
All stop synonyms

S s

verb stop

  • nip β€” to squeeze or compress tightly between two surfaces or points; pinch; bite.
  • get in the way β€” be an obstacle
  • leave β€” to go out of or away from, as a place: to leave the house.
  • carry through β€” If you carry something through, you do it or complete it, often in spite of difficulties.
  • fail β€” to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved: The experiment failed because of poor planning.
  • close down β€” to cease or cause to cease operations
  • jam β€” to press, squeeze, or wedge tightly between bodies or surfaces, so that motion or extrication is made difficult or impossible: The ship was jammed between two rocks.
  • cash in β€” If you say that someone cashes in on a situation, you are criticizing them for using it to gain an advantage, often in an unfair or dishonest way.
  • get out of the way β€” move aside
  • help β€” to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages.
  • intermediating β€” to act as an intermediary; intervene; mediate.
  • garrote β€” a method of capital punishment of Spanish origin in which an iron collar is tightened around a condemned person's neck until death occurs by strangulation or by injury to the spinal column at the base of the brain.
  • blockaded β€” the isolating, closing off, or surrounding of a place, as a port, harbor, or city, by hostile ships or troops to prevent entrance or exit.
  • immobilise β€” to make immobile or immovable; fix in place.
  • lasted β€” to go on or continue in time: The festival lasted three weeks.
  • beat down β€” When the sun beats down, it is very hot and bright.
  • hang it up β€” to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top; suspend.
  • buckle under β€” If you buckle under to a person or a situation, you do what they want you to do, even though you do not want to do it.
  • ease up β€” freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.
  • cool it β€” If you tell someone to cool it, you want them to stop being angry and aggressive and to behave more calmly.
  • lay aside β€” to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down: to lay a book on a desk.
  • bitting β€” Also called bollard. a strong post of wood or iron projecting, usually in pairs, above the deck of a ship, used for securing cables, lines for towing, etc.
  • come to nothing β€” plan, idea: fail
  • clam up β€” If someone clams up, they stop talking, often because they are shy or to avoid giving away secrets.
  • hang up β€” the way in which a thing hangs.
  • head off β€” the upper part of the body in humans, joined to the trunk by the neck, containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
  • quit β€” to stop, cease, or discontinue: She quit what she was doing to help me paint the house.
  • die down β€” If something dies down, it becomes very much quieter or less intense.
  • check β€” Check is also a noun.
  • waylay β€” to intercept or attack from ambush, as in order to rob, seize, or slay.
  • linger β€” to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave: We lingered awhile after the party.
  • nixing β€” nothing.
  • illegalize β€” to make illegal: They even wanted to illegalize smoking.
  • greet β€” to lament; bewail.
  • disestablish β€” to deprive of the character of being established; cancel; abolish.
  • come to pass β€” to take place
  • contain β€” If something such as a box, bag, room, or place contains things, those things are inside it.

noun stop

  • wall β€” any of various permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except where pierced by doors, windows, etc.: used for shelter, protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space, to support floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth, to fence in an area, etc.
  • idyll β€” a poem or prose composition, usually describing pastoral scenes or events or any charmingly simple episode, appealing incident, or the like.
  • call β€” a demand for redeemable bonds or shares to be presented for repayment
  • kiss off β€” an act or instance of kissing.
  • cork β€” Cork is a soft, light substance which forms the bark of a type of Mediterranean tree.
  • immobilisation β€” Alternative spelling of immobilization.
  • crosswalk β€” A crosswalk is a place where pedestrians can cross a street and where drivers must stop to let them cross.
  • irregularity β€” the quality or state of being irregular.
  • ending β€” An end or final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a book or movie.
  • crossway β€” a junction
  • kiss-off β€” Slang. an act or instance of dismissing a person or thing: The company is about to give you the kiss-off, so you'd better start looking for another job.
  • dead air β€” the loss or suspension of the video or audio signal during a television or radio transmission.
  • dreaminess β€” of the nature of or characteristic of dreams; visionary.
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