
All prize synonyms

P p

noun prize

  • flower β€” the blossom of a plant.
  • bullseye β€” the circular spot, usually black or outlined in black, at the center of a target marked with concentric circles and used in target practice.
  • elite β€” A group of people considered to be the best in a particular society or category, esp. because of their power, talent, or wealth.
  • grand slam β€” Bridge. the winning of all thirteen tricks of a deal. Compare little slam.
  • jackpot β€” the chief prize or the cumulative stakes in a game or contest, as in bingo, a quiz contest, or a slot machine.
  • glitterati β€” The fashionable set of people engaged in show business or some other glamorous activity.
  • gainings β€” profits or earnings
  • carriage trade β€” trade from the wealthy part of society
  • obtainment β€” to come into possession of; get, acquire, or procure, as through an effort or by a request: to obtain permission; to obtain a better income.
  • loot β€” spoils or plunder taken by pillaging, as in war.
  • druthers β€” one's own way, choice, or preference: If I had my druthers, I'd dance all night.
  • first and last β€” being before all others with respect to time, order, rank, importance, etc., used as the ordinal number of one: the first edition; the first vice president.
  • hand-out β€” the terminal, prehensile part of the upper limb in humans and other primates, consisting of the wrist, metacarpal area, fingers, and thumb.
  • quarry β€” an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.
  • optimacy β€” Government by the nobility.
  • gold star β€” a gold-colored star displayed, as on a service flag, to indicate that a member of one's family, organization, or the like, was killed in war as a member of the armed forces.
  • crown β€” A crown is a circular ornament, usually made of gold and jewels, which a king or queen wears on their head at official ceremonies. You can also use crown to refer to anything circular that is worn on someone's head.
  • largesses β€” generous bestowal of gifts.
  • fiance β€” a man engaged to be married. Synonyms: future groom, future husband, future spouse, betrothed.
  • meed β€” a reward or recompense.
  • in-crowd β€” in-group (def 1).
  • good β€” Graph-Oriented Object Database
  • winnings β€” Plural form of winning.
  • cup β€” A cup is a small round container that you drink from. Cups usually have handles and are made from china or plastic.
  • brass ring β€” great success or a highly valued prize; also, an opportunity for this
  • golden parachute β€” an employment contract or agreement guaranteeing a key executive of a company substantial severance pay and other financial benefits in the event of job loss caused by the company's being sold or merged.
  • allowance β€” An allowance is money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things that they need.
  • acquisition β€” If a company or business person makes an acquisition, they buy another company or part of a company.
  • captivation β€” to attract and hold the attention or interest of, as by beauty or excellence; enchant: Her blue eyes and red hair captivated him.

verb prize

  • care β€” If you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it.
  • memorialise β€” (British) alternative spelling of memorialize.
  • favor β€” something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
  • know β€” to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty: I know the situation fully.
  • apprize β€” to give notice to; inform; advise (often followed by of): to be apprised of the death of an old friend.
  • apprized β€” Simple past tense and past participle of apprize.
  • cherish β€” If you cherish something such as a hope or a pleasant memory, you keep it in your mind for a long period of time.
  • cotton to β€” If you cotton to someone or something, you start to like them.
  • live up to β€” to have life, as an organism; be alive; be capable of vital functions: all things that live.
  • esteem β€” Respect and admire.
  • appreciate β€” If you appreciate something, for example a piece of music or good food, you like it because you recognize its good qualities.
  • memorialize β€” to commemorate.
  • adore β€” If you adore someone, you feel great love and admiration for them.
  • force β€” physical power or strength possessed by a living being: He used all his force in opening the window.
  • favour β€” to regard with favor: to favor an enterprise.
  • apperceive β€” to be aware of perceiving

adj prize

  • a-1 β€” noting a vessel regarded by a shipping-classification society as being equipped to the highest standard and with equipment maintained in first-class condition.
  • hand-picked β€” to pick by hand.

adjective prize

  • handpicked β€” Picked by hand; picked or selected with care.
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