
All destroy synonyms

D d

verb destroy

  • demolish β€” To demolish something such as a building means to destroy it completely.
  • consume β€” If you consume something, you eat or drink it.
  • wipe out β€” an act of wiping: He gave a few quick wipes to the furniture.
  • raze β€” to tear down; demolish; level to the ground: to raze a row of old buildings.
  • maim β€” to deprive of the use of some part of the body by wounding or the like; cripple: The explosion maimed him for life.
  • gut β€” the alimentary canal, especially between the pylorus and the anus, or some portion of it. Compare foregut, midgut, hindgut.
  • kill β€” to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay. Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, butcher; hang, electrocute, behead, guillotine, strangle, garrote; assassinate.
  • sabotage β€” any underhand interference with production, work, etc., in a plant, factory, etc., as by enemy agents during wartime or by employees during a trade dispute.
  • impair β€” to make or cause to become worse; diminish in ability, value, excellence, etc.; weaken or damage: to impair one's health; to impair negotiations.
  • ravage β€” to work havoc upon; damage or mar by ravages: a face ravaged by grief.
  • damage β€” To damage an object means to break it, spoil it physically, or stop it from working properly.
  • shatter β€” to break (something) into pieces, as by a blow.
  • smash β€” to break to pieces with violence and often with a crashing sound, as by striking, letting fall, or dashing against something; shatter: He smashed the vase against the wall.
  • ruin β€” ruins, the remains of a building, city, etc., that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay: We visited the ruins of ancient Greece.
  • dismantle β€” to deprive or strip of apparatus, furniture, equipment, defenses, etc.: to dismantle a ship; to dismantle a fortress.
  • wreck β€” any building, structure, or thing reduced to a state of ruin.
  • crush β€” To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces.
  • liquidate β€” to settle or pay (a debt): to liquidate a claim.
  • despoil β€” To despoil a place means to make it less attractive, valuable, or important by taking things away from it or by destroying it.
  • nullify β€” to render or declare legally void or inoperative: to nullify a contract.
  • quell β€” to suppress; put an end to; extinguish: The troops quelled the rebellion quickly.
  • nuke β€” a nuclear or thermonuclear weapon.
  • overturn β€” to destroy the power of; overthrow; defeat; vanquish.
  • maraud β€” to roam or go around in quest of plunder; make a raid for booty: Freebooters were marauding all across the territory.
  • trash β€” anything worthless, useless, or discarded; rubbish.
  • annihilate β€” To annihilate something means to destroy it completely.
  • level β€” having no part higher than another; having a flat or even surface.
  • ravish β€” to fill with strong emotion, especially joy.
  • annul β€” If an election or a contract is annulled, it is declared invalid, so that legally it is considered never to have existed.
  • torpedo β€” a self-propelled, cigar-shaped missile containing explosives and often equipped with a homing device, launched from a submarine or other warship, for destroying surface vessels or other submarines.
  • axe β€” An axe is a tool used for cutting wood. It consists of a heavy metal blade which is sharp at one edge and attached by its other edge to the end of a long handle.
  • suppress β€” to put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.): to suppress the Communist and certain left-leaning parties.
  • deface β€” If someone defaces something such as a wall or a notice, they spoil it by writing or drawing things on it.
  • desolate β€” A desolate place is empty of people and lacking in comfort.
  • slay β€” to draw (warp ends) through the heddle eyes of the harness or through the dents of the reed in accordance with a given plan for weaving a fabric.
  • mar β€” to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil: That billboard mars the view. The holiday was marred by bad weather.
  • dispatch β€” to send off or away with speed, as a messenger, telegram, body of troops, etc.
  • abort β€” If an unborn baby is aborted, the pregnancy is ended deliberately and the baby is not born alive.
  • total β€” constituting or comprising the whole; entire; whole: the total expenditure.
  • zap β€” to kill or shoot.
  • mutilate β€” to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts: Vandals mutilated the painting.
  • waste β€” to consume, spend, or employ uselessly or without adequate return; use to no avail or profit; squander: to waste money; to waste words.
  • wax β€” a fit of anger; rage.
  • quash β€” to put down or suppress completely; quell; subdue: to quash a rebellion.
  • butcher β€” A butcher is a shopkeeper who cuts up and sells meat. Some butchers also kill animals for meat and make foods such as sausages and meat pies.
  • vaporize β€” to cause to change into vapor.
  • cream β€” Cream is a thick yellowish-white liquid taken from milk. You can use it in cooking or put it on fruit or desserts.
  • overcome β€” to get the better of in a struggle or conflict; conquer; defeat: to overcome the enemy.
  • subdue β€” to conquer and bring into subjection: Rome subdued Gaul.
  • defeat β€” If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle, game, or contest.
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