
15-letter words containing y, t, r, i

  • rib-eye (steak) — a beefsteak cut from the rib section, with the bone removed
  • right of asylum — the right of alien fugitives to protection or nonextradition in a country or its embassy.
  • right-hand buoy — a distinctive buoy marking the side of a channel regarded as the right, or starboard, side.
  • ringtail monkey — a Central and South American monkey, Cebus capucinus, having a prehensile tail and hair on the head resembling a cowl.
  • ritualistically — adherence to or insistence on ritual.
  • rocky mountains — mountain range in USA and Canada
  • rogation sunday — the fifth Sunday after Easter; it sees the start of the supplications that are continued during the following Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
  • roll in the hay — a document of paper, parchment, or the like, that is or may be rolled up, as for storing; scroll.
  • romantic comedy — a light and humorous movie, play, etc., whose central plot is a happy love story.
  • rotary drilling — Rotary drilling is the use of a continuous circular motion of the drill bit to make a hole.
  • roundaboutility — roundaboutness
  • rubaiyat stanza — a quatrain patterned after those in The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, of iambic pentameter and rhyming aaba.
  • ruby grapefruit — a grapefruit with red flesh
  • run-time system — (programming)   (RTS, run-time support, run-time) Library code and processes which support software written in a particular language running on a particular platform. The RTS typically deals with details of the interface between the program and the operating system such as system calls, program start-up and termination, and memory management.
  • rusty blackbird — a North American blackbird, Euphagus carolinus, the male of which has plumage that is uniformly bluish-black in the spring and rusty-edged in the fall.
  • sabbatical year — Also called sabbatical leave. (in a school, college, university, etc.) a year, usually every seventh, of release from normal teaching duties granted to a professor, as for study or travel.
  • salisbury steak — ground beef, sometimes mixed with other foods, shaped like a hamburger patty and broiled or fried, often garnished or served with a sauce.
  • sanitary cordon — cordon sanitaire.
  • sanitary napkin — a pad of absorbent material, as cotton, worn by women during menstruation to absorb the uterine flow.
  • saprophytically — any organism that lives on dead organic matter, as certain fungi and bacteria.
  • scarlet lychnis — a plant, Lychnis chalcedonica, of the pink family, having scarlet or sometimes white flowers, the arrangement and shape of the petals resembling a Maltese cross.
  • security camera — closed-circuit TV camera
  • security forces — police or soldiers responsible for maintaining security
  • security police — a police force responsible for maintaining order at a specific locale or under specific circumstances, as at an airport or factory.
  • security thread — a colored thread running through the paper of a piece of paper money, used to deter counterfeiting.
  • security threat — a threat to the security of a country
  • self-rectifying — to make, put, or set right; remedy; correct: He sent them a check to rectify his account.
  • semantic memory — the recollection of facts and concepts
  • semicrystalline — partly or imperfectly crystalline.
  • semidocumentary — a film or television programme that is fictional but includes many factual events or details
  • septentrionally — northwards; in the direction of the north
  • serendipitously — come upon or found by accident; fortuitous: serendipitous scientific discoveries.
  • service history — information concerning all of a car's services (ie overhauls, checks, or repairs)
  • sesquicentenary — a hundred and fiftieth anniversary
  • seven-year itch — scabies.
  • silent majority — the U.S. citizens who supported President Nixon's policies but who were not politically vocal, outspoken, or active: considered by him to constitute a majority.
  • silviculturally — with reference to silviculture
  • simple majority — less than half of the total votes cast but more than the minimum required to win, as when there are more than two candidates or choices.
  • sinorespiratory — of, relating to, or affecting the paranasal sinuses and the respiratory tract.
  • sister of mercy — a member of a congregation of sisters founded in Dublin in 1827 by Catherine McAuley (1787–1841) and engaged chiefly in works of spiritual and corporal mercy.
  • skylight filter — a very slightly pink filter that absorbs ultraviolet light and reduces haze and excessive blueness
  • slumpflationary — of or relating to slumpflation
  • social security — (usually initial capital letters) a program of old-age, unemployment, health, disability, and survivors insurance maintained by the U.S. federal government through compulsory payments by specific employer and employee groups.
  • socialist party — a U.S. political party advocating socialism, formed about 1900 chiefly by former members of the Social Democratic Party and the Socialist Labor Party.
  • sociocentricity — socially oriented.
  • socioculturally — from a sociocultural point of view
  • somatic therapy — any of a group of treatments presumed to act on biological factors leading to mental illness.
  • sons of liberty — any of several patriotic societies, originally secret, that opposed the Stamp Act and thereafter supported moves for American independence.
  • soul-destroying — Activities or situations that are soul-destroying make you depressed, because they are boring or because there is no hope of improvement.
  • south yorkshire — a metropolitan county in N England. 603 sq. mi. (1561 sq. km).
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