
13-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • superreaction — a reverse movement or tendency; an action in a reverse direction or manner.
  • superromantic — exceptionally romantic
  • surface plate — Machinery. a flat plate used by machinists for testing surfaces that are to be made perfectly flat.
  • surface water — water found on the surface of the earth (not underground or in the atmosphere), for example in rivers, seas, lakes, reservoirs, etc
  • surface yeast — yeast that rises to the surface as froth during fermentation.
  • suspercollate — to hang
  • sustentacular — supporting.
  • swagger stick — a short, batonlike stick, usually leather-covered, sometimes carried by army officers, soldiers, etc.
  • switched-star — denoting or relating to a cable television system in which only one or two programme channels are fed to each subscriber, who can select other channels by remote control of a central switching point
  • symmetrically — characterized by or exhibiting symmetry; well-proportioned, as a body or whole; regular in form or arrangement of corresponding parts.
  • tactical wire — wire entanglements used to break up attacking enemy formations or to keep them within the field of defensive fire.
  • talcum powder — a powder made of purified, usually perfumed talc, for toilet purposes.
  • tangoreceptor — a receptor stimulated by touch.
  • tape recorder — an electrical device for recording or playing back sound, video, or data on magnetic tape.
  • tariff office — a company whose premiums are based on a tariff agreed with other insurance companies
  • tarpeian rock — a rock on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, from which criminals and traitors were hurled.
  • tartar emetic — antimony potassium tartrate, K(SbO)C4H4O6·1⁄2H2O, a poisonous, odorless, white salt used in medicine to cause expectoration, vomiting, and perspiration, and in dyeing as a mordant
  • tartare sauce — a mayonnaise dressing for fish and seafood, usually with chopped pickles, onions, olives, capers, and green herbs added.
  • tax collector — sb employed to gather taxes
  • tax inspector — a government official whose job is to make sure that people and companies are paying the right amount of tax
  • teacher's pet — a pupil who is a favorite of a teacher.
  • telegrammatic — a message or communication sent by telegraph; a telegraphic dispatch.
  • telluric acid — a white, toxic, crystalline compound, H 6 TeO 6 , slightly soluble in cold water, soluble in hot water and alkalis: used as an analytical agent.
  • tennis racket — long-handled bat used in tennis
  • tercentennial — pertaining to 300 years or a period of 300 years.
  • terpsichorean — pertaining to dancing.
  • terrace house — a house in a terrace or a row of houses, usually identical and having common dividing walls
  • tertiary care — the aspect of in-patient care dealing with illnesses or conditions requiring specialized techniques, as coronary artery bypass surgery, renal hemodialysis, and treatment of severe burns.
  • testificatory — related to a person who witnesses or an object used as evidence
  • tetrachloride — a chloride containing four atoms of chlorine.
  • tetrastichous — arranged in a spike of four vertical rows, as flowers.
  • the antarctic — Antarctica and the surrounding waters
  • the archenemy — the devil
  • the archfiend — the chief of fiends or devils; Satan
  • the boat race — a rowing event held annually in the spring, in which an eight representing Oxford University rows against one representing Cambridge University on the Thames between Putney and Mortlake
  • the caribbean — the states and islands of the Caribbean Sea, including the West Indies, when considered as a geopolitical region
  • the carolinas — North Carolina and South Carolina
  • the civil war — the war between the North (the Union) and the South (the Confederacy) in the U.S. (1861-65)
  • the decameron — title of collection of stories written in Italian in the early Renaissance by Boccaccio
  • the ediacaran — the Ediacaran period or rock system
  • the franchise — the right to vote, esp for representatives in a legislative body; suffrage
  • the heptarchy — the supposed confederacy of seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms
  • the necessary — the money required for a particular purpose
  • the secondary — cornerbacks and safeties collectively
  • the-decameron — a collection of 100 tales (1353) by Boccaccio.
  • the-spectator — a weekly periodical (1711–12, 1714) issued by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.
  • theatricalism — conduct suggesting theatrical actions or mannerisms, especially of an extravagant or exhibitionist sort.
  • theatricality — of or relating to the theater or dramatic presentations: theatrical performances.
  • theatricalize — to put into dramatic or theatrical form; dramatize.
  • thenceforward — from that time or place onward.
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