
16-letter words containing a, r, t, n

  • punctuation mark — any of a group of conventional marks or characters used in punctuation, as the period, comma, semicolon, question mark, or dash.
  • purchasing agent — a person who buys materials, supplies, equipment, etc., for a company.
  • put a foot wrong — to make a mistake
  • put one's oar in — to interfere or interrupt
  • put pen to paper — If you put pen to paper, you write something.
  • quadricentennial — of, relating to, or marking the completion of a period of four hundred years.
  • quantum computer — a computer that makes use of the quantum states of electrons or other particles to store and process information as quantum bits.
  • quarter sessions — an English court of general criminal jurisdiction for crimes less than homicide, held quarterly.
  • quarter-finalist — A quarter-finalist is a person or team that is competing in a quarter-final.
  • quasi-stationary — a person or thing that is stationary.
  • quatercentennial — pertaining to or marking a period of 400 years.
  • racing certainty — a horse considered very likely or certain to win a race
  • radiant exitance — the ability of a surface to emit radiation expressed as the radiant flux emitted per unit area at a specified point on the surface
  • radiation levels — the levels of the emission or transfer of radiant energy or the levels of the particles emitted in the transfer of radiant energy, esp the particles and gamma rays emitted in nuclear decay
  • radio evangelist — a Christian minister who devotes time to preaching on the radio
  • radio-controlled — A radio-controlled device works by receiving radio signals which operate it.
  • radiotransparent — transparent to radiation; invisible in x-ray photographs and under fluoroscopy (opposed to radiopaque).
  • radium emanation — (formerly) radon.
  • radius of action — the maximum distance that a ship, aircraft, or land vehicle can travel from its base and return without refuelling
  • railroad station — railway station, train stop
  • rainbow lorikeet — a small Australasian parrot, Trichoglossus haematodus, with brightly-coloured plumage
  • rambunctiousness — difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous: a rambunctious child.
  • ramen profitable — If a startup business is ramen profitable, it is barely profitable, just enough to allow the founder to live on the cheapest diet.
  • random vibration — Random vibration is a type of forced vibration in which the motion follows no regular pattern.
  • ranikhet disease — Newcastle disease.
  • rate of exchange — exchange rate.
  • rating community — an online community based around a website that allows members to rate each other's photographs, qualifications, etc, as well as those of applicants, and which only those approved by existing members are allowed to join
  • rational fortran — (language)   (RATFOR) Brian Kernighan's Fortran preprocessor that allows programming with C-like control flow. RATFOR is mainly of historical significance. A translator from Ratfor to Fortran IV was posted to comp.sources.Unix volume 13.
  • rational horizon — the line or circle that forms the apparent boundary between earth and sky.
  • rattle around in — to live or work in (a house, office, etc.) that is too big for one's needs
  • rattlesnake fern — any of several American grape ferns, especially Botrychium virginianium, having clusters of sporangia resembling the rattles of a rattlesnake.
  • rattlesnake flag — any of a number of U.S. flags that bear a picture of a rattlesnake and the motto “Don't Tread on Me,” especially those used during the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.
  • rattlesnake root — any of certain composite plants of the genus Prenanthes, whose roots or tubers have been regarded as a remedy for snake bites, as P. serpentaria or P. alba.
  • rattlesnake weed — a hawkweed, Hieracium venosum, of eastern North America, whose leaves and root are thought to possess medicinal properties.
  • re-accreditation — to ascribe or attribute to (usually followed by with): He was accredited with having said it.
  • re-apportionment — the act of redistributing or changing the apportionment of something.
  • re-appropriation — the act of appropriating.
  • re-establishment — the act or an instance of establishing.
  • reaction chamber — the chamber in a rocket engine in which the reaction or combustion of fuel occurs
  • reaction turbine — a turbine driven by the reactive force of a fluid passing through the rotor blades.
  • reading material — any matter that can be read; written or printed text
  • real-time mentat — An extension of C++. "Real-Time Mentat: A Data-Driven Object-Oriented System", A.S. Grimshaw et al, Proc IEEE Globecom, Nov 1989 pp.232-241.
  • rearguard action — an action fought by a rearguard
  • reasonable doubt — law: grounds for believing sb is innocent
  • reasons of state — political justifications for an immoral act
  • recapitalization — a revision of a corporation's capital structure by an exchange of securities.
  • reclassification — categorization in a different way
  • reconceptualized — to form into a concept; make a concept of.
  • recreational sex — sex for the purpose of pleasure rather than reproduction, without the commitment of a relationship
  • rectus abdominis — a long flat muscle that extends along the whole length of both sides of the abdomen. It flexes the vertebral column, particularly the lumbar portion; it also tenses the anterior abdominal wall and assists in compressing the abdominal contents
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