
14-letter words containing y, t, r, i

  • priority queue — (programming)   A data structure with three operations: insert a new item, return the highest priority item, and remove the highest priority item. The obvious way to represent priority queues is by maintaining a sorted list but this can make the insert operation very slow. Greater efficiency can be achieved by using heaps.
  • private equity — equity in a business that is raised from private sources, as opposed to shares that can be traded publicly
  • private treaty — a property sale based on terms resulting from a conference between buyer and seller.
  • processability — capable of being processed.
  • productibility — the ability to produce
  • prognostically — of or relating to prognosis.
  • property right — a legal right to or in a particular property.
  • propitiatingly — to make favorably inclined; appease; conciliate.
  • proportionally — having due proportion; corresponding.
  • prosthetically — a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes for or supplements a missing or defective part of the body.
  • protectability — to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc.; cover or shield from injury or danger.
  • protoporphyrin — a type of porphyrin that, when combined with an iron atom, forms haem, the oxygen-bearing prosthetic group of the red blood pigment haemoglobin
  • prototypically — in a prototypical manner
  • providentially — of, relating to, or resulting from divine providence: providential care.
  • provisionality — providing or serving for the time being only; existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary: a provisional government.
  • proximity fuse — an electronically triggered device designed to detonate an explosive charge in a missile, etc, at a predetermined distance from the target
  • proximity fuze — a design for detonating a charge, as in a projectile, within a predesignated radius of a target.
  • proxy conflict — a conflict between third parties, through whom enemies attack each other
  • psycho-history — history or the writing of history employing the techniques of psychoanalysis to explore motivations, explain actions, etc.
  • pterylographic — relating to pterylography
  • pumice country — volcanic farmland in the North Island
  • putrescibility — liable to become putrid.
  • pyelonephritic — of or relating to an inflammation of the pelvis and renal parenchyma
  • pyelonephritis — inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis, caused by a bacterial infection.
  • pyjama cricket — one-day cricket, in which the players wear colourful clothing rather than the traditional whites used in longer forms of the game
  • pyramid letter — chain letter.
  • pyramidologist — a person who believes in pyramidology
  • pyriphlegethon — Phlegethon (def 1).
  • pyrotechnician — a specialist in the origin of fires, their nature and control, etc.
  • pythagoreanism — the doctrines of Pythagoras and his followers, especially the belief that the universe is the manifestation of various combinations of mathematical ratios.
  • quality circle — a group of workers performing similar duties who meet periodically to discuss work-related problems, offer suggestions for improved production or product quality, etc.
  • quality factor — a property of ionizing radiations that affects their ability to cause biological effects. For weakly ionizing radiations such as gamma rays it has value 1 whilst for alpha rays it is about 20
  • quality-assure — to ensure the quality of: Measures are in place to quality-assure our data.
  • quasi-military — of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy: from civilian to military life.
  • queuing theory — a theory that deals with providing a service on a waiting line, or queue, especially when the demand for it is irregular and describable by probability distributions, as processing phone calls arriving at a telephone exchange or collecting highway tolls from drivers at tollbooths.
  • racing cyclist — a cyclist who takes part in bicycle races
  • radiant energy — energy transmitted in wave motion, especially electromagnetic wave motion.
  • radiochemistry — the chemical study of radioactive elements, both natural and artificial, and their use in the study of chemical processes.
  • radiotelemetry — the use of radio waves for transmitting information from a distant instrument to a device that indicates or records the measurements
  • radiotelephony — the constructing or operating of radiotelephones.
  • radium therapy — treatment of disease by means of radium.
  • railway porter — a person employed to carry luggage, parcels, supplies, etc at a railway station
  • rallying point — A rallying point is a place, event, or person that people are attracted to as a symbol of a political group or ideal.
  • rambunctiously — difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous: a rambunctious child.
  • re-eligibility — the quality or state of being re-eligible
  • re-entry point — the designated place of return of a spacecraft into the earth's atmosphere
  • reconciliatory — tending to reconcile.
  • recoverability — able to recover or be recovered: a patient now believed to be recoverable; recoverable losses on his investments.
  • recreationally — of or relating to recreation: recreational facilities in the park.
  • rectifiability — the quality or state of being rectifiable
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