
14-letter words containing e

  • intensitometer — a device used to measure x-ray intensity in radiography in order to determine correct exposure time.
  • intensive care — the use of specialized equipment and personnel for continuous monitoring and care of the critically ill.
  • intentionality — done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult.
  • inter-american — of or relating to some or all of the countries of North, Central, and South America.
  • inter-division — the act or process of dividing; state of being divided.
  • inter-epidemic — Also, epidemical. (of a disease) affecting many persons at the same time, and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent.
  • inter-european — of or relating to Europe or its inhabitants.
  • inter-parental — of or relating to a parent.
  • inter-particle — a minute portion, piece, fragment, or amount; a tiny or very small bit: a particle of dust; not a particle of supporting evidence.
  • inter-regional — of or relating to a region of considerable extent; not merely local: a regional meeting of the Boy Scouts.
  • interactionism — a theory that the mind and the body may each affect the other.
  • interactionist — a theory that the mind and the body may each affect the other.
  • interanimation — mutual animation
  • interarticular — of or relating to the joints.
  • interarytenoid — pertaining to either of two small cartilages on top of the cricoid cartilage at the upper, back part of the larynx.
  • interbank rate — The interbank rate is the interest rate that banks charge each other.
  • interbehaviour — interaction between multiple individuals
  • interblock gap — the area or space separating consecutive blocks of data or consecutive physical records on an external storage medium.
  • intercessional — an act or instance of interceding.
  • interchangable — Misspelling of interchangeable.
  • intercommunion — mutual communion, association, or relations.
  • intercommunity — common ownership, use, participation, etc.
  • interconnected — to connect with one another.
  • interconnector — That which interconnects.
  • interconnexion — Dated form of interconnection.
  • interconverted — Simple past tense and past participle of interconvert.
  • intercorporate — of, for, or belonging to a corporation or corporations: a corporate executive; She considers the new federal subsidy just corporate welfare.
  • intercorrelate — to place in or bring into mutual or reciprocal relation; establish in orderly connection: to correlate expenses and income.
  • interdependent — mutually dependent; depending on each other.
  • interdepending — Present participle of interdepend.
  • interdetermine — to settle or decide (a dispute, question, etc.) by an authoritative or conclusive decision.
  • interdialectal — relating to, or existing between, different dialects
  • interdiffusion — mutual diffusion of fluids
  • interdigitated — Simple past tense and past participle of interdigitate.
  • interelectrode — existing between multiple electrodes
  • interest group — a group of people drawn or acting together in support of a common interest or to voice a common concern: Political interest groups seek to influence legislation.
  • interestedness — having an interest in something; concerned: Interested members will meet at noon.
  • interfere with — tamper with
  • interferential — of or relating to interference.
  • interferometer — Optics. a device that separates a beam of light into two ray beams, usually by means of reflection, and that brings the rays together to produce interference, used to measure wavelength, index of refraction, and astronomical distances.
  • interferometry — Optics. a device that separates a beam of light into two ray beams, usually by means of reflection, and that brings the rays together to produce interference, used to measure wavelength, index of refraction, and astronomical distances.
  • interfibrillar — situated between fibrils.
  • interfingering — (of sedimentary rocks) to change laterally from one type to another in a zone where the two types form interpenetrating wedges.
  • interfraternal — of or befitting a brother or brothers; brotherly.
  • intergradation — the act or process of intergrading or the state of being intergraded.
  • interinfluence — to influence reciprocally or mutually
  • interinsurance — reciprocal insurance.
  • interior angle — an angle formed between parallel lines by a third line that intersects them.
  • interiorscaper — One who works in interiorscaping.
  • interjectional — Being or pertaining to an interjection.
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