
13-letter words containing a, c, r, e, t

  • epitrachelion — The liturgical vestment worn by priests and bishops of the Orthodox Church as the symbol of their priesthood, corresponding to the Western stole.
  • epitrochoidal — Being or relating to an epitrochoid.
  • eproctophilia — Sexual arousal from flatulence.
  • ergatomorphic — pertaining to an ergatomorph
  • eroticization — The act or process of eroticizing.
  • escape artist — escapologist
  • escort agency — an agency where people, esp young women, may be hired to accompany someone for entertainment, etc
  • eta reduction — eta conversion
  • ethnocultural — Relating to or denoting a particular ethnic group.
  • ethnographica — a collection of ethnographic items
  • eucharistical — Alternative form of eucharistic.
  • exacerbations — Plural form of exacerbation.
  • exchange rate — relative value of currency
  • excoriatingly — So as to excoriate.
  • excortication — the act of stripping off the outer layer, esp the bark from a tree
  • excrescential — Pertaining to, or resembling, an excrescence.
  • exotic dancer — a striptease dancer or belly dancer
  • expectorating — Present participle of expectorate.
  • expectoration — The action of expectorating, of ejecting phlegm or mucus from the throat or lungs by coughing, hawking, or spitting.
  • expectorative — an expectorant medicine
  • expert advice — advice given by someone who has studied a subject thoroughly or who is very skilled at a particular job
  • extended care — nursing care provided for a limited time after a hospital stay, as in a special facility
  • extra-special — particular; exceptional
  • extrabiblical — Outside the Bible.
  • extracapsular — (anatomy) Situated outside a capsule, especially outside the capsular ligament of a joint.
  • extracellular — Situated or taking place outside a cell or cells.
  • extractor fan — a fan used in kitchens, bathrooms, workshops, etc, to remove stale air or fumes
  • extragalactic — Situated, occurring, or originating outside the Milky Way galaxy.
  • extrajudicial — (of a sentence) not legally authorized.
  • extrametrical — exceeding the number of syllables normally used in a given metre
  • extraparticle — Extraparticle means relating to processes that happen outside the particles in a bed.
  • extrasystolic — Relating to extrasystole, the premature contraction of the heart.
  • extratropical — Occurring outside the tropics, usually in temperate latitudes.
  • extravagances — Plural form of extravagance.
  • extravascular — Situated or happening outside of the blood vessels or lymph vessels.
  • extrinsically — In an extrinsic manner.
  • fabric filter — A fabric filter is a type of filter in which solids are removed from a gas by passing it though a fabric.
  • face-centered — (of a crystal structure) having lattice points on the faces of the unit cells.
  • factory price — the price quoted for manufactured goods for pickup at the gate of a factory, before certain handling, shipping, and similar costs.
  • factory-fresh — coming directly from the factory; brand new
  • family credit — (formerly, in Britain) a means-tested allowance paid to low-earning families with one or more dependent children and one or both parents in work: replaced by Working Families' Tax Credit in 1999
  • fat electrons — (electronics, humour)   Old-time hacker David Cargill's theory on the cause of computer glitches. Your typical electricity company draws its line current out of the big generators with a pair of coil taps located near the top of the dynamo. When the normal tap brushes get dirty, they take them off line to clean them up, and use special auxiliary taps on the *bottom* of the coil. Now, this is a problem, because when they do that they get not ordinary or "thin" electrons, but the fat sloppy electrons that are heavier and so settle to the bottom of the generator. These flow down ordinary wires just fine, but when they have to turn a sharp corner (as in an integrated-circuit via), they're apt to get stuck. This is what causes computer glitches. Compare bogon, magic smoke.
  • fault breccia — angular rock fragments produced by fracture and grinding during faulting and distributed within or adjacent to the fault plane.
  • fault current — A fault current is a current that results from a fault.
  • feather tract — pteryla.
  • featherstitch — an embroidery stitch producing work in which a succession of branches extend alternately on each side of a central stem.
  • feature creep — creeping featurism
  • feature shock — (jargon)   (From Alvin Toffler's "Future Shock") A user's confusion when confronted with a package that has too many features and poor introductory material.
  • febrifacients — Plural form of febrifacient.
  • federal court — a court of a federal government, especially one established under the Constitution of the United States.
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