
20-letter words containing a, i, n, t, e

  • horizontal scan rate — (hardware)   (HSR) The measure of how many scan lines of pixels a monitor can display in one second, expressed in kHz (generally somewhere between 20 and 100 kHz). The HSR is controlled by the horizontal sync signal generated by the video controller, but is limited by the speed with which the monitor can scan the electron beam horizontally across the screen and then return it to the beginning of the next line.
  • horizontally opposed — A horizontally opposed engine has the cylinders set horizontally at either side of the crankshaft.
  • house of assignation — a brothel.
  • houses of parliament — In Britain, the Houses of Parliament are the British parliament, which consists of two parts, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The buildings where the British parliament does its work are also called the Houses of Parliament.
  • how about something? — what is your wish, opinion, or information concerning something (or someone)?
  • human interest story — news item about people's lives
  • human-interest story — a story or report, as in a newspaper or on a newscast, designed to engage attention and sympathy by enabling one to identify readily with the people, problems, and situations described.
  • huntington's disease — a hereditary disease of the central nervous system characterized by brain deterioration and loss of control over voluntary movements, the symptoms usually appearing in the fourth decade of life.
  • hydrodesulfurization — desulfurization by catalytic agents of the sulfur-rich hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum or the like during cracking or hydrocracking.
  • hyperadrenocorticism — Cushing's syndrome.
  • hyperbolic cotangent — a hyperbolic function that is the ratio of cosh to sinh, being the reciprocal of tanh; coth
  • hyperhomocysteinemia — (medicine) The presence of an excessive amount of homocysteine in the blood.
  • hyperlipoproteinemia — Pathology. any of various disorders of lipoprotein metabolism, usually characterized by abnormally high levels of cholesterol and certain lipoproteins in the blood.
  • ieee standard 1149.1 — Joint Test Action Group
  • imported currantworm — the larva of any of several insects, as a sawfly, Nematus ribesii (imported currantworm) which infests and feeds on the leaves and fruit of currants.
  • in (or out of) gear — (not) connected to the motor
  • in a class by itself — unique
  • in a state of nature — completely naked
  • in bad circumstances — (of a person) in a bad financial situation
  • in case/just in case — If you do something in case or just in case a particular thing happens, you do it because that thing might happen.
  • in flagrante delicto — Law. in the very act of committing the offense.
  • in the circumstances — a condition, detail, part, or attribute, with respect to time, place, manner,agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; a modifying or influencing factor: Do not judge his behavior without considering every circumstance.
  • in the driver's seat — If you say that someone is in the driver's seat, you mean that they are in control in a situation.
  • in the event of/that — You use in the event of, in the event that, and in that event when you are talking about a possible future situation, especially when you are planning what to do if it occurs.
  • in the lap of luxury — If you say that someone lives in the lap of luxury, you mean that they live in conditions of great comfort and wealth.
  • in the last analysis — after everything has been given due consideration
  • in the nature of sth — If you say that one thing is in the nature of another, you mean that it is like the other thing.
  • in the public domain — able to be discussed and examined freely by the general public
  • in-car entertainment — In-car entertainment is a sound system consisting of, for example, a radio or compact disc player, that is designed for easy operation by the driver, and to be unaffected by vibration. In larger vehicles, this system can include television and DV
  • in-service education — training and education given to employed teachers throughout their career
  • income tax inspector — a person whose job is to assess individuals' income tax liability
  • incomplete dominance — the appearance in a heterozygote of a trait that is intermediate between either of the trait's homozygous phenotypes.
  • incorporated company — a legally constituted company
  • incremental analysis — (testing)   Partial analysis of an incomplete product to allow early feedback on its development.
  • incremental recorder — a device for recording data as it is generated, usually on paper tape or magnetic tape, and feeding it into a computer
  • independence of path — the property of a function for which the line integral has the same value along all curves between two specified points.
  • independent variable — Mathematics. a variable in a functional relation whose value determines the value or values of other variables, as x in the relation y = 3 x 2 . Compare dependent variable (def 1).
  • indian cucumber root — a North American plant, Medeola virginiana, of the lily family, having whorled leaves, nodding, greenish-yellow flowers, and an edible root.
  • indicated horsepower — the horsepower of a reciprocating engine as shown by an indicator record. Abbreviation: ihp, IHP.
  • inductive statistics — the branch of statistics dealing with conclusions, generalizations, predictions, and estimations based on data from samples.
  • industrial democracy — control of an organization by the people who work for it, esp by workers holding positions on its board of directors
  • industrial espionage — the stealing of technological or commercial research data, blueprints, plans, etc., as by a person in the hire of a competing company.
  • industrial insurance — industrial life insurance.
  • industrial relations — (used with a plural verb) the dealings or relations of an industrial concern with its employees, with labor in general, with the public, etc.
  • inelastic scattering — a scattering of particles due to an inelastic collision that also changes their wavelengths and phases.
  • inertial upper stage — a U.S. two-stage, solid-propellant rocket used to boost a relatively heavy spacecraft from a low earth orbit into a planetary trajectory or an elliptical transfer orbit. Abbreviation: IUS.
  • infectious hepatitis — hepatitis A.
  • infiltration gallery — a conduit, built in permeable earth, for collecting ground water.
  • information builders — Distributors of LEVEL5 OBJECT. Telephone +1 800 969 INFO.
  • information exchange — discussion that involves exchanging ideas and knowledge
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