
All hard as nails antonyms

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adj hard as nails

  • indefinite β€” not definite; without fixed or specified limit; unlimited: an indefinite number.
  • insignificant β€” unimportant, trifling, or petty: Omit the insignificant details.
  • unimportant β€” of much or great significance or consequence: an important event in world history.
  • idle β€” not working or active; unemployed; doing nothing: idle workers.
  • impotent β€” not potent; lacking power or ability.
  • inactive β€” not active: an inactive volcano.
  • lethargic β€” of, relating to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish; apathetic.
  • fragile β€” brittle
  • vulnerable β€” capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon: a vulnerable part of the body.
  • wobbly β€” shaky; unsteady.
  • unable β€” lacking the necessary power, competence, etc., to accomplish some specified act: He was unable to swim.
  • intermittent β€” stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again: an intermittent pain.
  • undependable β€” capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable: a dependable employee.
  • untrustworthy β€” deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable: The treasurer was not entirely trustworthy.
  • feeble β€” physically weak, as from age or sickness; frail.
  • ineffective β€” not effective; not producing results; ineffectual: ineffective efforts; ineffective remedies.
  • infirm β€” feeble or weak in body or health, especially because of age; ailing.
  • lazy β€” averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
  • sluggish β€” indisposed to action or exertion; lacking in energy; lazy; indolent: a sluggish disposition.
  • complacent β€” A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous.
  • irresolute β€” not resolute; doubtful; infirm of purpose; vacillating.
  • laid-back β€” relaxed or unhurried: laid-back music rhythms.
  • uncaring β€” a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern: He was never free from care.
  • indistinct β€” not distinct; not clearly marked or defined: indistinct markings.
  • vague β€” not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises.
  • pale β€” light-colored or lacking in color: a pale complexion; his pale face; a pale child. lacking the usual intensity of color due to fear, illness, stress, etc.: She looked pale and unwell when we visited her in the nursing home.
  • loose β€” free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.
  • slack β€” not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope.
  • weak β€” not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail: a weak fortress; a weak spot in armor.
  • moving β€” capable of or having movement: a moving object.
  • little β€” small in size; not big; not large; tiny: a little desk in the corner of the room.
  • small β€” of limited size; of comparatively restricted dimensions; not big; little: a small box.
  • unfixed β€” to render no longer fixed; unfasten; detach; loosen; free.
  • delicate β€” Something that is delicate is small and beautifully shaped.
  • inept β€” without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment; maladroit: He is inept at mechanical tasks. She is inept at dealing with people.
  • broken β€” Broken is the past participle of break.
  • unhealthy β€” not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition.
  • agreeable β€” If something is agreeable, it is pleasant and you enjoy it.
  • easy-going β€” calm and unworried; relaxed and rather casual: an easygoing person.
  • obscure β€” (of meaning) not clear or plain; ambiguous, vague, or uncertain: an obscure sentence in the contract.
  • moderate β€” kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense: a moderate price.
  • low β€” to utter by or as by lowing.
  • unpowerful β€” having or exerting great power or force.
  • mistakable β€” capable of being or liable to be mistaken or misunderstood.
  • controllable β€” If something is controllable you are able to control or influence it.
  • tender β€” soft or delicate in substance; not hard or tough: a tender steak.
  • bending β€” to force (an object, especially a long or thin one) from a straight form into a curved or angular one, or from a curved or angular form into some different form: to bend an iron rod into a hoop.
  • relaxed β€” being free of or relieved from tension or anxiety: in a relaxed mood.
  • undetermined β€” resolute; staunch: the determined defenders of the Alamo.
  • changeable β€” Someone or something that is changeable is likely to change many times.
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