
All bitting synonyms

B b

verb bitting

  • restrict β€” to confine or keep within limits, as of space, action, choice, intensity, or quantity.
  • hinder β€” to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; hamper; impede: The storm hindered our progress.
  • contain β€” If something such as a box, bag, room, or place contains things, those things are inside it.
  • restrain β€” to hold back from action; keep in check or under control; repress: to restrain one's temper.
  • hamper β€” to hold back; hinder; impede: A steady rain hampered the progress of the work.
  • prohibit β€” to forbid (an action, activity, etc.) by authority or law: Smoking is prohibited here.
  • forbid β€” to command (a person) not to do something, have something, etc., or not to enter some place: to forbid him entry to the house.
  • outlaw β€” a lawless person or habitual criminal, especially one who is a fugitive from the law.
  • stymie β€” Golf. (on a putting green) an instance of a ball's lying on a direct line between the cup and the ball of an opponent about to putt.
  • control β€” Control of an organization, place, or system is the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run.
  • prevent β€” to keep from occurring; avert; hinder: He intervened to prevent bloodshed.
  • halt β€” to falter, as in speech, reasoning, etc.; be hesitant; stumble.
  • stop β€” to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running.
  • reduce β€” to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc.: to reduce one's weight by 10 pounds.
  • arrest β€” If the police arrest you, they take charge of you and take you to a police station, because they believe you may have committed a crime.
  • curb β€” If you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits.
  • pause β€” a temporary stop or rest, especially in speech or action: a short pause after each stroke of the oar.
  • impede β€” to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances; obstruct; hinder.
  • interrupt β€” to cause or make a break in the continuity or uniformity of (a course, process, condition, etc.).
  • bit β€” A bit of something is a small part or section of it.
  • hold β€” to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp: She held the purse in her right hand. He held the child's hand in his.
  • rebuff β€” a blunt or abrupt rejection, as of a person making advances.
  • discourage β€” to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit.
  • inhibit β€” to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check (an action, impulse, etc.).
  • bar β€” A bar is a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic drinks.
  • preclude β€” to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of; make impossible: The insufficiency of the evidence precludes a conviction.
  • choke β€” When you choke or when something chokes you, you cannot breathe properly or get enough air into your lungs.
  • withhold β€” to hold back; restrain or check.
  • limit β€” the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of his experience; the limit of vision.
  • squelch β€” to strike or press with crushing force; crush down; squash.
  • bridle β€” A bridle is a set of straps that is put around a horse's head and mouth so that the person riding or driving the horse can control it.
  • constrain β€” To constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.
  • clog β€” When something clogs a hole or place, it blocks it so that nothing can pass through.
  • fetter β€” a chain or shackle placed on the feet.
  • subdue β€” to conquer and bring into subjection: Rome subdued Gaul.
  • cook β€” When you cook a meal, you prepare food for eating by heating it.
  • abstain β€” If you abstain from something, usually something you want to do, you deliberately do not do it.
  • check β€” Check is also a noun.
  • muzzle β€” the mouth, or end for discharge, of the barrel of a gun, pistol, etc.
  • manacle β€” a shackle for the hand; handcuff.
  • leash β€” a chain, strap, etc., for controlling or leading a dog or other animal; lead.
  • ice β€” the solid form of water, produced by freezing; frozen water.
  • shackle β€” a ring or other fastening, as of iron, for securing the wrist, ankle, etc.; fetter.
  • tie β€” to bind, fasten, or attach with a cord, string, or the like, drawn together and knotted: to tie a tin can on a dog's tail.
  • scrub β€” to rub hard with a brush, cloth, etc., or against a rough surface in washing.
  • refrain β€” to abstain from an impulse to say or do something (often followed by from): I refrained from telling him what I thought.
  • hobble β€” to walk lamely; limp.
  • hog-tie β€” If someone hog-ties an animal or a person, they tie their legs together, or they tie their arms and legs together.
  • deny β€” When you deny something, you state that it is not true.
  • cramp β€” Cramp is a sudden strong pain caused by a muscle suddenly contracting. You sometimes get cramp in a muscle after you have been making a physical effort over a long period of time.
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