
All abc synonyms

A a

noun abc

  • fundamentals β€” serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying: fundamental principles; the fundamental structure.
  • case β€” A particular case is a particular situation or incident, especially one that you are using as an individual example or instance of something.
  • specific β€” having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite: to state one's specific purpose.
  • article β€” An article is a piece of writing that is published in a newspaper or magazine.
  • fact β€” Fully Automated Compiling Technique
  • circumstance β€” The circumstances of a particular situation are the conditions which affect what happens.
  • rundown β€” a quick review or summary of main points of information, usually oral: This brief rundown of past events will bring you up to date.
  • picture β€” a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.: I carry a picture of my grandchild in my wallet.
  • story β€” a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; tale.
  • thing β€” (in Scandinavian countries) a public meeting or assembly, especially a legislative assembly or a court of law.
  • nitty-gritty β€” the essential substance or details of a matter; basics; crux: Let's skip the chitchat and get down to the nitty-gritty.
  • specification β€” the act of specifying.
  • point β€” a fraction whose denominator is some power of 10, usually indicated by a dot (decimal point or point) written before the numerator: as 0.4 = 4/10; 0.126 = 126/1000.
  • feature β€” a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic: Tall buildings were a new feature on the skyline.
  • scoop β€” a ladle or ladlelike utensil, especially a small, deep-sided shovel with a short, horizontal handle, for taking up flour, sugar, etc.
  • item β€” a separate article or particular: 50 items on the list.
  • cue β€” In the theatre or in a musical performance, a performer's cue is something another performer says or does that is a signal for them to begin speaking, playing, or doing something.
  • score β€” the record of points or strokes made by the competitors in a game or match.
  • know β€” to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty: I know the situation fully.
  • gospel β€” the teachings of Jesus and the apostles; the Christian revelation.
  • clue β€” A clue to a problem or mystery is something that helps you to find the answer to it.
  • speciality β€” specialty.
  • abc's β€” The ABC's of a subject or activity are the parts of it that you have to learn first because they are the most important and basic.
  • foundation β€” the basis or groundwork of anything: the moral foundation of both society and religion.
  • principles β€” an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.
  • bottom line β€” The bottom line in a decision or situation is the most important factor that you have to consider.
  • brass tacks β€” basic realities; hard facts (esp in the phrase get down to brass tacks)
  • chapter and verse β€” If you say that someone gives you chapter and verse on a particular subject, you are emphasizing that they tell you every detail about it.
  • nuts and bolts β€” the essential or basic aspects: to learn the nuts and bolts of a new job.
  • facts of life β€” any aspect of human existence that must be acknowledged or regarded as unalterable: Old age is a fact of life.
  • lowdown β€” the real and unadorned facts; the true, secret, or inside information (usually preceded by the): We gave them the lowdown on the new housing project.
  • what's what β€” the true nature or identity of something, or the sum of its characteristics: a lecture on the whats and hows of crop rotation.
  • alphabet β€” An alphabet is a set of letters usually presented in a fixed order which is used for writing the words of a particular language or group of languages.
  • roman alphabet β€” Latin alphabet.
  • basics β€” The basics of something are its simplest, most important elements, ideas, or principles, in contrast to more complicated or detailed ones.
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