
All please antonyms

P p

verb please

  • chivvy β€” If you chivvy someone, you keep telling them to do something that they do not want to do.
  • miff β€” petulant displeasure; ill humor.
  • excite β€” Cause strong feelings of enthusiasm and eagerness in (someone).
  • knock down β€” to strike a sounding blow with the fist, knuckles, or anything hard, especially on a door, window, or the like, as in seeking admittance, calling attention, or giving a signal: to knock on the door before entering.
  • girdling β€” a lightweight undergarment, worn especially by women, often partly or entirely of elastic or boned, for supporting and giving a slimmer appearance to the abdomen, hips, and buttocks.
  • nag β€” to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands.
  • in-convenience β€” the quality or state of being inconvenient.
  • doublecross β€” To betray someone by leading them into trap after having gained their trust and led them to believe that they were actually being aided.
  • blow off β€” If you blow something off, you ignore it or choose not to deal with it.
  • copping β€” the winding of yarn into a cap from a cone, bobbin, etc.
  • dis β€” lady; woman.
  • cut to the quick β€” done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity, as an action, process, etc.; prompt; immediate: a quick response.
  • enrage β€” Make very angry.
  • chivy β€” to harass or nag
  • heave-ho β€” an act of rejection, dismissal, or forcible ejection: The bartender gave the noisy drunk the old heave-ho.
  • overawe β€” to restrain or subdue by inspiring awe; intimidate: He often uses that imperious scowl to overawe his subordinates.
  • wear β€” to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, equipment, ornament, or the like: to wear a coat; to wear a saber; to wear a disguise.
  • joggle β€” to shake slightly; move to and fro, as by repeated jerks; jiggle: She joggled the key in the lock a couple of times before getting the door open.
  • distress β€” great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction; trouble.
  • fight off β€” defend yourself from
  • glooming β€” total or partial darkness; dimness.
  • buffaloed β€” any of several large wild oxen of the family Bovidae. Compare bison, Cape buffalo, water buffalo.
  • go against the grain β€” If you say that an idea or action goes against the grain, you mean that it is very difficult for you to accept it or do it, because it conflicts with your previous ideas, beliefs, or principles.
  • counterclaim β€” a claim set up in opposition to another, esp by the defendant in a civil action against the plaintiff
  • bully β€” A bully is someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten other people.
  • faze β€” to cause to be disturbed or disconcerted; daunt: The worst insults cannot faze him.
  • incommode β€” to inconvenience or discomfort; disturb; trouble.
  • bore β€” If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.
  • disses β€” to show disrespect for; affront.
  • bullyrag β€” to bully, esp by means of cruel practical jokes
  • fit out β€” adapted or suited; appropriate: This water isn't fit for drinking. A long-necked giraffe is fit for browsing treetops.
  • haunt β€” to visit habitually or appear to frequently as a spirit or ghost: to haunt a house; to haunt a person.
  • grate β€” a frame of metal bars for holding fuel when burning, as in a fireplace, furnace, or stove.
  • brood β€” A brood is a group of baby birds that were born at the same time to the same mother.
  • do a number on β€” a numeral or group of numerals.
  • immobilize β€” to make immobile or immovable; fix in place.
  • dulling β€” not sharp; blunt: a dull knife.
  • intercalate β€” to interpolate; interpose.
  • let go β€” to move or proceed, especially to or from something: They're going by bus.
  • enthuse β€” Say something that expresses one's eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  • overawed β€” Impress (someone) so much that they become silent or inhibited.
  • get going β€” an offspring or the total of the offspring, especially of a male animal: the get of a stallion.
  • give rise to β€” to get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture; assume an upright position: She rose and walked over to greet me. With great effort he rose to his knees.
  • knock oneself out β€” to make great efforts; exhaust oneself
  • cow β€” A cow is a large female animal that is kept on farms for its milk. People sometimes refer to male and female animals of this species as cows.
  • blow out β€” If you blow out a flame or a candle, you blow at it so that it stops burning.
  • whaling β€” the work or industry of capturing and rendering whales; whale fishing.
  • go all out β€” make a full effort
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