
12-letter words containing y, t, r, i

  • cybercasting — the broadcasting of news, entertainment, etc., using the Internet, specifically the World Wide Web.
  • cybernetical — of or relating to cybernetics
  • cyberreality — A reality created in cyberspace.
  • cyberspastic — (humour)   A person suffering from information overload while browsing the Internet or web. Compare webhead.
  • cycling tour — a holiday involving a tour of an area or region by bicycle
  • cyclodextrin — any of a group of cyclic oligosaccharides found in starch digests of certain bacteria
  • cylindricity — the state or quality of being cylindrical
  • cymotrichous — having wavy hair
  • cyprinodonts — Plural form of cyprinodont.
  • cysticercoid — the larva of any of certain tapeworms, which resembles a cysticercus but has a smaller bladder
  • dairy cattle — cows raised mainly for their milk
  • daisy cutter — a powerful shot that moves close to the ground
  • daisy-cutter — Sports Slang. a batted or served ball that skims along near the ground.
  • daredeviltry — reckless daring; venturesome boldness.
  • day in court — an opportunity to present one's side of a matter, as in a court of law
  • day-tripping — to travel as a day-tripper.
  • decoratively — In a decorative manner.
  • deflationary — A deflationary economic policy or measure is one that is intended to or likely to cause deflation.
  • deliberately — carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
  • denitrifying — to remove nitrogen or nitrogen compounds from.
  • densitometry — Photography. an instrument for measuring the density of negatives.
  • denunciatory — characterized by or given to denunciation.
  • depreciatory — tending to depreciate.
  • derivability — The condition of being derivable.
  • derivatively — derived.
  • derived type — (programming)   A type constructed from primitive types or other derived types using a type constructor function. This term is usually applied to procedural languages such as C or Ada. C's derived types are the array, function, pointer, structure, and union. Compare derived class.
  • derogatively — lessening; belittling; derogatory.
  • derogatorily — tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing; disparaging; depreciatory: a derogatory remark.
  • desirability — worth having or wanting; pleasing, excellent, or fine: a desirable apartment.
  • determinably — In a determinable way.
  • determinedly — resolute; staunch: the determined defenders of the Alamo.
  • devitrifying — Present participle of devitrify.
  • diathermancy — the property of transmitting infrared radiation
  • dictyopteran — any insect of the order Dictyoptera, which comprises the cockroaches and mantises
  • diet pyramid — food pyramid (def 2).
  • dinner party — social gathering over evening meal
  • dirty blonde — woman's hair colour: dark blonde
  • dirty tricks — underhand activities and machinations in political or governmental affairs, usually intended to discredit an opponent
  • dirty-minded — tending to have vulgar, obscene, or lewd thoughts, interpretations, etc.
  • disastrously — causing great distress or injury; ruinous; very unfortunate; calamitous: The rain and cold proved disastrous to his health.
  • discongruity — incongruity.
  • discordantly — disagreeable to the ear; dissonant; harsh.
  • discretively — in a discretive manner
  • disgruntedly — In a disgruntled manner.
  • dispensatory — a book in which the composition, preparation, and uses of medicinal substances are described; a nonofficial pharmacopoeia.
  • dispiritedly — discouraged; dejected; disheartened; gloomy.
  • disquisitory — of or relating to disquisition
  • disreputably — In a disreputable manner.
  • disruptively — In a disruptive manner.
  • dissymmetric — Asymmetric.
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