
14-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • diverticulated — having diverticula
  • documentarians — Plural form of documentarian.
  • domestic rates — a type of taxation system used to fund local government
  • dorcas society — a society of women of a church whose work it is to provide clothing for the poor.
  • drag parachute — drogue parachute (def 2).
  • drag-parachute — Also called drogue. a small parachute that deploys first in order to pull a larger parachute from its pack.
  • drainage ditch — a ditch that excess water drains into
  • draw a picture — represent sth visually
  • draw the crabs — to attract unwelcome attention
  • dream merchant — a person, as a moviemaker or advertiser, who panders to or seeks to develop the public's craving for luxury, romance, or escapism.
  • drepanocytosis — Sickle-cell anemia.
  • drinks cabinet — a cocktail cabinet
  • drone aircraft — a pilotless radio-controlled aircraft used for reconnaissance or bombing
  • dwarf chestnut — the edible nut of the chinquapin tree
  • dynamoelectric — of or concerned with the interconversion of mechanical and electrical energy
  • east greenwich — a town in central Rhode Island.
  • eastern camass — wild hyacinth.
  • eastern church — any of the churches originating in countries formerly part of the Eastern Roman Empire, observing an Eastern rite and adhering to the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed; Byzantine Church.
  • eastern thrace — an ancient region of varying extent in the E part of the Balkan Peninsula: later a Roman province; now in Bulgaria, Turkey, and Greece.
  • ecocatastrophe — a disaster caused by changes in the environment.
  • econometrician — Someone who studies economies with a view to mathematics.
  • ectrodactylism — the congenital absence of part or all of one or more fingers or toes.
  • edriophthalmic — edriophthalmous
  • egocentrically — In an egocentric manner.
  • electoral roll — list of registered voters
  • electoral vote — the number of electors that each state or federal district is allowed to have
  • electric chair — execution apparatus
  • electric organ — a pipe organ operated by electrical means
  • electric piano — a piano operated by electrical means
  • electric razor — an electrically powered implement for shaving, having reciprocating or rotating blades behind a fine metal comb or pierced foil
  • electrocaloric — (physics) Describing the effect of an applied electric field on the temperature of some materials.
  • electrocautery — Cautery using a needle or other instrument that is electrically heated.
  • electrodynamic — (physics) that involves the movement of electric charges.
  • electrolytical — Dated form of electrolytic.
  • electromagnets — Plural form of electromagnet.
  • electromotance — an electromotive force
  • electromyogram — A record or display produced by electromyography.
  • electroneutral — (physics) Having no net electric charge.
  • electronically — By means of electronics, or of electronic technology.
  • electropainted — Painted electrophoretically.
  • electroplating — Coat (a metal object) by electrolytic deposition with chromium, silver, or another metal.
  • electrostatics — The study of stationary electric charges or fields as opposed to electric currents.
  • electrotherapy — The use of electric currents passed through the body to stimulate nerves and muscles, chiefly in the treatment of various forms of paralysis.
  • electrothermal — concerned with both electricity and heat, esp the production of electricity by heat
  • electrotreater — An electrotreater is a type of coalescer in which droplets are charged electrically to increase their attraction to each other.
  • electrovalence — Alternative form of electrovalency.
  • electrovalency — (physics) The net electric charge on an ion.
  • elevator music — recorded popular music played in the background in public places such as elevators, variously regarded as being bland, monotonous, etc.
  • elevator pitch — an informal an extremely short and pithy version of a sales pitch or business plan
  • empty calories — calories that are present in foods that have very little nutritive value: e.g. in alcohol or refined sugar
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