
13-letter words containing a, r, n, d

  • aldosteronism — high blood pressure caused by excess aldosterone in the blood and urine
  • aleksandropol — a former name of Gumri.
  • aleksandrovsk — a city in SE Ukraine, on the Dnieper River.
  • alexander iii — 1241–86, king of Scotland (1249–86), son of Alexander II
  • alexander vii — (Fabio Chigi) 1599–1667, Italian ecclesiastic: pope 1655–67.
  • alfred austinAlfred, 1835–1913, English poet: poet laureate 1896–1913.
  • all-pervading — spreading through or into everything
  • alpha eridani — Achernar
  • alpine garden — a rock garden.
  • alpine tundra — a tundra that is treeless because of high elevation rather than high latitude.
  • american bond — a brickwork bond having a course of headers between five or six courses of stretchers.
  • amino radical — the univalent group, −NH 2 .
  • aminoaciduria — the presence of amino acids in urine
  • anadama bread — a kneaded yeast bread containing cornmeal and, usually, molasses
  • anaphrodisiac — tending to lessen sexual desire
  • andean condor — either of two large, New World vultures of the family Cathartidae, Gymnogyps californianus (California condor) or Vultur gryphus (Andean condor) the largest flying birds in the Western Hemisphere: the California condor is almost extinct; the Andean condor is greatly reduced in number and rare in many areas.
  • andersen nexo — Nexö, Martin Andersen.
  • andersonville — town in SW central Ga.: site of a Confederate prison in the Civil War
  • andrei markov — (person)   1856-1922. The Russian mathematician, after who Markov chains were named.
  • androcentrism — centered on, emphasizing, or dominated by males or masculine interests: an androcentric society; an androcentric religion.
  • androdioecism — the state of being androdioecious
  • androgynously — In an androgynous manner.
  • angle grinder — a handheld power tool with a rotating abrasive disc, used for cutting, grinding and polishing
  • animadversion — criticism or censure
  • animadverting — Present participle of animadvert.
  • animal warden — dogcatcher.
  • ante meridiem — before noon
  • ante-meridian — occurring before noon.
  • anti-androgen — any of a class of drugs that oppose the action of androgens; used in the treatment of prostate cancer and various male sexual disorders
  • anti-freudian — of or relating to Sigmund Freud or his doctrines, especially with respect to the causes and treatment of neurotic and psychopathic states, the interpretation of dreams, etc.
  • antiapartheid — (in the Republic of South Africa) a rigid former policy of segregating and economically and politically oppressing the nonwhite population.
  • antibillboard — indicating an opposition to the erection of billboards
  • antidiarrheal — An antidiarrheal is a substance used to prevent or treat diarrhea.
  • antidiuretics — Plural form of antidiuretic.
  • antimodernism — modern character, tendencies, or values; adherence to or sympathy with what is modern.
  • antimodernist — opposed to modernism
  • antiradiation — Countering radiation.
  • antisudorific — an antiperspirant.
  • apparent wind — (wind), the velocity of air as measured from a moving object, as a ship.
  • apprehendable — That can be apprehended.
  • arachnoiditis — an inflammation of the arachnoid membrane
  • archidiaconal — of or relating to an archdeacon or his office
  • archimandrite — the head of a monastery or a group of monasteries
  • argand burner — a gas or oil burner designed to let air flow inside and outside a cylindrical wick
  • aridification — the process by which a humid region becomes increasingly dry, as by climatic change or human interference with the ecology.
  • aridity index — a number indicating how much more precipitation could be lost by evapotranspiration if it were available than is actually lost at a given location.
  • arm and a leg — the upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
  • armstand dive — a dive starting from a handstand at the end of a springboard or a platform with the diver's back to the water.
  • arroyo grande — a town in SW California.
  • arseniuretted — combined with arsenic so as to form an arsenide.
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