
15-letter words containing a, r, o, l

  • slavonian grebe — a N Eurasian or N American grebe with reddish underside and a black and gold crest; Podiceps auritus
  • sled cultivator — go-devil (def 5).
  • slumpflationary — of or relating to slumpflation
  • smoking-related — (of a disease, illness, etc) caused by smoking tobacco, etc
  • social bookmark — the practice of saving bookmarked Web pages to a public website as a way to share the links with other Internet users: Social bookmarking is a tool that allows you to add tags and comments to your bookmarks.
  • social contract — the voluntary agreement among individuals by which, according to any of various theories, as of Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau, organized society is brought into being and invested with the right to secure mutual protection and welfare or to regulate the relations among its members.
  • social democrat — a person who advocates a gradual transition to socialism or a modified form of socialism by and under democratic political processes.
  • social drinking — the practice of drinking alcohol occasionally and usually only in social situations
  • social heritage — the entire inherited pattern of cultural activity present in a society.
  • social register — a directory or list of people prominent in the fashionable society of a given area
  • social security — (usually initial capital letters) a program of old-age, unemployment, health, disability, and survivors insurance maintained by the U.S. federal government through compulsory payments by specific employer and employee groups.
  • social services — organized welfare efforts carried on under professional auspices by trained personnel.
  • social-drinking — a person who drinks alcoholic beverages usually in the company of others and is in control of his or her drinking.
  • socialist party — a U.S. political party advocating socialism, formed about 1900 chiefly by former members of the Social Democratic Party and the Socialist Labor Party.
  • socioculturally — from a sociocultural point of view
  • sociohistorical — involving social and historical elements
  • sodium chlorate — a colorless, water-soluble solid, NaClO 3 , cool and salty to the taste, used chiefly in the manufacture of explosives and matches, as a textile mordant, and as an oxidizing and bleaching agent.
  • soft-shell crab — a crab, especially the blue crab, that has recently molted and therefore has a soft, edible shell.
  • solar collector — any of numerous devices or systems designed to capture and use solar radiation for heating air or water and for producing steam to generate electricity.
  • solar radiation — energy radiated from the sun in the form of electromagnetic waves, including visible and ultraviolet light and infrared radiation.
  • soldier's heart — cardiac neurosis.
  • soldier's medal — a medal awarded to any member of the Army of the United States, or of any military organization serving with it, who distinguishes himself or herself by heroism not involving conflict with an enemy.
  • somerset island — an island in the Arctic Ocean in Nunavut, Canada, NW of Baffin Island. 9594 sq. mi. (24,848 sq. km).
  • sons and lovers — a novel (1913) by D. H. Lawrence.
  • sooner or later — within a short period after this or that time, event, etc.: We shall know soon after he calls.
  • source language — the language in which a text appears that is to be translated into another language. Compare target language (def 1).
  • source material — original, authoritative, or basic materials utilized in research, as diaries or manuscripts.
  • south australia — a state in S Australia. 380,070 sq. mi. (984,380 sq. km). Capital: Adelaide.
  • south glamorgan — a county in SE Wales. 161 sq. mi. (416 sq. km).
  • southeastwardly — toward the southeast
  • southwestwardly — toward the southwest
  • spanish trefoil — alfalfa.
  • spectrochemical — of, relating to, or utilizing the techniques of spectrochemistry.
  • spermatoblastic — relating to a spermatoblast
  • spiral notebook — a notebook held together by a coil of wire passed through small holes punched at the back edge of the covers and individual pages
  • spirits of salt — a solution of hydrochloric acid in water
  • splanchnopleure — the double layer formed by the association of the lower layer of the lateral plate of mesoderm with the underlying entoderm, which develops into the embryonic viscera.
  • squadron leader — air-force officer
  • stalactite work — (in Islamic architecture) intricate decorative corbeling in the form of brackets, squinches, and portions of pointed vaults.
  • standard dollar — the basic monetary unit of the U.S., since January 31, 1934, containing 15.2 grains of gold, 0.900 fine: previously contained 25.8 grains of gold, 0.900 fine.
  • staphylorrhaphy — repair of a cleft palate by means of staphyloplasty and suturing
  • star-nosed mole — a North American mole, Condylura cristata, having a starlike ring of fleshy processes around the end of the snout.
  • starfish flower — carrion flower (def 2).
  • starting blocks — the rigid blocks adjustable at an angle and mounted on a track against which a runner's shoes are placed to aid in starting
  • starting pistol — a pistol used to give the signal to start a race
  • stereologically — by way of stereology or in a stereological manner
  • stereotypically — in a stereotypical manner
  • streamline flow — the flow of a fluid past an object such that the velocity at any fixed point in the fluid is constant or varies in a regular manner.
  • strephosymbolia — a condition of perceiving objects as their mirror image and, specifically, having difficulty in distinguishing letters in words
  • streptobacillus — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
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