
All hopper synonyms

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noun hopper

  • stir β€” to move one's hand or an implement continuously or repeatedly through (a liquid or other substance) in order to cool, mix, agitate, dissolve, etc., any or all of the component parts: to stir one's coffee with a spoon.
  • alertness β€” fully aware and attentive; wide-awake; keen: an alert mind.
  • vigor β€” active strength or force.
  • turmoil β€” a state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance; tumult; agitation; disquiet: mental turmoil caused by difficult decisions.
  • agility β€” the power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness: exercises demanding agility.
  • power β€” a heavy blow or a loud, explosive noise.
  • vitality β€” exuberant physical strength or mental vigor: a person of great vitality.
  • flurry β€” a light, brief shower of snow.
  • bustle β€” If someone bustles somewhere, they move there in a hurried way, often because they are very busy.
  • stunt β€” to use in doing stunts: to stunt an airplane.
  • bit β€” A bit of something is a small part or section of it.
  • spirit β€” the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.
  • going β€” the act of leaving or departing; departure: a safe going and quick return.
  • rush β€” to move, act, or progress with speed, impetuosity, or violence.
  • happening β€” something that happens; occurrence; event.
  • industry β€” the aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product: the automobile industry; the steel industry.
  • game β€” an amusement or pastime: children's games.
  • motion β€” the action or process of moving or of changing place or position; movement.
  • bag β€” A bag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example one that is used in shops to put things in that a customer has bought.
  • haste β€” swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste.
  • vivacity β€” the quality or state of being vivacious.
  • ballgame β€” any game played with a ball
  • sac β€” Strategic Air Command.
  • cistern β€” A cistern is a container which stores the water supply for a building, or that holds the water for flushing a toilet.
  • canteen β€” A canteen is a place in a factory, shop, or college where meals are served to the people who work or study there.
  • pod β€” the straight groove or channel in the body of certain augers or bits.
  • churn β€” A churn is a container which is used for making butter.
  • receptacle β€” a container, device, etc., that receives or holds something: a receptacle for trash.
  • hamper β€” to hold back; hinder; impede: A steady rain hampered the progress of the work.
  • casket β€” A casket is a small box in which you keep valuable things.
  • repository β€” a receptacle or place where things are deposited, stored, or offered for sale: a repository for discarded clothing.
  • chamber β€” A chamber is a large room, especially one that is used for formal meetings.
  • flask β€” the armored plates making up the sides of a gun-carriage trail.
  • pit β€” the stone of a fruit, as of a cherry, peach, or plum.
  • chest β€” Your chest is the top part of the front of your body where your ribs, lungs, and heart are.
  • cradle β€” A cradle is a baby's bed with high sides. Cradles often have curved bases so that they rock from side to side.
  • vat β€” a large container, as a tub or tank, used for storing or holding liquids: a wine vat.
  • bin β€” A bin is a container that you put rubbish in.
  • pottery β€” ceramic ware, especially earthenware and stoneware.
  • purse β€” a woman's handbag or pocketbook.
  • poke β€” to prod or push, especially with something narrow or pointed, as a finger, elbow, stick, etc.: to poke someone in the ribs.
  • scuttle β€” Nautical. a small hatch or port in the deck, side, or bottom of a vessel. a cover for this.
  • beaker β€” A beaker is a plastic cup used for drinking, usually one with no handle.
  • hutch β€” a pen or enclosed coop for small animals: rabbit hutch.
  • crock β€” A crock is a clay pot or jar.
  • caisson β€” a watertight chamber open at the bottom and containing air under pressure, used to carry out construction work under water
  • cask β€” A cask is a wooden barrel that is used for storing things, especially alcoholic drink.
  • bunker β€” A bunker is a place, usually underground, that has been built with strong walls to protect it against heavy gunfire and bombing.
  • reliquary β€” a repository or receptacle for relics.
  • cauldron β€” A cauldron is a very large, round metal pot used for cooking over a fire. In stories and fairy tales, a cauldron is used by witches for their spells.
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