum, esp O. vulgatum, that grow in the N hemisphere and have a spore-bearing body that sticks out like a spike from the leaf: family Ophioglossaceae
  • additive color — red, green, or blue-violet, as used in the additive process of color photography.
  • additive group — a group in which the operation of the group is addition.
  • address strobe — (storage)   (AS) One of the input signals of a memory device, especially semiconductor memory, which is asserted to tell the memory device that the address inputs are valid. Upon receiving this signal the selected memory device starts the memory access (read/write) indicated by its other inputs. It may be driven directly by the processor or by a memory controller.
  • addressability — (computing) The capability of a microprocessor etc. to deal with values of a certain size using a single instruction.
  • adenocarcinoma — a malignant tumour originating in glandular tissue
  • adenosclerosis — (medicine) The hardening of a gland.
  • adjutant stork — a large Indian stork, Leptoptilus dubius, having a pinkish-brown neck and bill, a large naked pouch under the throat, and a military gait.
  • administrating — to administer.
  • administration — Administration is the range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way that an organization or institution functions.
  • administrative — Administrative work involves organizing and supervising an organization or institution.
  • administrators — A person responsible for running a business, organization, etc.
  • administratrix — a woman administrator
  • admiralty mile — nautical mile.
  • adoption curve — a curve on a graph plotting the number of people using a new product against the time from its initial release
  • adrenal glands — one of a pair of ductless glands, located above the kidneys, consisting of a cortex, which produces steroidal hormones, and a medulla, which produces epinephrine and norepinephrine.
  • adrenergically — in a manner relating to the release or activation of adrenaline
  • adrenocortical — relating to the adrenal cortex
  • adrenoreceptor — a receptor that binds with epinephrine, norepinephrine, or related compounds.
  • adrianople red — a medium red color.
  • adriatic (sea) — arm of the Mediterranean, between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula
  • adventure park — a place offering a variety of outdoor entertainments involving physical challenges, esp for children
  • adverse action — An adverse action notice is an official explanation by a financial institution of why they are refusing to grant credit to someone.
  • advertisements — Plural form of advertisement.
  • advocacy group — an organization that campaigns on a particular issue
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