
14-letter words containing e

  • cambridge lisp — A flavour of Lisp using BCPL. Sources owned by Fitznorman partners.
  • cambridgeshire — a county of E England, in East Anglia: includes the former counties of the Isle of Ely and Huntingdon and lies largely in the Fens: Peterborough became an independent unitary authority in 1998. Administrative centre: Cambridge. Pop (excluding Peterborough): 571 000 (2003 est). Area (excluding Peterborough): 3068 sq km (184 sq miles)
  • camelopardalis — a N constellation between Ursa Major and Cassiopeia; the Giraffe
  • camera obscura — a darkened chamber or small building in which images of outside objects are projected onto a flat surface by a convex lens in an aperture
  • camouflageable — able to be camouflaged
  • camp counselor — activities supervisor
  • camp fire girl — a girl who is a member of Camp Fire, Inc., an organization for girls founded in 1910, and since 1975 also including boys, to promote character-building activities
  • camp pendleton — a U.S. Marine Corps base in SW California on the Gulf of Santa Catalina.
  • campaign chest — money collected and set aside for use in a campaign, especially a political one; a campaign fund.
  • campaign medal — a medal awarded for performance of specified service, usually in time of war or national emergency.
  • campanulaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Campanulaceae, a family of temperate and subtropical plants, including the campanulas, having bell-shaped nodding flowers
  • campeachy wood — wood from the Central American tree Haematoxylon campechianum
  • camphor laurel — an Australian name for the camphor tree, now occurring in the wild in parts of Australia
  • campina grande — a city in NE Brazil, in E Paraíba state. Pop: 366 000 (2005 est)
  • campylobacters — Plural form of campylobacter.
  • can't help but — to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages.
  • can't help sth — If you can't help the way you feel or behave, you cannot control it or stop it happening. You can also say that you can't help yourself.
  • canada hemlock — a hemlock, Tsuga canadensis, of eastern North America, having horizontal branches that often droop to the ground: the state tree of Pennsylvania.
  • canada thistle — a prickly European weed (Cirsium arvense) of the composite family, with heads of purplish flowers and wavy leaves: now common as a fast-spreading, injurious weed throughout the N U.S.
  • canadian river — a river in the southern US, rising in NE New Mexico and flowing east to the Arkansas River in E Oklahoma. Length: 1458 km (906 miles)
  • canary creeper — a climbing plant, Tropaeolum peregrinum, similar to the nasturtium but with smaller yellow flowers and lobed leaves
  • canceled check — a check that has been redeemed by a bank and then usually returned to the issuer.
  • cancer cluster — the occurrence of a higher than expected number of cancer cases in a small, defined geographical area or population.
  • cancer patient — a person who is receiving medical treatment for a malignant growth or tumour
  • cancer-causing — having the ability to induce the growth of a malignant tumour
  • candlesnuffers — Plural form of candlesnuffer.
  • canes venatici — a small faint constellation in the N hemisphere near Ursa Major that contains the globular cluster M3 and the spiral whirlpool galaxy M51
  • canicola fever — an acute febrile disease of humans and dogs, characterized by inflammation of the stomach and intestines and by jaundice: caused by a spirochete, Leptospira canicola.
  • canonical name — (CNAME) A host's official name as opposed to an alias. The official name is the first hostname listed for its Internet address in the hostname database, /etc/hosts or the Network Information Service (NIS) map hosts.byaddr ("hosts" for short). A host with multiple network interfaces may have more than one Internet address, each with its own canonical name (and zero or more aliases). You can find a host's canonical name using nslookup if you say set querytype=CNAME and then type a hostname.
  • canons regular — one of a body of dignitaries or prebendaries attached to a cathedral or a collegiate church; a member of the chapter of a cathedral or a collegiate church.
  • cantankerously — In a cantankerous manner.
  • canton flannel — cotton flannel
  • cap the climax — to be or do more than could be expected or believed
  • cape canaveral — a cape on the E coast of Florida: site of the US Air Force Missile Test Centre, from which the majority of US space missions have been launched
  • cape cod canal — a canal in SE Massachusetts, connecting Buzzards Bay and Cape Cod Bay. 8 miles (13 km) long.
  • cape girardeau — a city in SE Missouri, on the Mississippi River.
  • cape guardafui — a cape at the NE tip of Somalia, extending into the Indian Ocean
  • cape peninsula — (in South Africa) the peninsula and the part of the mainland on which Cape Town and most of its suburbs are located
  • cape trafalgar — a cape on the SW coast of Spain, south of Cádiz: scene of the decisive naval battle (1805) in which the French and Spanish fleets were defeated by the British under Nelson, who was mortally wounded
  • capillary tube — a glass tube with a fine bore and thick walls, used in thermometers, etc
  • capital assets — any assets, tangible or intangible, that are held for long-term investment
  • capital budget — a budget for major capital or investment expenditures
  • capital letter — Capital letters are the same as capital s.
  • capital market — the financial institutions collectively that deal with medium-term and long-term capital and loans
  • capparidaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Capparidaceae (or (Capparaceae), a family of plants, mostly shrubs including the caper, of warm tropical regions
  • capriciousness — subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic: He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.
  • captain cooker — a wild pig
  • captive market — a group of consumers who are obliged through lack of choice to buy a particular product, thus giving the supplier a monopoly
  • caramelisation — (chiefly British) alternative spelling of caramelization.
  • caramelization — the conversion of sugar into caramel, caused by heating
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