
16-letter words containing y, t, r, i

  • internet society — (body)   (ISOC) A non-profit, professional membership organisation which facilitates and supports the technical evolution of the Internet, stimulates interest in and educates the scientific and academic communities, industry and the public about the technology, uses and applications of the Internet, and promotes the development of new applications for the system. The Society provides a forum for discussion and collaboration in the operation and use of the global Internet infrastructure. The Internet Society publishes a quarterly newsletter, the Internet Society News, and holds an annual conference, INET. The development of Internet technical standards takes place under the auspices of the Internet Society with substantial support from the Corporation for National Research Initiatives under a cooperative agreement with the US Federal Government.
  • interoperability — capable of being used or operated reciprocally: interoperable weapons systems.
  • interpretability — to give or provide the meaning of; explain; explicate; elucidate: to interpret the hidden meaning of a parable.
  • interpretatively — In an interpretative manner.
  • interstratifying — Present participle of interstratify.
  • interventionally — In terms of, or by means of, intervention.
  • intervocalically — (phonology) Between vowels.
  • intracytoplasmic — Located in the cytoplasm of a cell.
  • intramolecularly — In an intramolecular manner; within a molecule.
  • intrinsic parity — parity1 (def 4b).
  • irreplaceability — The quality of being irreplaceable; inability to be replaced; (frequently) uniqueness.
  • irrepressibility — The quality of being irrepressible.
  • irresponsibility — said, done, or characterized by a lack of a sense of responsibility: His refusal to work shows him to be completely irresponsible.
  • irretrievability — The state or quality of being irretrievable.
  • isobutyl nitrite — butyl nitrite.
  • it is early days — Early means near the beginning of something such as a piece of work or a process.
  • it's fair to say — You use fair in expressions such as It would be fair to say in order to introduce a statement which you believe to be true and reasonable.
  • journalistically — of, relating to, or characteristic of journalists or journalism.
  • junior flyweight — a boxer weighing up to 108 pounds (48.6 kg), between minimumweight and flyweight.
  • jurisdictionally — In a jurisdictional way.
  • justices in eyre — the justices travelling on circuit and presiding over such courts
  • karyokinetically — In a karyokinetic manner; by means of karyokinesis.
  • lachryma christi — a table wine produced from grapes grown near Vesuvius, in Italy.
  • latter-day saint — a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • lay intermediary — a layperson who is interposed between a lawyer and client to prevent the existence of a direct relationship between them.
  • legal dictionary — a specialized dictionary covering terms used in the various branches of the legal profession, as civil law, criminal law, and corporate law. A comprehensive legal dictionary adds to its body of standard English entries many words and phrases that have made their way into modern legal practice from law French and Latin and are rarely found in a general English monolingual dictionary. Such a specialized dictionary is useful not only for law students and for attorneys themselves, but for members of the lay public who require legal services. Legal dictionaries published in print follow the normal practice of sorting entry terms alphabetically, while electronic dictionaries, such as the online Dictionary of Law on Dictionary.com, allow direct, immediate access to a search term.
  • library pictures — a caption used to alert viewers that footage being broadcast is from an earlier time and is not happening now
  • lick observatory — the astronomical observatory of the University of California, situated on Mount Hamilton, near San Jose, California, and having a 120-inch (3-meter) reflecting telescope and a 36-inch (91-cm) refracting telescope.
  • limited monarchy — a monarchy that is limited by laws and a constitution.
  • limited-monarchy — a limited train, bus, etc.
  • literacy project — a project, plan or scheme to increase literacy in a country, area, etc
  • literalistically — adherence to the exact letter or the literal sense, as in translation or interpretation: to interpret the law with uncompromising literalism.
  • lithographically — In the manner of lithography.
  • lloyd's register — a publication, issued annually by Lloyd's, consisting of a list of all of the world's seagoing vessels and including such information as their age, tonnage, and classification.
  • lord proprietary — (in Colonial America) an owner, governor, or grantee of a proprietary colony
  • macroclimatology — the study of the climatic conditions of a large area.
  • magnetic pyrites — Mineralogy. pyrrhotite.
  • magnetochemistry — the study of magnetic and chemical phenomena in their relation to one another.
  • majority carrier — the entity responsible for carrying the greater part of the current in a semiconductor. In n-type semiconductors the majority carriers are electrons; in p-type semiconductors they are positively charged holes
  • majority opinion — an opinion in a case that is shared by more than half of the members of a court
  • majority verdict — a decision supported by more than half, but not all, the jury
  • margin of safety — therapeutic index.
  • marginal utility — the extra utility or satisfaction derived by a consumer from the consumption of the last unit of a commodity.
  • maximum-security — designed for or housing prisoners regarded as being very dangerous to society.
  • mechanochemistry — the field of chemistry that deals with the direct conversion of chemical into mechanical energy.
  • medieval history — the branch of history dealing with the Middle Ages
  • medium artillery — guns and howitzers of more than 105mm and less than 155mm caliber, sometimes including the 155mm howitzers. Compare heavy artillery (def 2), light artillery (def 2).
  • megakaryoblastic — (cytology) Of or pertaining to a megakaryoblast.
  • melodramatically — In a melodramatic manner.
  • meristematically — In a meristematic way.
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