
11-letter words containing s

  • ambitiously — having ambition; eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, power, wealth, a specific goal, etc.: ambitious students.
  • ambiversion — a condition or character trait that includes elements of both introversion and extroversion
  • amblyoscope — an instrument used to train an amblyopic eye to function properly.
  • ambrosially — In an ambrosial manner.
  • ambulocetus — A large carnivorous amphibian (Ambulocetus natans).
  • ambuscading — Present participle of ambuscade.
  • ameliorates — Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ameliorate.
  • amentaceous — of or like an ament or aments
  • americanism — An Americanism is an expression that is typical of people living in the United States of America.
  • americanist — a person who studies some aspect of America, such as its history or languages
  • ametabolism — a form of growth or life cycle with little or no metamorphosis
  • ametabolous — without metamorphosis
  • amethystine — Like amethyst, especially when referring to colour.
  • amiableness — The state or quality of being amiable.
  • amici prism — a compound prism that spreads out incident white light into a spectrum but produces no deviation of the central color of the dispersed beam.
  • amino acids — any of a class of organic compounds that contains at least one amino group, –NH 2 , and one carboxyl group, –COOH: the alpha-amino acids, RCH(NH 2)COOH, are the building blocks from which proteins are constructed.
  • amino resin — any thermosetting synthetic resin formed by copolymerization of amines or amides with aldehydes. Amino resins are used as adhesives and as coatings for paper and textiles
  • amino-sugar — a monosaccharide with an amino or substituted amino group in place of a nonglycosidic hydroxyl group.
  • ammishaddai — the father of Ahiezer, the Danite. Num. 1:12; 2:25.
  • ammonolysis — solvolysis in liquid ammonia
  • ammophilous — (of organisms) living or growing in sand
  • ammunitions — the material fired, scattered, dropped, or detonated from any weapon, as bombs or rockets, and especially shot, shrapnel, bullets, or shells fired by guns.
  • amniotomies — Plural form of amniotomy.
  • amoebocytes — Plural form of amoebocyte.
  • amorousness — inclined or disposed to love, especially sexual love: an amorous disposition.
  • amorphously — lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless: the amorphous clouds.
  • amperes-law — the law that a magnetic field induced by an electric current is, at any point, directly proportional to the product of the current intensity and the length of the current conductor, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point and the conductor, and perpendicular to the plane joining the point and the conductor.
  • amphibolous — ambiguous or equivocal, especially when due to the uncertain grammatical construction of a word or phrase.
  • amphibrachs — Plural form of amphibrach.
  • amphicelous — concave on both sides, as the bodies of the vertebrae of fishes.
  • amphigenous — (of certain parasitic fungi) growing on both sides of leaves.
  • amphigories — Plural form of amphigory.
  • amphilochus — a seer, the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, and the brother of Alcmaeon.
  • amphimacers — Plural form of amphimacer.
  • amphipodous — (of certain invertebrates, such as sand hoppers) having both swimming and jumping appendages
  • amphisbaena — any worm lizard of the genus Amphisbaena
  • amphistylar — (esp of a classical temple) having a set of columns at both ends or at both sides
  • amphithemis — a son of Apollo and Acacallis.
  • amphoriskos — a miniature amphora.
  • ampullosity — pretentious, turgid, or bombastic use of language
  • amputations — Plural form of amputation.
  • amusingness — the quality or state of being amusing
  • amusiveness — the quality of being amusive
  • amyloidosis — the deposition of amyloid in various tissues of the body, as occurs in certain chronic infections
  • amyloplasts — Plural form of amyloplast.
  • anacamptics — The science of reflected light; catoptrics.
  • anacanthous — having no spines or thorns.
  • anachronism — You say that something is an anachronism when you think that it is out of date or old-fashioned.
  • anachronist — A person who has anachronistic views or habits.
  • anachronous — relating to anachronism; misplaced chronologically
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