
14-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • cryptographers — Plural form of cryptographer.
  • crystal defect — defect (def 3).
  • crystal palace — a building of glass and iron designed by Joseph Paxton to house the Great Exhibition of 1851. Erected in Hyde Park, London, it was moved to Sydenham (1852–53): destroyed by fire in 1936
  • crystal system — any of six, or sometimes seven, classifications of crystals depending on their symmetry. The classes are cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic. Sometimes an additional system, trigonal, is distinguished, although this is usually included in the hexagonal system
  • crystal violet — a rosaniline dye, C25H30ClN3, used as an antiseptic, an indicator, and a bacterial stain in Gram's method
  • crystallizable — That can be crystallized.
  • cucurbitaceous — belonging to the Cucurbitaceae, the gourd family of plants.
  • culture factor — culture as a causative agent, especially in contrast to biological factors.
  • cultured pearl — A cultured pearl is a pearl that is created by putting sand or grit into an oyster.
  • current assets — Current assets are assets which a company does not use on a continuous basis, such as stocks and debts, but which can be converted into cash within one year.
  • current rating — Current rating is the maximum current that a fuse will carry for an indefinite period without too much deterioration of the fuse element.
  • curtain raiser — a short play preceding a main play.
  • curtain speech — a talk given in front of the curtain after a stage performance, often by the author or an actor
  • curtain-raiser — A curtain-raiser is an event, especially a sporting event or a performance, that takes place before a more important one, or starts off a series of events.
  • curvilinearity — consisting of or bounded by curved lines: a curvilinear figure.
  • cushion rafter — auxiliary rafter.
  • custard powder — a powder containing cornflour, sugar, etc, for thickening milk to make a yellow sauce
  • customer's man — registered representative.
  • cutis anserina — goose bumps.
  • cutlery drawer — a drawer in which cutlery is kept
  • cutting garden — a household flower garden planted solely for growing flowers that are to be cut and displayed indoors.
  • cyanobacterium — (biology) Any of very many photosynthetic prokaryotic microorganisms, of phylum Cyanobacteria, once known as blue-green algae.
  • cybernetically — using cybernetics
  • cybersquatting — Cybersquatting involves buying an Internet domain name that might be wanted by another person, business, or organization with the intention of selling it to them and making a profit.
  • cyclobarbitone — a barbiturate derivative drug used as a sedative and hypnotic
  • cyproheptadine — a type of antihistamine drug used in the treatment of allergies
  • cytoprotectant — A cytoprotectant is a medication for ulcers that increases the level of mucus in the stomach in order to protect the stomach lining from acid.
  • dacryoadenitis — Inflammation of the lacrimal glands.
  • dactylographer — the study of fingerprints for purposes of identification.
  • damage control — Damage control is action that is taken to make the bad results of something as small as possible, when it is impossible to avoid bad results completely.
  • dark chocolate — Dark chocolate is dark brown chocolate that has a stronger and less sweet taste than milk chocolate.
  • dark continent — Africa, especially before the late 19th cent. when little was known of it
  • data hierarchy — The system of data objects which provide the methods for information storage and retrieval. Broadly, a data hierarchy may be considered to be either natural, which arises from the alphabet or syntax of the language in which the information is expressed, or machine, which reflects the facilities of the computer, both hardware and software. A natural data hierarchy might consist of bits, characters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. One might use components bound to an application, such as field, record, and file, and these would ordinarily be further specified by having data descriptors such as name field, address field, etc. On the other hand, a machine or software system might use bit, byte, word, block, partition, channel, and port. Programming languages often provide types or objects which can create data hierarchies of arbitrary complexity, thus allowing software system designers to model language structures described by the linguist to greater or lesser degree. The distinction between the natural form of data and the facilities provided by the machine may be obscure, because users force their needs into the molds provided, and programmers change machine designs. As an example, the natural data type "character" and the machine type "byte" are often used interchangeably, because the latter has evolved to meet the need of representing the former.
  • data processor — a computer that is capable of performing operations on data in order to extract information, reorder files, etc
  • data structure — an organized form, such as an array list or string, in which connected data items are held in a computer
  • dataparallel-c — (language, parallel)   C with parallel extensions by Hatcher and Quinn of the University of New Hampshire. Dataparallel-C was based on an early version of C* and runs on the Intel iPSC-2 and nCube.
  • date of record — the final date a registered stockholder of a corporation has the right to receive a dividend or other benefit.
  • dating service — a service that provides introductions to people seeking a companion with similar interests
  • daycare centre — an establishment offering daycare to preschool children, enabling their parents to work full time or have extended relief if child care is a problem
  • decentralising — Present participle of decentralise.
  • decentralizing — Present participle of decentralize.
  • dechlorination — the removal of chlorine from a substance
  • dechristianize — to make non-Christian
  • decolorization — decolor.
  • deconcentrated — to reduce the power or control of (a corporation, industry, etc.); decentralize.
  • deconsecrating — Present participle of deconsecrate.
  • deconsecration — The opposite of consecration, to undo consecration. Desecration or defilement.
  • decontaminator — A device that decontaminates.
  • decorated shed — a contemporary design concept characterized by buildings generally of purely utilitarian design but with fronts intended to give them more grandeur or to announce their functions.
  • decoration day — Memorial Day
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