
13-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • inner sanctum — sanctum (def 2).
  • inspectorates — Plural form of inspectorate.
  • inter-company — a number of individuals assembled or associated together; group of people.
  • interactional — reciprocal action, effect, or influence.
  • interactively — acting one upon or with the other.
  • interactivity — The quality of being interactive.
  • intercalarily — In an intercalary manner.
  • intercalating — Present participle of intercalate.
  • intercalation — the act of intercalating; insertion or interpolation, as in a series.
  • intercellular — situated between or among cells.
  • interceptable — Able to be intercepted.
  • intercerebral — (anatomy) Between the two cerebral hemispheres.
  • interchanging — Present participle of interchange.
  • interchondral — of or relating to cartilage or a cartilage.
  • interclavicle — a median membrane bone developed between the collarbones, or in front of the breastbone, in many vertebrates.
  • intercolonial — between colonies, as of one country.
  • intercommunal — used or shared in common by everyone in a group: a communal jug of wine.
  • intercondylar — Anatomy. the smooth surface area at the end of a bone, forming part of a joint.
  • intercortical — situated within a cortex
  • intercultural — pertaining to or taking place between two or more cultures: intercultural exchanges in music and art.
  • interfaceable — Capable of being interfaced.
  • intergalactic — of, existing, or occurring in the space between galaxies: The science-fiction movie was about an intergalactic war.
  • interglacials — Plural form of interglacial.
  • interiorscape — An installation of plants decorating the inside of a building.
  • interjaculate — (transitive) To ejaculate (a remark, etc.) parenthetically.
  • interlacement — to cross one another, typically passing alternately over and under, as if woven together; intertwine: Their hands interlaced.
  • interlocation — A placing or coming between; interposition.
  • intermetallic — (inorganic chemistry) of, relating to, acting between, or comprising two or more metals.
  • intermuscular — of or relating to muscle or the muscles: muscular strain.
  • internet café — a café, coffee bar, etc., that offers Internet access on its own computers or on customer's laptops, usually for a fee.
  • internet-cafe — a café, coffee bar, etc., that offers Internet access on its own computers or on customer's laptops, usually for a fee.
  • interosculant — Mutually touching or intersecting.
  • interosculate — to interpenetrate; inosculate.
  • interpandemic — occurring between two pandemics
  • interparticle — a minute portion, piece, fragment, or amount; a tiny or very small bit: a particle of dust; not a particle of supporting evidence.
  • interracially — Between races.
  • interscapular — between the scapulae or shoulder blades.
  • intersocietal — noting or pertaining to large social groups, or to their activities, customs, etc.
  • intertropical — situated or occurring between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn; tropical.
  • intracellular — within a cell or cells.
  • intracerebral — Occurring or situated within the cerebrum.
  • intransigence — the state or quality of being intransigent, or refusing to compromise or agree; inflexibility: No agreement was reached because of intransigence on both sides.
  • intransigency — a person who refuses to agree or compromise, as in politics.
  • intraparticle — Within a particle.
  • intraspecific — existing or occurring within a species.
  • intratelluric — Geology. located in, taking place in, or resulting from action beneath the lithosphere.
  • intrathecally — In an intrathecal way; into the spinal canal.
  • intricateness — The state or quality of being intricate; intricacy.
  • irretraceable — unable to be retraced.
  • isobarometric — isobaric
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