
All rip synonyms

R r

verb rip

  • weeded β€” a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop.
  • fustigate β€” to cudgel; beat; punish severely.
  • lacerate β€” to tear roughly; mangle: The barbed wire lacerated his hands.
  • dispraise β€” to speak of as undeserving or unworthy; censure; disparage.
  • mix it up β€” to combine (substances, elements, things, etc.) into one mass, collection, or assemblage, generally with a thorough blending of the constituents.
  • be-little β€” to regard or portray as less impressive or important than appearances indicate; depreciate; disparage.
  • hasted β€” swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste.
  • blacken β€” To blacken something means to make it black or very dark in colour. Something that blackens becomes black or very dark in colour.
  • bestirred β€” to stir up; rouse to action (often used reflexively): She bestirred herself at the first light of morning.
  • chining β€” the backbone or spine, especially of an animal.
  • jawbone β€” a bone of either jaw; a maxilla or mandible.
  • whish β€” a whishing sound.
  • fractured β€” the breaking of a bone, cartilage, or the like, or the resulting condition. Compare comminuted fracture, complete fracture, compound fracture, greenstick fracture, simple fracture.
  • lose no time β€” act without delay
  • blotched β€” Something that is blotched has blotches on it.
  • cleave β€” To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently.
  • humiliate β€” to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; mortify.
  • bad mouth β€” Slang. to speak critically and often disloyally of; disparage: Why do you bad-mouth your family so much?
  • dichotomized β€” Simple past tense and past participle of dichotomize Having been divided into dichotomous parts.
  • claw β€” The claws of a bird or animal are the thin, hard, curved nails at the end of its feet.
  • barrelled β€” a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends.
  • bung up β€” a stopper for the opening of a cask.
  • burn up β€” If something burns up or if fire burns it up, it is completely destroyed by fire or strong heat.
  • make haste β€” swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste.
  • disses β€” to show disrespect for; affront.
  • branching β€” the occurrence of several decay paths (branches) in the disintegration of a particular nuclide or the de-excitation of an excited atom. The branching fraction (nuclear) or branching ratio (atomic) is the proportion of the disintegrating nuclei that follow a particular branch to the total number of disintegrating nuclides
  • mistreat β€” to treat badly or abusively.
  • blistered β€” a thin vesicle on the skin, containing watery matter or serum, as from a burn or other injury.
  • barreled β€” Having the specified number of barrels.
  • discommend β€” to express disapproval of; belittle; disparage. The diners discommended the wine.
  • bemean β€” to make mean; demean; debase (usually used reflexively).
  • hacked β€” to place (something) on a hack, as for drying or feeding.
  • hasting β€” swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste.
  • zap β€” to kill or shoot.
  • denunciate β€” to condemn; denounce
  • make time β€” the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
  • kick around β€” to strike with the foot or feet: to kick the ball; to kick someone in the shins.
  • dissed β€” to show disrespect for; affront.
  • make short work of β€” exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
  • weeds β€” a valueless plant growing wild, especially one that grows on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop.
  • mow down β€” to cut down (grass, grain, etc.) with a scythe or a machine.
  • dump on β€” to drop or let fall in a mass; fling down or drop heavily or suddenly: Dump the topsoil here.
  • criticise β€” criticize
  • fluffed β€” Simple past tense and past participle of fluff.
  • barrelling β€” a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends.
  • get a move on β€” to pass from one place or position to another.
  • call on the carpet β€” (chiefly US) To reprimand; to censure severely or angrily.
  • whacking β€” large.

noun rip

  • laceration β€” the result of lacerating; a rough, jagged tear.
  • bacchanalia β€” orgiastic rites associated with Bacchus
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