
15-letter words containing a, r, o, l

  • sailor's-choice — any of several fishes living in waters along the Atlantic coast of the U.S., especially a pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides, ranging from Massachusetts to Texas, and a grunt, Haemulon parrai, ranging from Florida to Brazil.
  • sale of produce — the selling of something that is produced, esp agricultural products
  • sales promotion — the methods or techniques for creating public acceptance of or interest in a product, usually in addition to standard merchandising techniques, as advertising or personal selling, and generally consisting of the offer of free samples, gifts made to a purchaser, or the like.
  • sam browne belt — a sword belt having a supporting strap over the right shoulder, formerly worn by officers in the U.S. Army, now sometimes worn as part of the uniform by police officers, guards, and army officers in other nations.
  • samuel fb morse — Jedidiah [jed-i-dahy-uh] /ˌdʒɛd ɪˈdaɪ ə/ (Show IPA), 1761–1826, U.S. geographer and Congregational clergyman (father of Samuel F. B. Morse).
  • samuel prescottSamuel, 1751–77, U.S. patriot during the American Revolution: rode with Paul Revere and William Dawes to warn Colonists that British troops were marching from Boston, April 18, 1775.
  • saprophytically — any organism that lives on dead organic matter, as certain fungi and bacteria.
  • saviour sibling — a child conceived through IVF and screened for compatibility with a terminally or seriously ill sibling in order to provide organ or cell donations as a form of treatment
  • scala cordonata — a ramp having the form of broad, slightly inclined steps.
  • schillerization — the process of altering crystals to produce schiller
  • schola cantorum — an ecclesiastical choir or choir school.
  • sclerodermatous — Zoology. covered with a hardened tissue, as scales.
  • seafood platter — a plate of assorted seafood, served in a restaurant
  • seasonal worker — a worker who is employed for a particular period of the year, such as harvest, or Christmas
  • secondary color — a color, as orange, green, or violet, produced by mixing two primary colors.
  • secondary metal — metal derived wholly or in part from scrap.
  • secondary xylem — xylem derived from the cambium during secondary growth.
  • self-abhorrence — a feeling of extreme repugnance or aversion; utter loathing; abomination.
  • self-absorption — preoccupation with oneself or one's own affairs.
  • self-admiration — a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval.
  • self-authorized — given or endowed with authority: an authorized agent.
  • self-generation — production or reproduction of something without the aid of an external agent; spontaneous generation.
  • self-laceration — the result of lacerating; a rough, jagged tear.
  • self-persuasion — the act of persuading or seeking to persuade.
  • self-proclaimed — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
  • self-regulation — control by oneself or itself, as in an economy, business organization, etc., especially such control as exercised independently of governmental supervision, laws, or the like.
  • self-regulatory — Self-regulatory systems, organizations, or activities are controlled by the people involved in them, rather than by outside organizations or rules.
  • self-revelation — disclosure of one's private feelings, thoughts, etc., especially when unintentional.
  • self-revelatory — displaying, exhibiting, or disclosing one's most private feelings, thoughts, etc.: an embarrassingly self-revealing autobiography.
  • semilogarithmic — (of graphing) having one scale logarithmic and the other arithmetic or of uniform gradation.
  • senior wrangler — (at Cambridge University) a candidate who has obtained first-class honours in Part II of the mathematics tripos and got the highest marks
  • separate school — (in Canada) a school for a large religious minority financed by its rates and administered by its own school board but under the authority of the provincial department of education
  • septentrionally — northwards; in the direction of the north
  • serial monogamy — a form of monogamy characterized by several successive, short-term marriages over the course of a lifetime.
  • shelikof strait — a strait between the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak Island, in S Alaska. 130 miles (209 km) long and 30 miles (48 km) wide.
  • short-eared owl — a streaked, buffy brown, cosmopolitan owl, Asio flammeus, having very short tufts of feathers on each side of the head.
  • shoulder charge — an instance of a player charging into another so that there is contact between their shoulders (permissible in some circumstances)
  • shoulder season — a travel season between peak and off-peak seasons, especially spring and fall, when fares tend to be relatively low.
  • shoulder weapon — a firearm that is fired while being held in the hands with the butt of the weapon braced against the shoulder.
  • shrimp cocktail — prawns and lettuce in Mary Rose sauce
  • sidereal period — the period of revolution of a body about another with respect to one or more distant stars
  • silent majority — the U.S. citizens who supported President Nixon's policies but who were not politically vocal, outspoken, or active: considered by him to constitute a majority.
  • silicon carbide — a very hard, insoluble, crystalline compound, SiC, used as an abrasive and as an electrical resistor in objects exposed to high temperatures.
  • silver quandong — an Australian tree, Elaeocarpus grandis: family Elaeocarpaceae
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple majority — less than half of the total votes cast but more than the minimum required to win, as when there are more than two candidates or choices.
  • singapore sling — a cocktail of gin, cherry brandy, sugar, and water.
  • sinistrodextral — moving or extending from the left to the right.
  • sink a borehole — To sink a borehole means to drill a deep hole in the ground.
  • sinoatrial node — a small mass of tissue in the right atrium functioning as pacemaker of the heart by giving rise to the electric impulses that initiate heart contractions.
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