
14-letter words containing e

  • overproduction — excessive production; production in excess of need or stipulated amount.
  • overprogrammed — characterized by overprogramming
  • overproportion — to make or measure in excess of the correct, normal, or desired proportion.
  • overprotection — the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm.
  • overprotective — unduly protective.
  • overrefinement — excessive or unnecessary refinement.
  • overregulation — a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority, especially to regulate conduct.
  • oversaturating — to cause (a substance) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance, through solution, chemical combination, or the like.
  • oversaturation — the act or process of saturating.
  • overscrupulous — excessively scrupulous.
  • oversensitized — to render sensitive.
  • overshot wheel — a water wheel in which the water enters the buckets tangentially near the top of the wheel.
  • oversimplified — simplified to the point of distortion or error
  • oversocialized — to make social; make fit for life in companionship with others.
  • oversolicitous — too solicitous: oversolicitous concerning one's health.
  • overspecialize — to specialize to an excessive degree
  • overspill town — a town built or expanded to house excess population from a nearby city
  • overstructured — excessively structured or organized.
  • oversubscribed — If something such as an event or a service is oversubscribed, too many people apply to attend the event or use the service.
  • oversuspicious — too suspicious
  • overwhelmingly — that overwhelms; overpowering: The temptation to despair may become overwhelming.
  • owlet nightjar — any of several birds of the family Aegothelidae, of Australia and Papua New Guinea, related to the nightjars but resembling small owls.
  • owner-occupied — (of a home, apartment, etc.) used as a residence by the owner.
  • owner-occupier — (of a home, apartment, etc.) used as a residence by the owner.
  • owner-operator — a driver, especially of a truck or taxicab, who owns and operates a vehicle used to earn a living.
  • ownership flat — a flat owned by the occupier
  • ox-eye herring — a herring-like sea fish, Megalops cyprinoides, of northern Australian waters, related to the tarpon
  • oxford english — that form of the received pronunciation of English supposed to be typical of Oxford University and regarded by many as affected or pretentious
  • oxidoreductase — any of a class of enzymes that act as a catalyst, some of them conjointly, causing the oxidation and reduction of compounds.
  • oxyhaemoglobin — the bright red product formed when oxygen from the lungs combines with haemoglobin in the blood
  • oyster cracker — a small, round, usually salted cracker, served with oysters, soup, etc.
  • oyster farming — the activity of cultivating oysters for food or pearls
  • ozone sickness — a condition characterized by chest pain, itchy eyes, and drowsiness, caused by exposure to ozone, as experienced in the atmospheres of smog and high-altitude airplanes.
  • ozone-friendly — Ozone-friendly chemicals, products, or technology do not cause harm to the ozone layer.
  • pachydermatous — of, relating to, or characteristic of pachyderms.
  • pacific oyster — Japanese oyster.
  • package policy — an insurance policy which incorporates cover for different types of risk, such as liability and property
  • packed decimal — binary coded decimal
  • packet sniffer — (networking, tool)   A network monitoring tool that captures data packets and decodes them using built-in knowledge of common protocols. Sniffers are used to debug and monitor networking problems.
  • packet writing — (storage)   A technique for writing CD-Rs and CD-RWs that is more efficient in both disk space used and the time it takes to write the CD.
  • paddle steamer — a vessel propelled by paddle wheels and driven by steam.
  • paddle-wheeler — a steamboat propelled by a paddle wheel
  • paddock-basher — a vehicle suited to driving on rough terrain
  • paedomorphosis — the resemblance of adult animals to the young of their ancestors: seen in the evolution of modern man, who shows resemblances to the young stages of australopithecines
  • page mode dram — Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
  • paint stripper — Paint stripper is a liquid which you use in order to remove old paint from things such as doors or pieces of furniture.
  • paint the town — a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art.
  • painted beauty — a butterfly, Vanessa virginiensis, having brownish-black and orange wings, the hind wings each having two eyespots.
  • painted desert — a region in N central Arizona, E of the Colorado River: many-colored rock surfaces.
  • painted tongue — a Chilean plant, Salpiglossis sinuata, of the nightshade family, having large, funnel-shaped flowers in a variety of colors.
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