
13-letter words containing a, r, n, d

  • caiman lizard — a crocodilelike lizard, Dracaena guianensis, of South America, having powerful jaws for crushing the snails and mussels upon which it feeds.
  • calendar year — A calendar year is a period of twelve months from January 1 to December 31. Calendar year is often used in business to compare with the financial year.
  • camp-drafting — a competitive test, esp at an agricultural show, of horsemen's skill in drafting cattle
  • candid camera — a small camera that may be used to take informal photographs of people, usually without their knowledge
  • candle grease — the wax which is used in the manufacture of candles
  • candleberries — Plural form of candleberry.
  • candleholders — Plural form of candleholder.
  • candlelighter — a person whose task it is to light candles
  • candlesnuffer — an implement, or person, that extinguishes candle flames
  • candy striper — a volunteer worker in a hospital
  • candy-striped — (esp of clothing fabric) having narrow coloured stripes on a white background
  • candy-striper — a person, often a teenager, who works as a volunteer in a hospital.
  • cannon fodder — If someone in authority regards people they are in charge of as cannon fodder, they do not care if these people are harmed or lost in the course of their work.
  • cap-and-trade — denoting a scheme which allows companies with high greenhouse gas emissions to buy an emission allowance from companies which have fewer emissions, in a bid to reduce the overall impact to the environment
  • carbo-loading — Informal. carbohydrate loading.
  • carbon credit — Carbon credits are an allowance that certain companies have, permitting them to burn a certain amount of fossil fuels.
  • carbon dating — Carbon dating is a system of calculating the age of a very old object by measuring the amount of radioactive carbon it contains.
  • carbonic acid — a weak acid formed when carbon dioxide combines with water: obtained only in aqueous solutions, never in the pure state. Formula: H2CO3
  • card clothing — a very sturdy fabric with a leather or rubber fillet imbedded with wire teeth for disentangling and cleaning textile fibers, used to cover the rollers or flats of a carding machine.
  • card-carrying — A card-carrying member of a particular group or political party is an official member of that group or party, rather than someone who supports it.
  • cardiganshire — a former county of W Wales: became part of Dyfed in 1974; reinstated as Ceredigion in 1996
  • cardinal fish — a small brightly coloured fish found in shallow tropical seas, of the family Apogonidae, the male of which often broods eggs in its mouth
  • cardinal sign — any of the four astrological signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, that begin at the equinoxes and solstices, thus marking the beginning of the seasons: characterized by the attribute of strong initiative.
  • cardinalitial — relating to a cardinal or cardinalship
  • cardinalities — Plural form of cardinality.
  • cardioversion — restoring the rhythm of the heart to normal by applying direct-current electrical shock.
  • carias andino — Tiburcio [tee-voor-syaw] /tiˈvur syɔ/ (Show IPA), 1876–1968, Honduran lawyer, soldier, and statesman: president 1933–49.
  • carotid sinus — specialized nerve end organs producing a slight dilatation of the carotid artery where it branches into the external and internal carotid arteries, responding to changes in blood pressure by mediating changes in the heartbeat rate.
  • cartridge pen — a pen having a removable ink reservoir that is replaced when empty
  • cascade range — a chain of mountains in the US and Canada: a continuation of the Sierra Nevada range from N California through Oregon and Washington to British Columbia. Highest peak: Mount Rainier, 4392 m (14 408 ft)
  • casehardening — Present participle of caseharden.
  • casement door — a door having glass panes throughout or nearly throughout its length.
  • caudine forks — a narrow pass in the Apennines, in S Italy, between Capua and Benevento: scene of the defeat of the Romans by the Samnites (321 bc)
  • cedar waxwing — a brownish-gray, crested American waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum), with red, waxlike tips on its secondary wing feathers
  • center around — to have as a central point, focus of attention, etc.
  • center spread — the pair of pages facing each other at the center of a magazine or newspaper, printed and made up as a single unit.
  • central india — a former political agency in central India uniting various native states and subordinate agencies: now incorporated into Madhya Pradesh.
  • centre spread — the pair of two facing pages in the middle of a magazine, newspaper, etc, often illustrated
  • cephaloridine — a cephalosporin antibiotic often used in the treatment of bacterial infections
  • chandernagore — a port in E India, in S West Bengal on the Hooghly River: a former French settlement (1686–1950). Pop: 162 166 (2001)
  • chandrasekhar — Subrahmanyan (ˌsʊbrəˈmænjən). 1910–95, US astronomer born in Lahore, India (now Pakistan). His work on stellar evolution led to an understanding of white dwarfs: shared the Nobel prize for physics 1983
  • chateaubriand — François René (frɑ̃swa rəne), Vicomte de Chateaubriand. 1768–1848, French writer and statesman: a precursor of the romantic movement in France; his works include Le Génie du Christianisme (1802) and Mémoires d'outre-tombe (1849–50)
  • cherry brandy — a red liqueur made of brandy flavoured with cherries
  • chicken adder — milk snake.
  • child rearing — the activity of rearing children
  • child-bearing — the act or process of carrying and giving birth to a child
  • childrenswear — clothing for children
  • chondromatous — a benign cartilaginous tumor or growth.
  • christiansand — former name of Kristiansand.
  • churchwardens — Plural form of churchwarden.
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