
13-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • smear tactics — actions designed to slander another person or organization in order to damage their reputation
  • social credit — the doctrine that under capitalism there is an inadequate distribution of purchasing power, for which the remedy lies in governmental control of retail prices and the distribution of national dividends to consumers.
  • social market — an economic system in which industry and commerce are run by private enterprise within limits set by the government to ensure equality of opportunity and social and environmental responsibility
  • south america — a continent in the S part of the Western Hemisphere. About 6,900,000 sq. mi. (17,871,000 sq. km).
  • southern cane — a stick or short staff used to assist one in walking; walking stick.
  • space tourism — travel into space for recreational purposes
  • sparcsystem 4 — (computer)   A computer built with the MicroSPARC ii 70MHz CPU as used in the SPARC 5 Model 70. The SPARCsystem 4 is basically a cheaper, cut-down SPARC 5. It has an 8-bit pixel accelerator instead of the SBus Turbo GX card. Memory expansion is limited to 160 MB. Availability was planned for March/April 1995.
  • specrate_fp92 — (benchmark)   A benchmark result derived from the results of a set of floating-point benchmarks (the geometric mean of 14 SPEC rates from CFP92) run multiple times simultaneously, which can be used to estimate a machine's overall multi-tasking throughput for floating-point code. It is typically used on multiprocessor machines. SPECrate_fp92 obsoletes SPECfpThruput89.
  • spectacularly — of or like a spectacle; marked by or given to an impressive, large-scale display.
  • spectatorship — the state of being a spectator
  • spectral line — a line in a spectrum due to the absorption or emission of light at a discrete frequency.
  • spectral type — a category for classifying a star, as A star or G star, according to features of its spectrum, as its shape as a function of temperature and wavelength and its absorption spectrum, that indicate the surface temperature of the star and the presence of particular atoms or molecules in its outer layers: principal types are spectral types O, B, A, F, G, K, and M.
  • spectrography — a spectroscope for photographing or producing a representation of a spectrum.
  • spermatogenic — relating to the development of spermatozoa
  • spermatotoxic — spermotoxic.
  • sports jacket — a jacket, often of textured wool or colorful pattern, with a collar, lapels, long sleeves, and buttons in the front, cut somewhat fuller than the jacket of a business suit, worn with slacks for informal occasions.
  • spotted crake — a Eurasian rail, Porzana porzana, of swamps and marshes, having a buff speckled plumage and dark brown wings
  • squash racket — a light long-handled racket used in the game of squash
  • staff officer — a commissioned officer who is a member of a staff.
  • standard cell — a primary electric cell, as the Weston cell, that produces an accurately known constant voltage: used in scientific measurements.
  • stare decisis — the doctrine that rules or principles of law on which a court rested a previous decision are authoritative in all future cases in which the facts are substantially the same.
  • state chamber — a room for public ceremonies and celebrations.
  • state control — government ownership
  • static memory — the contents of computer memory that remain fixed until written to or until the power is turned off.
  • steamer chair — deck chair.
  • steeplechaser — a horse race over a turf course furnished with artificial ditches, hedges, and other obstacles over which the horses must jump.
  • step aerobics — a set of aerobic exercises designed to improve the cardiovascular system, which consists of stepping on and off a special box of adjustable height
  • stercoraceous — consisting of, resembling, or pertaining to dung or feces.
  • stercorarious — stercoraceous
  • sterculia gum — karaya gum.
  • stereological — of, relating to, stereology
  • stereotypical — a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
  • straight face — a serious or impassive facial expression that conceals one's true feelings about something, especially a desire to laugh.
  • strait-jacket — a garment made of strong material and designed to bind the arms, as of a violently disoriented person.
  • strategic fit — (in business) the degree to which the activities of different sections of a business or businesses working together complement one another to achieve competitive advantage and business success
  • strategically — pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of strategy: strategic movements.
  • stratospheric — relating to the stratosphere
  • streaky bacon — Streaky bacon is bacon which has stripes of fat between stripes of meat.
  • streptocarpus — any of various plants belonging to the genus Streptocarpus, of the gesneria family, native to Africa and Asia, having showy white, pink, or purplish flowers and often cultivated as a houseplant.
  • stretch marks — Stretch marks are lines or marks on someone's skin caused by the skin stretching after the person's weight has changed rapidly. Women who have had children often have stretch marks.
  • strobilaceous — resembling a strobilus; conelike.
  • structuralize — to form into or make part of a structure.
  • subcategorize — to split into subcategories
  • subtriplicate — designating or involving the ratio of the cube roots of two terms
  • sunrise watch — dogwatch (def 2).
  • superactivity — extreme activity; hyperactivity
  • supercautious — very or extremely cautious
  • supercritical — extremely critical.
  • supergalactic — a system of galaxies.
  • superparticle — (in supersymmetry theory) a theoretical particle that is a partner to an observed particle, having the same mass but a different spin
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