
All find fault synonyms

find fault
F f

verb find fault

  • demur β€” If you demur, you say that you do not agree with something or will not do something that you have been asked to do.
  • impute β€” to attribute or ascribe: The children imputed magical powers to the old woman.
  • remonstrate β€” to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval.
  • trim β€” to put into a neat or orderly condition by clipping, paring, pruning, etc.: to trim a hedge.
  • skin β€” the external covering or integument of an animal body, especially when soft and flexible.
  • zap β€” to kill or shoot.
  • slog β€” to hit hard, as in boxing or cricket; slug.
  • lambaste β€” to beat or whip severely.
  • trash β€” anything worthless, useless, or discarded; rubbish.
  • reprobate β€” a depraved, unprincipled, or wicked person: a drunken reprobate.
  • hit β€” to deal a blow or stroke to: Hit the nail with the hammer.
  • slug β€” a hard blow or hit, especially with a fist or baseball bat.
  • bash β€” A bash is a party or celebration, especially a large one held by an official organization or attended by famous people.
  • blister β€” A blister is a painful swelling on the surface of your skin. Blisters contain a clear liquid and are usually caused by heat or by something repeatedly rubbing your skin.
  • fluff β€” light, downy particles, as of cotton.
  • clobber β€” You can refer to someone's possessions, especially their clothes, as their clobber.
  • scorch β€” to affect the color, taste, etc., of by burning slightly: The collar of the shirt was yellow where the iron had scorched it.
  • fustigate β€” to cudgel; beat; punish severely.
  • mutter β€” to utter words indistinctly or in a low tone, often as if talking to oneself; murmur.
  • murmur β€” a low, continuous sound, as of a brook, the wind, or trees, or of low, indistinct voices.
  • pule β€” to cry in a thin voice; whine; whimper.
  • grouch β€” to be sulky or morose; show discontent; complain, especially in an irritable way.
  • alive β€” If people or animals are alive, they are not dead.
  • take it out on β€” to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • work on β€” exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
  • bully β€” A bully is someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten other people.
  • foment β€” to instigate or foster (discord, rebellion, etc.); promote the growth or development of: to foment trouble; to foment discontent.
  • get at β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • incite β€” to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: to incite a crowd to riot.
  • instigate β€” to cause by incitement; foment: to instigate a quarrel.
  • start β€” to begin or set out, as on a journey or activity.
  • get to β€” to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  • cross swords β€” to argue or fight
  • lock horns β€” a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc.
  • take on β€” to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • have it out β€” Usually, haves. an individual or group that has wealth, social position, or other material benefits (contrasted with have-not).
  • mix it up β€” to combine (substances, elements, things, etc.) into one mass, collection, or assemblage, generally with a thorough blending of the constituents.
  • set to β€” a usually brief, sharp fight or argument.
  • bawl out β€” If someone bawls you out, they shout at you angrily because you have done something wrong.
  • chew out β€” If you chew someone out, you tell them off in a very angry way.
  • rip into β€” to cut or tear apart in a rough or vigorous manner: to rip open a seam; to rip up a sheet.
  • tear into β€” to pull apart or in pieces by force, especially so as to leave ragged or irregular edges. Synonyms: rend, rip, rive. Antonyms: mend, repair, sew.
  • tongue-lash β€” to reprimand severely; scold
  • belittle β€” If you belittle someone or something, you say or imply that they are unimportant or not very good.
  • criticize β€” If you criticize someone or something, you express your disapproval of them by saying what you think is wrong with them.
  • disparage β€” to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle: Do not disparage good manners.
  • knock β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • malign β€” to speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame: to malign an honorable man.
  • pan β€” an international distress signal used by shore stations to inform a ship, aircraft, etc., of something vital to its safety or to the safety of one of its passengers.
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