
14-letter words containing e

  • nickel acetate — a green, crystalline, water-soluble solid, C 4 H 6 NiO 4 , used chiefly in nickel-plating.
  • nickel-plating — the process of depositing a thin layer of nickel on a surface, usually by electrolysis
  • nicotine patch — plaster to quit smoking
  • nielsen rating — an estimate of the total number of viewers for a particular television program, expressed as a percentage of the total number of viewers whose television sets are on at the time and based on a monitoring of the sets of a preselected sample of viewers.
  • nietzscheanism — the philosophy of Nietzsche, emphasizing the will to power as the chief motivating force of both the individual and society.
  • nile crocodile — the common African crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus, sometimes growing to a length of 20 feet (6.1 meter): in some areas it is greatly reduced in number and now rare.
  • nine-to-fivers — of, relating to, or during the workday, especially the hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. when offices are characteristically open for business: the nine-to-five grind.
  • nineteenth man — the first reserve in a team
  • ninety-seventh — next after the ninety-sixth; being the ordinal number for 97.
  • nip in the bud — Botany. a small axillary or terminal protuberance on a plant, containing rudimentary foliage (leaf bud) the rudimentary inflorescence (flower bud) or both (mixed bud) an undeveloped or rudimentary stem or branch of a plant.
  • nitrile rubber — a synthetic rubber obtained by the copolymerization of acrylonitrile and butadiene, noted for its oil resistance.
  • nitrobacterium — Any of the several genera of bacteria in soil that take part in the nitrogen cycle, oxidizing ammonium and organic nitrogen compounds to the more soluble nitrite and nitrate.
  • nitrocellulose — cellulose nitrate.
  • nitrogen cycle — the continuous sequence of events by which atmospheric nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds in the soil are converted, as by nitrification and nitrogen fixation, into substances that can be utilized by green plants, the substances returning to the air and soil as a result of the decay of the plants and denitrification.
  • nitrogen fixer — any of various microorganisms in the soil involved in the process of nitrogen fixation.
  • nitrogen oxide — chemical compound of oxygen and nitrogen
  • nitroglycerine — a colorless, thick, oily, flammable, highly explosive, slightly water-soluble liquid, C 3 H 5 N 3 O 9 , prepared from glycerol with nitric and sulfuric acids: used chiefly as a constituent of dynamite and other explosives, in rocket propellants, and in medicine as a vasodilator in the treatment of angina pectoris.
  • nitroguanidine — (chemistry) A colourless, crystalline solid manufactured from guanine and used in explosives and pesticides.
  • nitrosobenzene — a blue, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C 6 H 5 NO, that is green as a molten solid or in solution.
  • nixon doctrine — the policy declared by President Nixon in 1969 that the U.S. would supply arms but not military forces to its allies in Asia and elsewhere.
  • nizhnevartovsk — a city in W central Russia, an oil and gas center on the Ob River.
  • no easy matter — If something is no easy matter, it is difficult to do it.
  • no fixed abode — If someone has no fixed abode, they are homeless.
  • no matter what — whatever
  • no sooner…than — immediately after or when
  • no time at all — briefest moment
  • no-win, no-fee — in which the legal firm taking the case is only paid if it wins the case and obtains damages for its client
  • nodding donkey — (in the oil industry) a type of reciprocating pump used to extract oil from an inland well
  • nolle prosequi — an entry made upon the records of a court when the plaintiff or prosecutor will proceed no further in a suit or action. Abbreviation: nol. pros.
  • nomenclatorial — Relating to nomenclature.
  • non perishable — not subject to rapid deterioration or decay: A supply of nonperishable food was kept for emergencies.
  • non-acceptance — the act of taking or receiving something offered.
  • non-accessible — easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, or use.
  • non-accidental — happening by chance or accident; not planned; unexpected: an accidental meeting.
  • non-accredited — officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements, as of academic excellence: accredited schools.
  • non-actionable — furnishing ground for a lawsuit.
  • non-adjustable — capable of being adjusted: adjustable seat belts.
  • non-admissible — that may be allowed or conceded; allowable: an admissible plan.
  • non-affiliated — not associated with a particular group, organization, etc
  • non-aggression — abstention from aggression, especially by a nation.
  • non-aggressive — abstention from aggression, especially by a nation.
  • non-alienation — the act of alienating, or of causing someone to become indifferent or hostile: The advocacy group fights against prejudice and social alienation of immigrants.
  • non-appealable — an earnest request for aid, support, sympathy, mercy, etc.; entreaty; petition; plea.
  • non-applicable — applying or capable of being applied; relevant; suitable; appropriate: an applicable rule; a solution that is applicable to the problem.
  • non-articulate — uttered clearly in distinct syllables.
  • non-associated — to connect or bring into relation, as thought, feeling, memory, etc.: Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom.
  • non-assumptive — taken for granted.
  • non-astringent — Medicine/Medical. contracting; constrictive; styptic.
  • non-beneficial — conferring benefit; advantageous; helpful: the beneficial effect of sunshine.
  • non-cancelable — not subject to cancellation: a noncancellable insurance policy.
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