
16-letter words containing a, r, t, n

  • redbank whiteoak — a city in S Tennessee.
  • redemption value — the price at which the issuing company may choose to repurchase a security before its maturity date
  • redistributional — a distribution performed again or anew.
  • reentering angle — an interior angle of a polygon that is greater than 180°.
  • reflection plane — a plane through a crystal that divides the crystal into two halves that are mirror images of each other.
  • refracting angle — an angle formed by a ray which is refracted and which is perpendicular to the refracting surface
  • refractive index — index of refraction.
  • regional ileitis — a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes scarring and thickening of the intestinal walls and frequently leads to obstruction.
  • regional network — mid-level network
  • register dancing — Many older processor architectures suffer from a serious shortage of general-purpose registers. This is especially a problem for compiler-writers, because their generated code needs places to store temporaries for things like intermediate values in expression evaluation. Some designs with this problem, like the Intel 80x86, do have a handful of special-purpose registers that can be pressed into service, providing suitable care is taken to avoid unpleasant side effects on the state of the processor: while the special-purpose register is being used to hold an intermediate value, a delicate minuet is required in which the previous value of the register is saved and then restored just before the official function (and value) of the special-purpose register is again needed.
  • register tonnage — the volume of a vessel, especially the net tonnage as measured officially and registered for purposes of taxation.
  • registration fee — a fee paid to register, enrol or sign up for (a course, etc)
  • reidentification — an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified.
  • reinterpretation — the act of interpreting; elucidation; explication: This writer's work demands interpretation.
  • relational model — relational data model
  • relative bearing — the bearing of an object, relative to the heading of a vessel or aircraft.
  • relative density — specific gravity.
  • relative minimum — minimum (def 5a).
  • relative pronoun — one of the pronouns who, whom, which, what, their compounds with -ever or -soever, or that used as the subordinating word to introduce a subordinate clause, especially such a pronoun referring to an antecedent.
  • releasing factor — a substance usually of hypothalamic origin that triggers the release of a particular hormone from an endocrine gland.
  • relocation costs — payment made by an employer or a government agency to cover removal expenses and other costs incurred by an employee who is required to take up employment elsewhere
  • remilitarization — the act of re-arming a country or territory that has previously been disarmed
  • remineralization — to convert into a mineral substance.
  • replacement cost — fee to obtain new version of sth
  • replacement part — a part of (an engine, device, etc) used to replace or substitute an older or broken part
  • reporting clause — A reporting clause is a clause which indicates that you are talking about what someone said or thought. For example, in 'She said that she was hungry', 'She said' is a reporting clause.
  • representational — of or relating to representation.
  • representatively — a person or thing that represents another or others.
  • repressurization — the process or act of pressurizing.
  • reprioritization — to arrange or do in order of priority: learning to prioritize our assignments.
  • republican party — one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: originated 1854–56.
  • research quantum — the standard by which the contribution to a university of individual academics is measured and on the basis of which universities receive government funding and academics are promoted
  • research student — a student studying for a doctoral award, that is, a PhD or an MPhil
  • reservation desk — a desk in a hotel, office, etc, where an employee takes bookings for rooms, tickets, etc
  • residential care — the provision by a welfare agency of a home with social-work supervision for people who need more than just housing accommodation, such as children in care or mentally handicapped adults
  • residential home — a home with social-work supervision for people who need more than just housing accommodation, such as esp the elderly, and also children in care or mentally handicapped adults
  • residual current — an electric current that continues to flow in a device, etc when there is no voltage supply, due to electrons emitted by heat, etc
  • resistance level — a point at which the rise in price of a specific stock is arrested due to more substantial selling than buying.
  • resonant circuit — A resonant circuit combines an inductor and capacitor to make a circuit that responds to a frequency.
  • restriction play — a limited number of opening moves that are predetermined by their chance selection from an accepted list.
  • retail analytics — Retail analytics is any information that allows retailers to make smarter decisions and manage their businesses more effectively.
  • retrocessionaire — a reinsurance company that accepts or takes a retrocession.
  • return on assets — the amount of profit computed by dividing net income before interest and taxes by the cost of assets, usually expressed as a percentage. Abbreviation: ROA.
  • rhine palatinate — See under Palatinate (def 1).
  • rhinopharyngitis — inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx.
  • rhythm and blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • rhythm-and-blues — a folk-based but urbanized form of black popular music that is marked by strong, repetitious rhythms and simple melodies and was developed, in a commercialized form, into rock-'n'-roll.
  • riccati equation — a differential equation, dy/dx + fy 2 + gy + h = 0, where f, g, and h are functions of x.
  • rice-paper plant — an araliaceous plant, Tetrapanax papyriferum of Taiwan, the pith of which is pared and flattened into sheets to make rice paper
  • richard stallman — (person)   Richard M. Stallman. Founder of the GNU project. He resigned from the AI lab at MIT so he would be free to produce free software which he could then distribute on his own terms. He went on to establish the Free Software Foundation to support the production of free software and ensure its free distribution. E-mail: <[email protected]>.
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