
All hacked synonyms

H h

verb hacked

  • get β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • retrench β€” to cut down, reduce, or diminish; curtail (expenses).
  • peeve β€” to render peevish; annoy.
  • tease β€” to irritate or provoke with persistent petty distractions, trifling raillery, or other annoyance, often in sport.
  • dog β€” a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties.
  • subdivide β€” to divide (that which has already been divided) into smaller parts; divide again after a first division.
  • vex β€” to irritate; annoy; provoke: His noisy neighbors often vexed him.
  • segment β€” one of the parts into which something naturally separates or is divided; a division, portion, or section: a segment of an orange.
  • nettle β€” any plant of the genus Urtica, covered with stinging hairs. Compare nettle family.
  • pique β€” a fabric of cotton, spun rayon, or silk, woven lengthwise with raised cords.
  • bum β€” Someone's bum is the part of their body which they sit on.
  • irk β€” to irritate, annoy, or exasperate: It irked him to wait in line.
  • fork β€” an instrument having two or more prongs or tines, for holding, lifting, etc., as an implement for handling food or any of various agricultural tools.
  • hack β€” to place (something) on a hack, as for drying or feeding.
  • disjoin β€” to undo or prevent the junction or union of; disunite; separate.
  • gall β€” (Pizi) 1840?–94, leader of the Hunkpapa Sioux: a major chief in the battle of Little Bighorn.
  • bifurcate β€” If something such as a line or path bifurcates or is bifurcated, it divides into two parts which go in different directions.
  • grate β€” a frame of metal bars for holding fuel when burning, as in a fireplace, furnace, or stove.
  • branch β€” The branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on them.
  • bug β€” A bug is an insect or similar small creature.
  • diverge β€” to move, lie, or extend in different directions from a common point; branch off.
  • gape β€” to stare with open mouth, as in wonder.
  • snap β€” to make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound; crack, as a whip; crackle.
  • dichotomize β€” to divide or become divided into two parts or classifications
  • trim β€” to put into a neat or orderly condition by clipping, paring, pruning, etc.: to trim a hedge.
  • cleave β€” To cleave something means to split or divide it into two separate parts, often violently.
  • withstand β€” to stand or hold out against; resist or oppose, especially successfully: to withstand rust; to withstand the invaders; to withstand temptation.
  • hew β€” to strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument; chop; hack.
  • stomach β€” Anatomy, Zoology. a saclike enlargement of the alimentary canal, as in humans and certain animals, forming an organ for storing, diluting, and digesting food. such an organ or an analogous portion of the alimentary canal when divided into two or more sections or parts. any one of these sections.
  • indent β€” indentation
  • brook β€” to bear; tolerate
  • form β€” external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material; configuration: a triangular form.
  • tolerate β€” to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit.
  • pattern β€” a distinctive style, model, or form: a new pattern of army helmet.
  • bear β€” If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there.
  • chip β€” Chips are long, thin pieces of potato fried in oil or fat and eaten hot, usually with a meal.
  • accommodate β€” If a building or space can accommodate someone or something, it has enough room for them.
  • stipple β€” to paint, engrave, or draw by means of dots or small touches.
  • abide β€” to tolerate; put up with
  • tool β€” an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.
  • contain β€” If something such as a box, bag, room, or place contains things, those things are inside it.
  • incise β€” to cut into; cut marks, figures, etc., upon.
  • swallow β€” to take into the stomach by drawing through the throat and esophagus with a voluntary muscular action, as food, drink, or other substances.
  • whittle β€” to cut, trim, or shape (a stick, piece of wood, etc.) by carving off bits with a knife.
  • undergo β€” to be subjected to; experience; pass through: to undergo surgery.
  • sunder β€” to separate; part; divide; sever.
  • brave β€” Someone who is brave is willing to do things which are dangerous, and does not show fear in difficult or dangerous situations.
  • slash β€” to cut with a violent sweeping stroke or by striking violently and at random, as with a knife or sword.
  • model β€” a standard or example for imitation or comparison.
  • dissect β€” to cut apart (an animal body, plant, etc.) to examine the structure, relation of parts, or the like.
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