
16-letter words containing y, t, r, i

  • the moving party — a person who applies to a court or judge with the aim of obtaining a ruling in their favour
  • the nitty-gritty — the basic facts of a matter, situation, etc; the core
  • the oil industry — the industry that produces and delivers petroleum and petroleum products
  • the roaring days — the period of the Australian goldrushes
  • the sex industry — a commercial sector that employs sex workers in prostitution, pornography, etc.
  • thermal analysis — any analysis of materials in which properties relating to heat, such as freezing and boiling temperatures, the heat of fusion, the heat of vaporization, etc., are measured.
  • thermoplasticity — soft and pliable when heated, as some plastics, without any change of the inherent properties.
  • thick-tailed ray — Ichthyology. any ray of the order Rajiformes, having a relatively thick, fleshy tail, including the guitarfishes and the skates.
  • thionyl chloride — a clear, pale yellow or red, fuming, corrosive liquid, SOCl 2 , used chiefly in organic synthesis.
  • three-point play — a play in which a player sinks the free throw that was awarded when the player was fouled while scoring a basket.
  • thrombocytopenia — an abnormal decrease in the number of blood platelets.
  • time sovereignty — control by an employee of the use of his or her time, involving flexibility of working hours
  • to bite your lip — If you bite your lip or your tongue, you stop yourself from saying something that you want to say, because it would be the wrong thing to say in the circumstances.
  • to dip your toes — If you dip your toes into something or dip your toes into the waters of something, you start doing that thing slowly and carefully, because you are not sure whether it will be successful or whether you will like it.
  • to play for time — If you play for time, you try to make something happen more slowly, because you do not want it to happen or because you need time to think about what to do if it happens.
  • tobacco industry — business of selling smoking products
  • top drive system — A top drive system is a system which includes a motor that turns the drill string, used instead of the kelly.
  • tourist industry — the people, activities, and organizations involved in providing services for people on holiday, for example hotels, restaurants, and tour guides
  • trans-fatty acid — a polyunsaturated fatty acid that has been converted from the cis-form by hydrogenation: used in the manufacture of margarine
  • transcrystalline — situated within or passing through the crystals of a substance.
  • transmethylation — the transfer of a methyl group from one compound to another.
  • transmissibility — capable of being transmitted.
  • tray agriculture — hydroponics.
  • triboelectricity — electricity generated by friction.
  • triiodothyronine — Biochemistry. a thyroid hormone, C 15 H 12 I 3 NO 4 , similar to thyroxine but several times more potent.
  • trimethylglycine — betaine.
  • trinitroglycerin — nitroglycerin.
  • trinity brethren — the members of Trinity House
  • triphenylmethane — a colorless, crystalline, solid compound containing three benzene rings, C 19 H 16 , from which many dyes are derived.
  • tropical cyclone — a cyclone that originates over a tropical ocean area and can develop into the destructive storm known in the U.S. as a hurricane, in the western Pacific region as a typhoon, and elsewhere by other names. Compare extratropical cyclone, hurricane (def 1), willy-willy.
  • trucking company — a company that transports goods by lorry
  • turn a blind eye — pretend not to see sth
  • un-contradictory — asserting the contrary or opposite; contradicting; inconsistent; logically opposite: contradictory statements.
  • unconfirmability — to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report confirms my suspicions.
  • undiscriminatory — characterized by or showing prejudicial treatment, especially as an indication of bias related to age, color, national origin, religion, sex, etc.: discriminatory practices in housing; a discriminatory tax.
  • unenforceability — to put or keep in force; compel obedience to: to enforce a rule; Traffic laws will be strictly enforced.
  • unpredictability — not predictable; not to be foreseen or foretold: an unpredictable occurrence.
  • unproportionally — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • ureterolithotomy — incision of a ureter for removal of a calculus.
  • utility software — system software that manages and optimizes the performance of hardware
  • variable annuity — an annuity in which the premiums are invested chiefly in common stocks or other securities, the annuitant receiving payments based on the yield of the investments instead of in fixed amounts.
  • ventriculography — radiography of the ventricles of the heart after injection of a contrast medium
  • virgin territory — place never visited
  • visibility meter — any instrument for measuring the visual range through the atmosphere, as a transmissometer.
  • water lily tulip — a showy tulip, Tulipa kaufmanniana, of Turkestan, having spreading, white or pale-yellow flowers with yellow centers streaked with red.
  • waterleaf family — the plant family Hydrophyllaceae, characterized by usually hairy herbaceous plants having lobed, divided, or compound leaves, five-parted blue or white flowers, and capsular fruit, and including baby-blue-eyes, phacelia, and waterleaf.
  • weather advisory — advisory (def 5).
  • white water lily — any water lily of the genus Nymphaea, especially N. odorata, having fragrant, white flowers.
  • white-eyed vireo — a vireo, Vireo griseus, of eastern North America, having olive, yellow, and white plumage, a yellow ring around each eye, and white irises.
  • white-haired boy — a favourite; darling
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