
11-letter words containing y, t, r, i

  • operatively — a person engaged, employed, or skilled in some branch of work, especially productive or industrial work; worker.
  • operativity — a person engaged, employed, or skilled in some branch of work, especially productive or industrial work; worker.
  • oppertunity — Misspelling of opportunity.
  • opportunity — an appropriate or favorable time or occasion: Their meeting afforded an opportunity to exchange views.
  • oppurtunity — Misspelling of opportunity.
  • or anything — You can add or anything to the end of a clause or sentence in order to refer vaguely to other things that are or may be similar to what has just been mentioned.
  • oracularity — Oracular speech or behaviour.
  • oral cavity — inside of the mouth
  • orchidotomy — incision of a testis.
  • orchiectomy — excision of one or both testes; castration.
  • oregon city — a town in NW Oregon, on the Willamette River.
  • orientality — the state of being oriental
  • originality — the quality or state of being original.
  • ornithology — the branch of zoology that deals with birds.
  • orthophyric — of or relating to a texture in which the groundmass is characterized by closely packed, short, quadrilateral crystals of feldspar larger than those in a trachytic groundmass.
  • orthostichy — a vertical rank or row.
  • oscillatory — characterized by or involving oscillation.
  • ovariectomy — the operation of removing one or both ovaries; oophorectomy.
  • overanxiety — Excessive anxiety.
  • overcertify — to certify (a bank check) for an amount greater than the balance in the drawer's account.
  • overhastily — in such a way as to be excessively hasty or done without enough consideration
  • oyster pink — a delicate pinkish-white colour, sometimes with a greyish tinge
  • paint spray — paint bought in a special can which you spray on a surface by pressing a button on the top of the can
  • panty liner — a pad worn inside a woman's underwear for feminine hygiene purposes such as absorbing light menstrual flow, daily vaginal discharge, etc
  • parathyroid — situated near the thyroid gland.
  • paratyphoid — Also called paratyphoid fever. an infectious disease, similar in some of its symptoms to typhoid fever but usually milder, caused by any of several bacilli of the genus Salmonella other than S. typhi.
  • parfocality — the quality of being parfocal
  • partial key — (database)   A key which identifies a subset of a set of information items (e.g. database "records"), and which could narrow the subset to one item if other partial key(s) were combined with it.
  • partibility — the quality of being partible
  • party liner — a person who follows a party line, especially the Communist Party line.
  • party music — music for or at a party
  • party piece — Someone's party piece is something that they often do to entertain people, especially at parties, for example singing a particular song or saying a particular poem.
  • party-giver — a person who gives a party
  • parvanimity — the state or characteristic of being small-minded
  • patricianly — a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat.
  • peculiarity — a trait, manner, characteristic, or habit that is odd or unusual.
  • pentahydric — (especially of alcohols and phenols) pentahydroxy.
  • pepperminty — having the flavour, scent, or colour of peppermint
  • perceptibly — capable of being perceived; recognizable; appreciable: a perceptible change in his behavior.
  • peregrinity — foreignness; strangeness; the quality of being peregrine
  • perinatally — during the perinatal period; before birth
  • periodicity — the character of being periodic; the tendency to recur at regular intervals.
  • peristylium — a peristyle.
  • permittedly — to allow to do something: Permit me to explain.
  • persistency — the act or fact of persisting.
  • persnickety — overparticular; fussy.
  • personality — the visible aspect of one's character as it impresses others: He has a pleasing personality.
  • perspicuity — clearness or lucidity, as of a statement.
  • pertinacity — the quality of being pertinacious; persistence.
  • petitionary — of the nature of or expressing a petition.
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