
All impact synonyms

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noun impact

  • effect β€” something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin.
  • impression β€” a strong effect produced on the intellect, feelings, conscience, etc.
  • influence β€” the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
  • repercussion β€” an effect or result, often indirect or remote, of some event or action: The repercussions of the quarrel were widespread.
  • meaning β€” what is intended to be, or actually is, expressed or indicated; signification; import: the three meanings of a word.
  • burden β€” If you describe a problem or a responsibility as a burden, you mean that it causes someone a lot of difficulty, worry, or hard work.
  • significance β€” importance; consequence: the significance of the new treaty.
  • shock β€” a thick, bushy mass, as of hair.
  • brunt β€” the main force or shock of a blow, attack, etc (esp in the phrase bear the brunt of)
  • tremor β€” involuntary shaking of the body or limbs, as from disease, fear, weakness, or excitement; a fit of trembling.
  • smash β€” to break to pieces with violence and often with a crashing sound, as by striking, letting fall, or dashing against something; shatter: He smashed the vase against the wall.
  • contact β€” Contact involves meeting or communicating with someone, especially regularly.
  • rock β€” rock the boat, Informal. to disrupt the smooth functioning or routine of something: Don't rock the boat by demanding special treatment from management.
  • weight β€” the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs.
  • power β€” a heavy blow or a loud, explosive noise.
  • mark β€” Marcus Alonzo ("Mark") 1837–1904, U.S. merchant and politician: senator 1897–1904.
  • imprint β€” a mark made by pressure; a mark or figure impressed or printed on something.
  • thrust β€” to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force: He thrust his way through the crowd. She thrust a dagger into his back.
  • consequences β€” a game in which each player writes down a part of a story, folds over the paper, and passes it on to another player who continues the story. After several stages, the resulting (nonsensical) stories are read out
  • pound β€” Archaic. to shut up in or as in a pound; impound; imprison.
  • quiver β€” a case for holding or carrying arrows.
  • rap β€” to carry off; transport.
  • bump β€” If you bump into something or someone, you accidentally hit them while you are moving.
  • ram β€” random-access memory; computer memory available to the user for creating, loading, or running programs and for the temporary storage and manipulation of data, in which time of access to each item is independent of the storage sequence. As a storage medium, RAM is volatile, so its contents are lost when the power fails or is turned off.
  • impingement β€” to make an impression; have an effect or impact (usually followed by on or upon): to impinge upon the imagination; social pressures that impinge upon one's daily life.
  • slap β€” a gap or opening, as in a fence, wall, cloud bank, or line of troops.
  • stroke β€” a short oblique stroke (/) between two words indicating that whichever is appropriate may be chosen to complete the sense of the text in which they occur: The defendant and his/her attorney must appear in court.
  • quake β€” (of persons) to shake or tremble from cold, weakness, fear, anger, or the like: He spoke boldly even though his legs were quaking.
  • shake β€” to move or sway with short, quick, irregular vibratory movements.
  • crash β€” A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed.
  • tremble β€” to shake involuntarily with quick, short movements, as from fear, excitement, weakness, or cold; quake; quiver.
  • blow β€” When a wind or breeze blows, the air moves.
  • jounce β€” a jouncing movement.
  • concussion β€” If you suffer concussion after a blow to your head, you lose consciousness or feel sick or confused.
  • jar β€” Java archive
  • jolt β€” Java Open Language Toolkit
  • crush β€” To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces.
  • percussion β€” the striking of one body against another with some sharpness; impact; blow.
  • thump β€” a blow with something thick and heavy, producing a dull sound; a heavy knock.
  • strike β€” to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit.
  • meeting β€” an assembly, as of persons and hounds for a hunt or swimmers or runners for a race or series of races: a track meet.
  • kick β€” to strike with the foot or feet: to kick the ball; to kick someone in the shins.
  • crunch β€” If you crunch something hard, such as a sweet, you crush it noisily between your teeth.
  • hit β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • clash β€” When people clash, they fight, argue, or disagree with each other.
  • knock β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • punch β€” the chief male character in a Punch-and-Judy show.
  • buffet β€” A buffet is a meal of cold food that is displayed on a long table at a party or public occasion. Guests usually serve themselves from the table.

verb impact

  • register β€” a list or record of such acts, events, etc.
  • collide β€” If two or more moving people or objects collide, they crash into one another. If a moving person or object collides with a person or object that is not moving, they crash into them.
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