
All glueing synonyms

G g

verb glueing

  • muzzle β€” the mouth, or end for discharge, of the barrel of a gun, pistol, etc.
  • pin β€” Personal Identification Number
  • pinion β€” the distal or terminal segment of the wing of a bird consisting of the carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges.
  • restrain β€” to hold back from action; keep in check or under control; repress: to restrain one's temper.
  • rope β€” a strong, thick line or cord, commonly one composed of twisted or braided strands of hemp, flax, or the like, or of wire or other material.
  • swathe β€” to wrap, bind, or swaddle with bands of some material; wrap up closely or fully.
  • tie β€” to bind, fasten, or attach with a cord, string, or the like, drawn together and knotted: to tie a tin can on a dog's tail.
  • trammel β€” Usually, trammels. a hindrance or impediment to free action; restraint: the trammels of custom.
  • trim β€” to put into a neat or orderly condition by clipping, paring, pruning, etc.: to trim a hedge.
  • truss β€” to tie, bind, or fasten.
  • yoke β€” a device for joining together a pair of draft animals, especially oxen, usually consisting of a crosspiece with two bow-shaped pieces, each enclosing the head of an animal. Compare harness (def 1).
  • enfetter β€” Restrain (someone) with shackles.
  • hook up β€” a curved or angular piece of metal or other hard substance for catching, pulling, holding, or suspending something.
  • peg down β€” to make (a person) committed to a course of action or bound to follow rules
  • pin down β€” a small, slender, often pointed piece of wood, metal, etc., used to fasten, support, or attach things.
  • put together β€” assemble
  • fuse β€” Electricity. a protective device, used in an electric circuit, containing a conductor that melts under heat produced by an excess current, thereby opening the circuit. Compare circuit breaker.
  • gum β€” Often, gums. Also called gingiva. the firm, fleshy tissue covering the alveolar parts of either jaw and enveloping the necks of the teeth.
  • seal β€” a member of the U.S. Navy’s special operations forces.
  • blend β€” If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.
  • bond β€” A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.
  • combine β€” If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together.
  • merge β€” to cause to combine or coalesce; unite.
  • plaster β€” a composition, as of lime or gypsum, sand, water, and sometimes hair or other fiber, applied in a pasty form to walls, ceilings, etc., and allowed to harden and dry.
  • solder β€” any of various alloys fused and applied to the joint between metal objects to unite them without heating the objects to the melting point.
  • weld β€” to unite or fuse (as pieces of metal) by hammering, compressing, or the like, especially after rendering soft or pasty by heat, and sometimes with the addition of fusible material like or unlike the pieces to be united.
  • stick together β€” be united
  • cling β€” If you cling to someone or something, you hold onto them tightly.
  • stick to β€” to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear; stab: to stick one's finger with a needle.
  • associate β€” If you associate someone or something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.
  • coalesce β€” If two or more things coalesce, they come together and form a larger group or system.
  • consolidate β€” If you consolidate something that you have, for example power or success, you strengthen it so that it becomes more effective or secure.
  • hold β€” to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp: She held the purse in her right hand. He held the child's hand in his.
  • affix β€” If you affix one thing to another, you stick it or attach it to the other thing.
  • bolt β€” A bolt is a long metal object which screws into a nut and is used to fasten things together.
  • nail β€” a slender, typically rod-shaped rigid piece of metal, usually in any of numerous standard lengths from a fraction of an inch to several inches and having one end pointed and the other enlarged and flattened, for hammering into or through wood, other building materials, etc., as used in building, in fastening, or in holding separate pieces together.
  • screw β€” a metal fastener having a tapered shank with a helical thread, and topped with a slotted head, driven into wood or the like by rotating, especially by means of a screwdriver.
  • tighten β€” make more snug or secure
  • anchor β€” An anchor is a heavy hooked object that is dropped from a boat into the water at the end of a chain in order to make the boat stay in one place.
  • band β€” A band is a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz, rock, or pop.
  • bar β€” A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks.
  • batten β€” A batten is a long strip of wood that is fixed to something to strengthen it or to hold it firm.
  • belt β€” A belt is a strip of leather or cloth that you fasten round your waist.
  • brace β€” If you brace yourself for something unpleasant or difficult, you prepare yourself for it.
  • button β€” Buttons are small hard objects sewn on to shirts, coats, or other pieces of clothing. You fasten the clothing by pushing the buttons through holes called buttonholes.
  • catch β€” If you catch a person or animal, you capture them after chasing them, or by using a trap, net, or other device.
  • close β€” When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.
  • couple β€” If you refer to a couple of people or things, you mean two or approximately two of them, although the exact number is not important or you are not sure of it.
  • embed β€” Fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass.
  • establish β€” Set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis.
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