
13-letter words containing y, t, r, i

  • confectionary — a place where confections are kept or made
  • confectionery — Confectionery is sweets and chocolates.
  • confraternity — a group of men united for some particular purpose, esp Christian laymen organized for religious or charitable service; brotherhood
  • coniferophyte — (biology) conifer.
  • connaturality — the quality of being connatural
  • considerately — showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc.: a very considerate critic.
  • consimilarity — the condition of being mutually alike
  • constrainedly — forced, compelled, or obliged: a constrained confession.
  • contractility — capable of contracting or causing contraction.
  • contradictory — If two or more facts, ideas, or statements are contradictory, they state or imply that opposite things are true.
  • contragravity — (scifi) antigravity.
  • contrastingly — to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.
  • contrastively — tending to contrast; contrasting. contrastive colors.
  • conventionary — (of a form of tenure) fixed by convention as opposed to custom
  • cooperatively — working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.
  • cooperativity — an interaction between structural units within a molecule or between molecules in an assemblage that enables the system to respond more sharply to an external change than would isolated units
  • copyrightable — the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 70 years after his or her death.
  • cornish pasty — A Cornish pasty is a small pie with meat and vegetables inside.
  • correlatively — so related that each implies or complements the other.
  • corrigibility — The quality or state of being corrigible.
  • corrosibility — corrodibility
  • costimulatory — Of or pertaining to co-stimulation.
  • cotemporality — The state or characteristic of existing or occurring during the same period of time.
  • coterminously — having the same border or covering the same area.
  • counterfeitly — in a counterfeit manner
  • counterspying — the activities of a counterspy
  • country music — a type of 20th-century popular music based on White folk music of the southeastern US
  • county prison — the prison of a particular county
  • credit agency — an agency that checks whether people are able to pay for goods and services they wish to buy on credit, and provides them with a credit rating
  • creditability — bringing or deserving credit, honor, reputation, or esteem.
  • cryobiologist — A biologist who specializes in cryobiology.
  • cryotherapies — Plural form of cryotherapy.
  • cryptanalysis — the study of codes and ciphers; cryptography
  • cryptanalytic — Of or pertaining to cryptanalysis or cryptanalytics.
  • cryptesthesia — allegedly paranormal perception, as clairvoyance or clairaudience.
  • cryptoclastic — (of minerals and rocks) composed of microscopic fragments
  • cryptoclimate — the climate of a small area, as of confined spaces such as caves or houses (cryptoclimate) of plant communities, wooded areas, etc. (phytoclimate) or of urban communities, which may be different from that in the general region.
  • cryptographic — Relating to cryptography.
  • cryptological — cryptography.
  • cryptoxanthin — a carotenoid pigment, C40H56O, in butter, eggs, and various plants, that can be converted into vitamin A in the body
  • crystal habit — the external shape of a crystal
  • crystallinity — of or like crystal; clear; transparent.
  • crystallizing — Present participle of crystallize.
  • crystalloidal — Relating to a crystalloid.
  • currency unit — a unit of money, such as the pound, dollar, or euro, that is used in a particular currency
  • current yield — the yield of a bond or similar asset, expressed as a ratio of the annual interest payment to the clean price
  • cyanobacteria — a group of photosynthetic bacteria (phylum Cyanobacteria) containing a blue photosynthetic pigment
  • cyberactivism — Activism facilitated by the Internet.
  • cybernetician — an expert in cybernetics
  • cyberneticist — Someone who studies cybernetics.
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