
All gaggle synonyms

G g

noun gaggle

  • troupe β€” a company, band, or group of singers, actors, or other performers, especially one that travels about.
  • deluge β€” A deluge of things is a large number of them which arrive or happen at the same time.
  • muster β€” to assemble (troops, a ship's crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, or discharge.
  • tumult β€” violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar: The tumult reached its height during the premier's speech.
  • surge β€” a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep: the onward surge of an angry mob.
  • organization β€” the act or process of organizing.
  • gathering β€” a drawing together; contraction.
  • convoy β€” A convoy is a group of vehicles or ships travelling together.
  • crowd β€” A crowd is a large group of people who have gathered together, for example to watch or listen to something interesting, or to protest about something.
  • litter β€” objects strewn or scattered about; scattered rubbish.
  • assembly β€” An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country.
  • progeny β€” a descendant or offspring, as a child, plant, or animal.
  • rout β€” a bellow.
  • bevy β€” A bevy of people is a group of people all together in one place.
  • flight β€” an act or instance of fleeing or running away; hasty departure.
  • drift β€” a driving movement or force; impulse; impetus; pressure.
  • collection β€” A collection of things is a group of similar things that you have deliberately acquired, usually over a period of time.
  • skein β€” a length of yarn or thread wound on a reel or swift preparatory for use in manufacturing.
  • populace β€” the common people of a community, nation, etc., as distinguished from the higher classes.
  • nest β€” a pocketlike, usually more or less circular structure of twigs, grass, mud, etc., formed by a bird, often high in a tree, as a place in which to lay and incubate its eggs and rear its young; any protected place used by a bird for these purposes.
  • clan β€” A clan is a group which consists of families that are related to each other.
  • school β€” a large number of fish, porpoises, whales, or the like, feeding or migrating together.
  • covey β€” A covey of grouse or partridges is a small group of them.
  • assemblage β€” An assemblage of people or things is a collection of them.
  • gang β€” a group or band: A gang of boys gathered around the winning pitcher.
  • body β€” Your body is all your physical parts, including your head, arms, and legs.
  • bundle β€” A bundle of things is a number of them that are tied together or wrapped in a cloth or bag so that they can be carried or stored.
  • outfit β€” an assemblage of articles that equip a person for a particular task, role, trade, etc.: an explorer's outfit.
  • band β€” A band is a small group of musicians who play popular music such as jazz, rock, or pop.
  • kit β€” Christopher ("Kit") 1809–68, U.S. frontiersman and scout.
  • class β€” A class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together.
  • compendium β€” A compendium is a short but detailed collection of information, usually in a book.
  • clutch β€” If you clutch at something or clutch something, you hold it tightly, usually because you are afraid or anxious.
  • camp β€” A camp is a collection of huts and other buildings that is provided for a particular group of people, such as refugees, prisoners, or soldiers, as a place to live or stay.
  • sect β€” a body of persons adhering to a particular religious faith; a religious denomination.
  • push β€” to press upon or against (a thing) with force in order to move it away.
  • clump β€” A clump of things such as trees or plants is a small group of them growing together.
  • score β€” the record of points or strokes made by the competitors in a game or match.
  • rank and file β€” the members of a group or organization apart from its leaders or officers.
  • great unwashed β€” the general public; the populace or masses.
  • hoi polloi β€” general public, common people
  • rat pack β€” a close-knit group of people with common interests who participate in various professional and recreational activities together.
  • organisation β€” the act or process of organizing.
  • assortment β€” An assortment is a group of similar things that are of different sizes or colours or have different qualities.
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